"why me?"


New member
Maybe Amber was in a dream and later awoke after she started the thread? Maybe she is having an off day and wanted to take on the world? Maybe it is the innocence and ignorance of youth that allows her to ponder these thoughts? Maybe she just returned from a 3rd world environment and her CF isn't so bad right now, and she thought for a fraction of a second, "boy am I glad I'm not that poor ole' schmuck!??

I like to think after she experienced this epiphany from her cathartic moment, she took a deep breath with those CF lungs and heard "snap, crackle, pop, whizzz!", coughed up half a cup of blood, then found herself too tired and weak with her fever, which she had from here current Staff Resistant and Pseudomonas Resistant infections, to take another step, while she carried her Oxygen pump. That she was able to appreciate the sent of that 3rd world country because her CF gas has a striking familiar odor. Or that the she realized that in time, once she leaves the nest and comfort of her parents financial support and protection that her CF will make her financially impoverished one day, but right now she can hold her self up high and say, "I ain't got it so bad!"

I don't know what prompts such arrogant ignorance to the point of losing all sense of apathy for the pain and suffering of others, at least enough to criticize the siren sounds of the ill and dying.

I am thankful that today she lives in a place and moment in time where she can say such things with the arrogance of good health. I think there was a brief time where I felt strong enough to think I had this disease beat. I reflect on that time now as almost the dream of another man. A very good dream indeed. Unfortunately, I am awake now, as will she be one day. When she awakens, she will then realize that the pain of one is as valuable as the pain of another regardless of the quality of pain. Pain can't be quantified or qualified or even criticized by anyone other than the one who is suffering.

Too bad WinAce couldn't reply to this thread. Maybe if Amber knew this (what it meant for WinAce to comment and why he can't now) and had some understanding of the world she would have commented as she had.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>I like to think after she experienced this epiphany from her cathartic moment, she took a deep breath with those CF lungs and heard "snap, crackle, pop, whizzz!", coughed up half a cup of blood, then found herself too tired and weak with her fever, which she had from here current Staff Resistant and Pseudomonas Resistant infections, to take another step, while she carried her Oxygen pump.<hr></blockquote>

You get off on thoughts like these? Whatever Amber might have said, I hope you don't mean this the way it comes across. It gives me the willies.



New member

You are "very much" entitled to your opinion, but I have to agree with the majority that this disease SUCKS.....I didn't get to read all the posts here, because I am to busy doing Brady's breathing treatment, IV medication and his other 11 medications right now to get ready to go to the doctor AGAIN. I hate this disease and I try to hold my head up because Brady knows no better, he doesn't complain when he has a collapsed lung or sinus problems, or his terrible stomach/bowel problems, all he knows is PAIN. It sucks and it tears away at all of us in our family. It is never ending and our lives aren't normal. Seems like we are constantly living with this terrible disease and we get NO breaks. There are the insurance problems, medical problems, the constand worries about his condition, people don't understand-- they look at him and think oh, he isn't that bad, he is skinny but looks to be a normal kid. People out in the real world don't have a freakin clue. I guess when I read this post I needed to vent, if hasn't been an easy 3 weeks. Actually it hasn't been an easy 4 years, my husband and I were talking about this last night, because now he needs sinus surgery, WHY DOES HE HAVE TO GO THRU ALL THIS S**T!! We hate this disease and I don't usually compalin, but it is the truth and all of you that have cf or are caregivers are entitled to complain-- it in NOT FAIR!!

Step mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor no cf, chromosome 9q deletion q21.2 q 22.1


New member
Let me start by saying I have CF, Not very severe, and have never had a surgery related to my CF problems, but I know that I will one day have to. I did have a C-section a little over a year ago, and that scared the hell out of me. I couldnt imagine if it was a life and death situation I was having surgery for. Not only would I have to deal with the physical pain before and after, but also the fact of knowing I'll never be in the good health I once was. We have a lot to complain about. Nothing about CF is minor! I don't think were whining. Knowing for a fact that Im going to die before my parents do, and that I'm probably NOT going to be a grandmother, and having to look forward to see my father cry at my death bed. No, Im sorry, Im not complaining, just stating the facts.
Well it looks as though you've made a lot of people mad. You do need to think before you write something LIKE THAT. If you haven't had any "minor problems" which you probably haven't , they'll come then you'll look back at what you wrote and kick yourself.


New member
Yes, everyone I do have CF... and I do have problems... I think venting is healthy... the post was to the people I see on here who constantly wallow in thier own self pity.


New member
oh that last post was me, I just forgot to log in. As far as the rest of you saying at 19 I could pretend I didn't have CF and this and that... I'm in the hospital every 3 months... I'm not one of the "healthy ones"


New member
I am not sure you can say that these "certain" people wollow in their own self pity. Maybe they do, but my point is out of ALL the time in a day, week, month.......you are going by what they post on here. If the rest of their time is spent not wollowing then how can they be whiners. Maybe they dont "whine" the rest of the time because no one but a CFer can understand so they hold it all in until they can get to this forum. Then when they do vent on a forum that has people who SHOULD understand or where they SHOULD feel secure to say whats really bothering them they are ridiculed for doing so. If a CFer only feels comfortable "whining" here then thats what they should do. Its a lot easier to put on the happy face & say everything is all peaches & cream to those who dont know its SOOOOOOO unlikely true!