Why your username?


New member
I've just seen some interesting user names and wondered why you picked them. It could be cf related!

Mine is because I'm a cosmetologist, and love it.


New member
Mine is kind of obvious. I have a daughter named Jazmine & we call her Jazzy & I am her Mom=JazzysMom. I also needed something I would remember!


New member
I have 3 german shorthair pointers (GSP), which are a type of dog
and I love them.  I wanted to use something that didn't give
my identity away. I had a user name with my first and last name,
than realized this is the internet, who knows what kind of creeps
might be reading this forum.  


New member
mine is very boring as well.. mom- cause im a mom-- Tocfr--- cause i have a child with cf


Melissa mom to dylan 7 no cf and caleb 4wcf-- and going to big boy school this fall <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Hmmm well littledebbie snacks were big when i was in 6th grade and
ever since then it never fails that someone cracks the littledebbie
joke since i am little and my name is Debbie and well the jokes
just keep rolling from there.....the picture on the box, the
slogan, the names of the snacks......so if you can't beat 'em join


New member
ummmm i guess mine is pretty self explainatory...........lol
I was however going to use the name of my car "Problem Child" but that is my name on the drag racing sites i am on and i didnt want to use it on both sites so Diane it is...............


New member
Fugi is a nick name given to me by a couple of my freinds and Kitten because thats the pet name my best freind calls me. 20 and 87 because i'd be 100 then


New member
Your mom gave me this name... I'm jk. lol

Meh, unfortunately (and I'm VERY ASHAMED OF THIS) my name started out with AOHELL. was gonna be technogeek, but AOHELL loves it anon..... I'll leave it at that. So.... Along came the "k". But, the name stems from my love for technology, and fact that I'm NOT nerd, I'm a geek. And yes, there is a difference. Wanna know? Ok... Nerds are fat, wear glasses and never shut up. Geeks a normal looking, somtimes glasses and pride how they look. The ¹³ºº comes from my best friends bike, the Hayabusa. And there ya have it.


New member
Scarlett is my boxer's (dog's) name, and the name of favorite heroine-Scarlett O'Hara and 81 is the year my hubby was born. Pretty dull too.


New member
I go to The College of New Jersey...TCNJ for short. Yes. The "T" is actually part of the for short. Things are crazy in New Jersey. "Cystic" I got from this disease I know.


Digital opinion leader
You guys thought YOURS were boring!



If I had thought about it when I signed up, I would have picked JAMN, my initials.


New member
interesting topic

Risa stands for me. I should have chosen Reesescup or receespieces as those were my nicknames growing up. Buttercup was my CB handle many moons before the internet was a dream. That was different to have in your basement while growing up but nothing compares to the internet