i know, atleast in guys, the whole puberty stage is slower tan in most kids, I know i had a high voice when i was a teen. I still don't have any facial hair dammit! lol
Ben 23/cf
good point, Jane.
and the spouses too.
There were days when Rip looked healthy and cute and pulled together as anything ("passing as well" with a vengence).
And right beside him was me - looking worried and like something the cat dragged in. (Good "clue" I needed to do more about taking care of myself. )
I believe it just has to do with the inability for our bodies to absorb & get the most during developmental times. That is why there are some CFers that dont have that "CFer" look. Someday I will be old enough to appreciate my youthful appearance, but right now I dont like it too much!
I am almost 29 and i just stoppd getting carded - I hated looking young as a kid - people always thought my little brother (4 years younger!) was the older one. Just the other day I was waiting in line at 7-11 and they were training a young employee about carding for cigarettes and he looked at me and said. "I'd card her, she doesn't look 18." This is ironic on so many levels <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
When I was a freshman in College, I shocked a lot of people. I think they thought I was 15 or 16, maybe even younger. I was always asked how old I was. I'm 26 and people still think I'm college age, or even high school.
I am 49, go look at page 1 of the gallery
on this site, I am the one
with the beard on the left ,
most people dont beleive I am 49, I do have some grey now,
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