Why are some people so ignorant ????


New member
The comments from strangers don't bug me, really. It's the stupid things that people who should know better say that sting. My biggest pet peeve is when I'm in the hospital and the nurse weighs me and says "wow, I wish I was your size!" Sometimes I just let it go right by me, but on days when I'm really feeling down and frustrated I let the nurse have it. I tell her why those enzymes she never brings me on time are so important and why I'm so tiny. It feels like an even bigger slap in the face if the nurse is overweight. Grrrrr...


New member
The comments from strangers don't bug me, really. It's the stupid things that people who should know better say that sting. My biggest pet peeve is when I'm in the hospital and the nurse weighs me and says "wow, I wish I was your size!" Sometimes I just let it go right by me, but on days when I'm really feeling down and frustrated I let the nurse have it. I tell her why those enzymes she never brings me on time are so important and why I'm so tiny. It feels like an even bigger slap in the face if the nurse is overweight. Grrrrr...


New member
The comments from strangers don't bug me, really. It's the stupid things that people who should know better say that sting. My biggest pet peeve is when I'm in the hospital and the nurse weighs me and says "wow, I wish I was your size!" Sometimes I just let it go right by me, but on days when I'm really feeling down and frustrated I let the nurse have it. I tell her why those enzymes she never brings me on time are so important and why I'm so tiny. It feels like an even bigger slap in the face if the nurse is overweight. Grrrrr...


New member
The comments from strangers don't bug me, really. It's the stupid things that people who should know better say that sting. My biggest pet peeve is when I'm in the hospital and the nurse weighs me and says "wow, I wish I was your size!" Sometimes I just let it go right by me, but on days when I'm really feeling down and frustrated I let the nurse have it. I tell her why those enzymes she never brings me on time are so important and why I'm so tiny. It feels like an even bigger slap in the face if the nurse is overweight. Grrrrr...


New member
The comments from strangers don't bug me, really. It's the stupid things that people who should know better say that sting. My biggest pet peeve is when I'm in the hospital and the nurse weighs me and says "wow, I wish I was your size!" Sometimes I just let it go right by me, but on days when I'm really feeling down and frustrated I let the nurse have it. I tell her why those enzymes she never brings me on time are so important and why I'm so tiny. It feels like an even bigger slap in the face if the nurse is overweight. Grrrrr...


New member
The comments from strangers don't bug me, really. It's the stupid things that people who should know better say that sting. My biggest pet peeve is when I'm in the hospital and the nurse weighs me and says "wow, I wish I was your size!" Sometimes I just let it go right by me, but on days when I'm really feeling down and frustrated I let the nurse have it. I tell her why those enzymes she never brings me on time are so important and why I'm so tiny. It feels like an even bigger slap in the face if the nurse is overweight. Grrrrr...


New member
We have gotten many strange comments about alot of the things other people have already said. I look at it exactly like Amy said, Scott and I feel that if we are out in public, and miss an opportunity to talk about cf to someone, we feel like we failed. We do a lot with the CFF, money=research=new meds, we talk about it to anyone that will listen! Awareness is a huge thing!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Have a great day!


New member
We have gotten many strange comments about alot of the things other people have already said. I look at it exactly like Amy said, Scott and I feel that if we are out in public, and miss an opportunity to talk about cf to someone, we feel like we failed. We do a lot with the CFF, money=research=new meds, we talk about it to anyone that will listen! Awareness is a huge thing!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Have a great day!


New member
We have gotten many strange comments about alot of the things other people have already said. I look at it exactly like Amy said, Scott and I feel that if we are out in public, and miss an opportunity to talk about cf to someone, we feel like we failed. We do a lot with the CFF, money=research=new meds, we talk about it to anyone that will listen! Awareness is a huge thing!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Have a great day!


New member
We have gotten many strange comments about alot of the things other people have already said. I look at it exactly like Amy said, Scott and I feel that if we are out in public, and miss an opportunity to talk about cf to someone, we feel like we failed. We do a lot with the CFF, money=research=new meds, we talk about it to anyone that will listen! Awareness is a huge thing!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Have a great day!


New member
We have gotten many strange comments about alot of the things other people have already said. I look at it exactly like Amy said, Scott and I feel that if we are out in public, and miss an opportunity to talk about cf to someone, we feel like we failed. We do a lot with the CFF, money=research=new meds, we talk about it to anyone that will listen! Awareness is a huge thing!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Have a great day!


New member
We have gotten many strange comments about alot of the things other people have already said. I look at it exactly like Amy said, Scott and I feel that if we are out in public, and miss an opportunity to talk about cf to someone, we feel like we failed. We do a lot with the CFF, money=research=new meds, we talk about it to anyone that will listen! Awareness is a huge thing!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Have a great day!


New member
We were at the hospital, my son was in for an extended time, he was feeling rather good one day so we decided to go explore and see the toy train set up on another floor. He was only 3 at the time, so he was saying hi to everyone on the elevator, waving to the camera , and just having a great day. A lady looked at me and made some rude comment about his behavior then stated he looked too good to be in the hospital, he couldn't really be sick. I thanked her and stated I was glad he looked so good, I don't want him to look "sick". The same hospital stay, we were in the playroom. The kids with CF must wear a mask or they can't go in the playroom. My son was wearing his like a good boy. A little girl kept playing with him, eveytime she got near him her grandmother would pull her away and move her to another area. This happened about 4 times, I finally asked her why her granddaughter couldn't play with my son. She told me she didn't want her catching anything from him!!!! I told her the mask is for his protection so she doesn't get him sick or he catch something from the other CF patients. I try and take every opportunity to educate people about CF.
Donna Mom to Mikey 6 w/ CF Hannah 9 no CF


New member
We were at the hospital, my son was in for an extended time, he was feeling rather good one day so we decided to go explore and see the toy train set up on another floor. He was only 3 at the time, so he was saying hi to everyone on the elevator, waving to the camera , and just having a great day. A lady looked at me and made some rude comment about his behavior then stated he looked too good to be in the hospital, he couldn't really be sick. I thanked her and stated I was glad he looked so good, I don't want him to look "sick". The same hospital stay, we were in the playroom. The kids with CF must wear a mask or they can't go in the playroom. My son was wearing his like a good boy. A little girl kept playing with him, eveytime she got near him her grandmother would pull her away and move her to another area. This happened about 4 times, I finally asked her why her granddaughter couldn't play with my son. She told me she didn't want her catching anything from him!!!! I told her the mask is for his protection so she doesn't get him sick or he catch something from the other CF patients. I try and take every opportunity to educate people about CF.
Donna Mom to Mikey 6 w/ CF Hannah 9 no CF


New member
We were at the hospital, my son was in for an extended time, he was feeling rather good one day so we decided to go explore and see the toy train set up on another floor. He was only 3 at the time, so he was saying hi to everyone on the elevator, waving to the camera , and just having a great day. A lady looked at me and made some rude comment about his behavior then stated he looked too good to be in the hospital, he couldn't really be sick. I thanked her and stated I was glad he looked so good, I don't want him to look "sick". The same hospital stay, we were in the playroom. The kids with CF must wear a mask or they can't go in the playroom. My son was wearing his like a good boy. A little girl kept playing with him, eveytime she got near him her grandmother would pull her away and move her to another area. This happened about 4 times, I finally asked her why her granddaughter couldn't play with my son. She told me she didn't want her catching anything from him!!!! I told her the mask is for his protection so she doesn't get him sick or he catch something from the other CF patients. I try and take every opportunity to educate people about CF.
Donna Mom to Mikey 6 w/ CF Hannah 9 no CF


New member
We were at the hospital, my son was in for an extended time, he was feeling rather good one day so we decided to go explore and see the toy train set up on another floor. He was only 3 at the time, so he was saying hi to everyone on the elevator, waving to the camera , and just having a great day. A lady looked at me and made some rude comment about his behavior then stated he looked too good to be in the hospital, he couldn't really be sick. I thanked her and stated I was glad he looked so good, I don't want him to look "sick". The same hospital stay, we were in the playroom. The kids with CF must wear a mask or they can't go in the playroom. My son was wearing his like a good boy. A little girl kept playing with him, eveytime she got near him her grandmother would pull her away and move her to another area. This happened about 4 times, I finally asked her why her granddaughter couldn't play with my son. She told me she didn't want her catching anything from him!!!! I told her the mask is for his protection so she doesn't get him sick or he catch something from the other CF patients. I try and take every opportunity to educate people about CF.
Donna Mom to Mikey 6 w/ CF Hannah 9 no CF


New member
We were at the hospital, my son was in for an extended time, he was feeling rather good one day so we decided to go explore and see the toy train set up on another floor. He was only 3 at the time, so he was saying hi to everyone on the elevator, waving to the camera , and just having a great day. A lady looked at me and made some rude comment about his behavior then stated he looked too good to be in the hospital, he couldn't really be sick. I thanked her and stated I was glad he looked so good, I don't want him to look "sick". The same hospital stay, we were in the playroom. The kids with CF must wear a mask or they can't go in the playroom. My son was wearing his like a good boy. A little girl kept playing with him, eveytime she got near him her grandmother would pull her away and move her to another area. This happened about 4 times, I finally asked her why her granddaughter couldn't play with my son. She told me she didn't want her catching anything from him!!!! I told her the mask is for his protection so she doesn't get him sick or he catch something from the other CF patients. I try and take every opportunity to educate people about CF.
Donna Mom to Mikey 6 w/ CF Hannah 9 no CF


New member
We were at the hospital, my son was in for an extended time, he was feeling rather good one day so we decided to go explore and see the toy train set up on another floor. He was only 3 at the time, so he was saying hi to everyone on the elevator, waving to the camera , and just having a great day. A lady looked at me and made some rude comment about his behavior then stated he looked too good to be in the hospital, he couldn't really be sick. I thanked her and stated I was glad he looked so good, I don't want him to look "sick". The same hospital stay, we were in the playroom. The kids with CF must wear a mask or they can't go in the playroom. My son was wearing his like a good boy. A little girl kept playing with him, eveytime she got near him her grandmother would pull her away and move her to another area. This happened about 4 times, I finally asked her why her granddaughter couldn't play with my son. She told me she didn't want her catching anything from him!!!! I told her the mask is for his protection so she doesn't get him sick or he catch something from the other CF patients. I try and take every opportunity to educate people about CF.
Donna Mom to Mikey 6 w/ CF Hannah 9 no CF


I agree that it is so much more frustrating when it comes from your family or friends. I, too, love to educate people about CF and hope that I can leave a good enough impression that the next time they see a fund raiser for CF, they think about our conversation. So strangers, well, they just normally don't understand much about CF.

But with those who do know, it can be aggravating. Recently I was telling one of my friends (who has a son with Asthma, and although I know it is a challenging condition itself, it seems she is always comparing it to CF) about our little friend Kaylee who is 10 with CF, and has been given only a few more months to live. Her comment was see how lucky you are. Your kids aren't very sick at all and have such mild CF. To which I agreed to, at first.

But then later on after I hung up the phone, I became frustrated. I don't feel lucky. We have to work hard to keep them healthy. It doesn't just happen. And when they are crying about tummy aches that I can't make go away, or when we are fighting over taking enzymes or whatever...I don't feel lucky. Having to stop what we are doing to do the Vest doesn't make me feel lucky. They are just progressing slower than our little friend Kaylee.

Yes, people can be ignorant to what we go through to keep our kids 'looking' healthy.


I agree that it is so much more frustrating when it comes from your family or friends. I, too, love to educate people about CF and hope that I can leave a good enough impression that the next time they see a fund raiser for CF, they think about our conversation. So strangers, well, they just normally don't understand much about CF.

But with those who do know, it can be aggravating. Recently I was telling one of my friends (who has a son with Asthma, and although I know it is a challenging condition itself, it seems she is always comparing it to CF) about our little friend Kaylee who is 10 with CF, and has been given only a few more months to live. Her comment was see how lucky you are. Your kids aren't very sick at all and have such mild CF. To which I agreed to, at first.

But then later on after I hung up the phone, I became frustrated. I don't feel lucky. We have to work hard to keep them healthy. It doesn't just happen. And when they are crying about tummy aches that I can't make go away, or when we are fighting over taking enzymes or whatever...I don't feel lucky. Having to stop what we are doing to do the Vest doesn't make me feel lucky. They are just progressing slower than our little friend Kaylee.

Yes, people can be ignorant to what we go through to keep our kids 'looking' healthy.