Why do so many Cfers have Reflux?


New member
My son had meconium ileus at birth also and has acid reflux. I wondered this same thing and asked his care team if he'd out grow the acid reflux....they told me the same as people have said here. The zantac help his enzymes work better so he would be on it whether he had acid reflux or not. Sorry to hear your little one had meconium ileus, a very stressful thing to go through with your new born...i'm sure it was hard. God bless and I hope your sweet baby girl is doing wonderful now! Take good care! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Neither of mine had MI but both have/had reflux. My son had it mildly as a baby, seemed to grow out of it, but still takes prevacid to help with the enzymes. My daughter had very severe reflux, almost needed a fundo, but a combo of zantac, prevacid, and erythromycin seemed to get it under control. She's 1 now and still needs the prevacid and zantac.


New member
Neither of mine had MI but both have/had reflux. My son had it mildly as a baby, seemed to grow out of it, but still takes prevacid to help with the enzymes. My daughter had very severe reflux, almost needed a fundo, but a combo of zantac, prevacid, and erythromycin seemed to get it under control. She's 1 now and still needs the prevacid and zantac.


New member
Neither of mine had MI but both have/had reflux. My son had it mildly as a baby, seemed to grow out of it, but still takes prevacid to help with the enzymes. My daughter had very severe reflux, almost needed a fundo, but a combo of zantac, prevacid, and erythromycin seemed to get it under control. She's 1 now and still needs the prevacid and zantac.


My daughter did not have MI but has reflux. Has always had it since I can remember that far back. Has been on Prevacid and now Nexium. To be honest I think it is one of the many things that people with CF have.


My daughter did not have MI but has reflux. Has always had it since I can remember that far back. Has been on Prevacid and now Nexium. To be honest I think it is one of the many things that people with CF have.


My daughter did not have MI but has reflux. Has always had it since I can remember that far back. Has been on Prevacid and now Nexium. To be honest I think it is one of the many things that people with CF have.


New member
My daughter wasn't taking Zantac until reflux was suspected by her doctor at a couple of months old. I understand that it helps with enzyme efficiency in obtaining proper pH - however, this isn't the case with her! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> She no longer takes anything for reflux and seems to be doing well and is gaining weight steadily. We're saving the use of a PPI or other antacid until necessary....two CFers aren't the same, it seems....again.


New member
My daughter wasn't taking Zantac until reflux was suspected by her doctor at a couple of months old. I understand that it helps with enzyme efficiency in obtaining proper pH - however, this isn't the case with her! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> She no longer takes anything for reflux and seems to be doing well and is gaining weight steadily. We're saving the use of a PPI or other antacid until necessary....two CFers aren't the same, it seems....again.


New member
My daughter wasn't taking Zantac until reflux was suspected by her doctor at a couple of months old. I understand that it helps with enzyme efficiency in obtaining proper pH - however, this isn't the case with her! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> She no longer takes anything for reflux and seems to be doing well and is gaining weight steadily. We're saving the use of a PPI or other antacid until necessary....two CFers aren't the same, it seems....again.


New member
We didn't start Emily on it automatically either, Katie. She was initially gaining weight and we didn't add the Prevacid until her progress kind of stalled out and we went over some aspects of her past history in more detail and decided to try it. She now takes 15mg of Prevacid twice a day and has gained about 3lbs since then. It's not enough weight to make enough difference in avoiding a g-tube, but more than we saw in the several months before that. So I think it's helping the Creon work better.

I do agree that they should be used on an individual basis, when symptoms warrant them or when enzymes alone don't seem to be working as well as they should be ...since there are definitely varied issues that can cause the need. As far as the 'those with cf don't have reflux', I don't think is true either- some have cultured bugs that are clearly of GI origin and thought to be a result of aspirating gastric juices, which is caused by reflux- and when the reflux is treated, pft's go up and resp symptoms improve. And when Emily was a baby, she didn't have the constant bugs and infections or growth failure she went on to develop starting at about age 3, but the one thing she DID have was reflux.


New member
We didn't start Emily on it automatically either, Katie. She was initially gaining weight and we didn't add the Prevacid until her progress kind of stalled out and we went over some aspects of her past history in more detail and decided to try it. She now takes 15mg of Prevacid twice a day and has gained about 3lbs since then. It's not enough weight to make enough difference in avoiding a g-tube, but more than we saw in the several months before that. So I think it's helping the Creon work better.

I do agree that they should be used on an individual basis, when symptoms warrant them or when enzymes alone don't seem to be working as well as they should be ...since there are definitely varied issues that can cause the need. As far as the 'those with cf don't have reflux', I don't think is true either- some have cultured bugs that are clearly of GI origin and thought to be a result of aspirating gastric juices, which is caused by reflux- and when the reflux is treated, pft's go up and resp symptoms improve. And when Emily was a baby, she didn't have the constant bugs and infections or growth failure she went on to develop starting at about age 3, but the one thing she DID have was reflux.


New member
We didn't start Emily on it automatically either, Katie. She was initially gaining weight and we didn't add the Prevacid until her progress kind of stalled out and we went over some aspects of her past history in more detail and decided to try it. She now takes 15mg of Prevacid twice a day and has gained about 3lbs since then. It's not enough weight to make enough difference in avoiding a g-tube, but more than we saw in the several months before that. So I think it's helping the Creon work better.
<br />
<br />I do agree that they should be used on an individual basis, when symptoms warrant them or when enzymes alone don't seem to be working as well as they should be ...since there are definitely varied issues that can cause the need. As far as the 'those with cf don't have reflux', I don't think is true either- some have cultured bugs that are clearly of GI origin and thought to be a result of aspirating gastric juices, which is caused by reflux- and when the reflux is treated, pft's go up and resp symptoms improve. And when Emily was a baby, she didn't have the constant bugs and infections or growth failure she went on to develop starting at about age 3, but the one thing she DID have was reflux.


New member
Maggie did not have MI. She was on zantac right after diagnose due to reflux. (she would cough every time I picked her up from the laying position). and is now on prevacid. I too was told that it helps the enzymes work.


New member
Maggie did not have MI. She was on zantac right after diagnose due to reflux. (she would cough every time I picked her up from the laying position). and is now on prevacid. I too was told that it helps the enzymes work.


New member
Maggie did not have MI. She was on zantac right after diagnose due to reflux. (she would cough every time I picked her up from the laying position). and is now on prevacid. I too was told that it helps the enzymes work.


New member
Trevor has been on Prilosec since diagnosis. He is actually getting read to have a gastric emptying milk scan done as well. He has been junky all winter and his doc is wondering if it is being caused by his reflux and not a viral or bacterial thing. Increased nebs and antibiotics don't seem to be helping at all. And his lungs sound good it is all upper respiratory noise. Has anyone else had this scan done?


New member
Trevor has been on Prilosec since diagnosis. He is actually getting read to have a gastric emptying milk scan done as well. He has been junky all winter and his doc is wondering if it is being caused by his reflux and not a viral or bacterial thing. Increased nebs and antibiotics don't seem to be helping at all. And his lungs sound good it is all upper respiratory noise. Has anyone else had this scan done?


New member
Trevor has been on Prilosec since diagnosis. He is actually getting read to have a gastric emptying milk scan done as well. He has been junky all winter and his doc is wondering if it is being caused by his reflux and not a viral or bacterial thing. Increased nebs and antibiotics don't seem to be helping at all. And his lungs sound good it is all upper respiratory noise. Has anyone else had this scan done?