Why are doctors so resistant to test for CF?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i>

One thought for people who can't get their doctors to order tests... When we were having some issues years ago with our doctor, our attorney told us to ask the doctor to put that in writing "Patient/Parent requested such and such a test and we declined because..." Majority of the time they're going to to do test 'cuz they don't want to have it come back and bite them in the butt. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

that is REALLY smart... good tip!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ratatosk</b></i>

One thought for people who can't get their doctors to order tests... When we were having some issues years ago with our doctor, our attorney told us to ask the doctor to put that in writing "Patient/Parent requested such and such a test and we declined because..." Majority of the time they're going to to do test 'cuz they don't want to have it come back and bite them in the butt. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

that is REALLY smart... good tip!


New member
Hi Renee,

That is absolute MADNESS! Reading your post makes me so upset. My baby boy had to endure nearly the same treatment (or mistreatment i should say) while all along I was more and more concerned that he could have CF. I kept telling the Dr's that I was a carrier and he had so many CF (GI) symptoms much like your nephew. They completely dismissed my concerns and did not take me serious. I even started questioning myself and perhaps I was overreacting?

In retrospect, I'd do things a bit different. I would explain to the medical professionals that if my son has to endure these problems (AND PAIN) because they refused to "error on the side of caution", and it turns out that he DOES have CF then I will be ONE UNHAPPY PARENT!!! I would go on to mention that it could be considered malpractice on their part. I guess my point is, I would have been much MUCH more pushy (the squeaky wheel) etc. I was too trusting and lacked the confidence I needed to steam roll them in order to get the ball rolling.

I'm a big bad mamma now and i've learned how to be squeaky (in the nicest way possible of course) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Renee,

That is absolute MADNESS! Reading your post makes me so upset. My baby boy had to endure nearly the same treatment (or mistreatment i should say) while all along I was more and more concerned that he could have CF. I kept telling the Dr's that I was a carrier and he had so many CF (GI) symptoms much like your nephew. They completely dismissed my concerns and did not take me serious. I even started questioning myself and perhaps I was overreacting?

In retrospect, I'd do things a bit different. I would explain to the medical professionals that if my son has to endure these problems (AND PAIN) because they refused to "error on the side of caution", and it turns out that he DOES have CF then I will be ONE UNHAPPY PARENT!!! I would go on to mention that it could be considered malpractice on their part. I guess my point is, I would have been much MUCH more pushy (the squeaky wheel) etc. I was too trusting and lacked the confidence I needed to steam roll them in order to get the ball rolling.

I'm a big bad mamma now and i've learned how to be squeaky (in the nicest way possible of course) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Renee,

That is absolute MADNESS! Reading your post makes me so upset. My baby boy had to endure nearly the same treatment (or mistreatment i should say) while all along I was more and more concerned that he could have CF. I kept telling the Dr's that I was a carrier and he had so many CF (GI) symptoms much like your nephew. They completely dismissed my concerns and did not take me serious. I even started questioning myself and perhaps I was overreacting?

In retrospect, I'd do things a bit different. I would explain to the medical professionals that if my son has to endure these problems (AND PAIN) because they refused to "error on the side of caution", and it turns out that he DOES have CF then I will be ONE UNHAPPY PARENT!!! I would go on to mention that it could be considered malpractice on their part. I guess my point is, I would have been much MUCH more pushy (the squeaky wheel) etc. I was too trusting and lacked the confidence I needed to steam roll them in order to get the ball rolling.

I'm a big bad mamma now and i've learned how to be squeaky (in the nicest way possible of course) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">