why do peeps with cf look younger


New member
hello everybody ! on the thread about "good " things about cf. peeps mentioned looking younger , why is that , does anyone know?


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hope i didn't offend you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> i do know that , my son has cf it's a foul condition.


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i know, atleast in guys, the whole puberty stage is slower tan in most kids, I know i had a high voice when i was a teen. I still don't have any facial hair dammit! lol
Ben 23/cf


New member
no body fat.
when young they look prepubescent.
when older, not old enough to be middle aged (no middle aged spread or gut)


Digital opinion leader
The CFers may look young, but I bet their parents look like hell. (JK<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">)
Stress ages.


New member
good point, Jane.
and the spouses too.
There were days when Rip looked healthy and cute and pulled together as anything ("passing as well" with a vengence).
And right beside him was me - looking worried and like something the cat dragged in. (Good "clue" I needed to do more about taking care of myself. )


New member
I believe it just has to do with the inability for our bodies to absorb & get the most during developmental times. That is why there are some CFers that dont have that "CFer" look. Someday I will be old enough to appreciate my youthful appearance, but right now I dont like it too much!


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I feel like I look older than I am due to stress..... I'm serious.

My mom, however, looks way younger than she is. Maybe we have a role reversal.


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I am almost 29 and i just stoppd getting carded - I hated looking young as a kid - people always thought my little brother (4 years younger!) was the older one. Just the other day I was waiting in line at 7-11 and they were training a young employee about carding for cigarettes and he looked at me and said. "I'd card her, she doesn't look 18." This is ironic on so many levels <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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When I was a freshman in College, I shocked a lot of people. I think they thought I was 15 or 16, maybe even younger. I was always asked how old I was. I'm 26 and people still think I'm college age, or even high school.


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Wander, same thing with me. My younger sister, who is 3 & 1/2 years younger, always gets pegged as the older one. Hah.

Oh and my boyfriend, who is more than 2 years younger than I am, is also assumed to be older.


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Maybe cause of many of us are just small due to not putting on weight or keeping nutrients? I don't know. Interesting....


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I am 49, go look at page 1 of the gallery
on this site, I am the one
with the beard on the left ,
most people dont beleive I am 49, I do have some grey now,


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jane</b></i>

The CFers may look young, but I bet their parents look like hell. (JK<img src="">)

Stress ages.</end quote></div>


New member
I am 24 and my vice principal confused me yesterday with MY 8 YEAR OLD KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mind you I was sitting down but come on

Sue 24w/CF


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

I am 24 and my vice principal confused me yesterday with MY 8 YEAR OLD KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mind you I was sitting down but come on

Sue 24w/CF</end quote></div>

Good thing you were mouthing off......DETENTION FOR YOU YOUNG LADY! LOL!!