Win Ace where are you?



Earlier today I was thinking the same thing. Whether or not you agreed with what he said, WinAce always wrote intelligent, interesting posts.

CF is what we have in common here; not necessarily similar political or religious views. Personally I love to read/hear debates about different topics (as long as they don't became nasty, name-calling events) - I hope WinAce returns.

Have a nice weekend everyone <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
"Okay," no. I checked into the hospital a few days ago when I entirely lost my appetite, became extremely fatigued and developed a low-grade fever. I found out, among other things, the germ sensitivity studies that were supposed to be done months ago were lost in the mail, or something like that, and will take another few months to get back. In the meantime, the docs are basically operating blind, with two antibiotics that *might* work as of the last, comparatively ancient test result they <i>do</i> have on file.

I don't know when I'll be "back," per se, but I have a laptop and Internet access courtesy of AO-Hell, so I might drop by from time to time. Despite my best efforts, I've made very little progress with getting that transplant paid for, which is disappointing to no end, but we'll see.


New member
Lost in the mail? Man, that sucks! Hopefully they're guessing correctly with the two antibiotics your on now. Just curious; what CF center are you at?

Saw the Dr. John Becker quote in your sig. My husband and I love that guy. Wish the show was still on.

Thinking good thoughts for you...


New member
Hey Win Ace......Maybe you should ask for a consult from Dr. Becker? Think anyone would get it? Sorry to hear about the most recent obstacle. Why such a long time in getting results? Oh I think you mean the ones lost in the mail, right? :)light<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> Cant they do another? I dont want to seem like such a blond (no offense to blonds), but I am a blond!


New member
Hi WinAce,
I am guess since you have cepacia they are doing synergy testing with your samples ( which does take a long time for results). I also wanted to tell you i read somewhere that taking 3 antibiotics lessen the chances of resistance to either one of them. Since i read that, i talked to my doctor about it and he wasnt against the idea, so i started using 3 at a time ( orally ) and it has helped. I am resistant to all antibiotics, but taken 3 at a time they work together and help . Maybe you could mention this to your doctor. I have been on 4 recently , 3 were oral, and the forth was tobi and i felt pretty good, so i may have to remember that combo. I hope you feel better soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm at UNC, the only center in the country that could do that transplant for me given that I have B. cepacia.

The tests they lost were synergy studies from Ottawa involving <i>five</i> antibiotics at a time, not the customary mere three that Columbia Presbyterian's lab hits germs with. And it'll take months to get back again, during which, I presume, I can't get transplanted, as UNC's use of such antibiotic combos has been key to their success with cepacia-colonized patients.

I love Becker, too! Just saw a few episodes the other day. It's refreshing to see an atheist character on network TV who isn't that gratuitously, i.e., only written into the story to be converted by one of the main characters, or something like that.


New member

I appreciate the good intentions behind prayer (which is about all I can say, since I believe it's as useless as chanting a mantra in my honor), but at the same time, I would far more appreciate you putting the effort spent praying into something like thinking up a good suggestion for my fight with Medicaid, or obtaining private insurance, or something.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>WinAce</b></i><br>Why?

I appreciate the good intentions behind prayer (which is about all I can say, since I believe it's as useless as chanting a mantra in my honor), but at the same time, I would far more appreciate you putting the effort spent praying into something like thinking up a good suggestion for my fight with Medicaid, or obtaining private insurance, or something.<hr></blockquote>

Dude, don't be such an a$$. What you just said to that person was completely uncalled for. It's funny how you criticize cristians for being so unaccepting and then you pull something like this.

I know you don't understand, but prayer is more than just a good intention. For those who believe it is one of the most powerful things we have; a direct message to God, the makings of a miracle and, in my mind, the best chance you've got. If you wanna just shrug that away, though, go ahead. All you'll do is hurt and insult the people who care enough to pray for you. Of course, that won't stop them from praying.


New member
What would you like me to do, Mockingbird? Hypocritically pretend that I believe prayer will help? I said I appreciate the <i>good intentions</i> behind it, which was being as charitable as possible, and which is, IMO, a perfectly appropriate response for religious "get well rituals" that you don't believe are effective. And I suggested something I'd appreciate even more (to wit, real-world help).

To be frank, if prayer is "the best chance I've got," I might as well give up and not waste the time. Fortunately, I don't buy <i>that</i>, either.


New member
The prayer poster here.....I'm not at all offended by your reply. Actually, I think I will make a donation on your web site too. = )


New member
Dear Win Ace,

Just a few thoughts.

1) In my limited time on this sphere I have discovered that the most important gift someone can give you is their time. Arguably, sincere gratitude is an appropriate response for their willingness to take the time and effort to do anything for you-even prayer-whether you believe in it or not.

2) "To wit, real world help", perhaps it is notable that as far as "giving trends" go, the 2004 data suggest that religious organizations recieved the largest percentage of all giving. Of 248 Billion, they recieved 35.5%. There is an old saying-"You attract more flies with honey than vingear". I am not suggesting you pretend to be something your not, merely evolve to a stage where you can understand that "intellectual honesty" does not mean you are right with regards to religion. None of us really knows what will happen when we die. There are many different beliefs from the Jews, to the Catholics, to the Christians, to the Muslims, etc. that are based on faith.

Perhaps working to understand these beliefs (merely reading the literature does not mean deep understanding) and repecting them may be a better route to go. Working with people of faith and their institutions may help you get real world help. Many churchs have big donors, who may be able to contribute to your cause. However, even their sources are limited and there is plenty of need. With no disrespect intended you are not the only one who needs a transplant.

I have had two friends die while waiting for theirs. One because they couldn't get a donor, the other because she had an infection when they called her and could not perform the transplant she died a few weeks later.

Your antagonism of people with religious beliefs probably doesn't help your cause. I am not talking just about your comments here. You have a track record on boards like Rapture Ready, etc.

3) I am relaying this information to you not as critisism but as food for thought. I would truly like to see you get your transplant. You certainly have a lot to contribute to society with your insight and intellect. Insulting others with different views is not helpful and you never know who is browsing anonymously...a big donor...who knows... maybe. Again, I extend to you my offer to e-mail me directly at

Perhaps with some additional information I can make some suggetsions that will be helpful to you with regards to your campaign to gain the funds you need for your transplant.



"My friends are my estate. Forgive me the avarice of hoarding them."-Emily Dickinson


New member
I don't understand why Mockingbird you are offended that Winace doesn't want anyone to pray for him...Calling someone an a** is sure going to get him to want we christians to pray for him..I love your techniques in showing ppl the love of God....I am sorry that I am being sarcastic but gosh, take a look at how you as a chirstian convey Gods love...Stop imposing your views on him...



Have to agree with Jennifer on this one primarily because what Winace said would be something that I'd say too.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>The prayer poster here.....I'm not at all offended by your reply. Actually, I think I will make a donation on your web site too. = )<hr></blockquote>

Thanks! Lemme know if you think of anything else I could do.


(1) I don't see the point of you bringing that up at all, since I <i>am</i> grateful for the good intentions behind prayers.

(2) I'm pretty sure I <i>am</i> right with regards to religion. And yes, I <i>do</i> know what happens when you die. It's pretty darn hard to dispute, given certain observations like Alzheimer's disease or anesthesia, that the mind is rooted in the brain. And if only a small amount of damage to that vital organ causes memory loss, personality change, or even loss of consciousness, there's little question about what a complete destruction of the brain would do. I'd love to be wrong, but there's just no room in my mind even for reasonable doubt on the issue once mind-brain unity is considered. But I digress...

(3) The point is that, just because I'm right, doesn't mean I don't understand religious beliefs, nor that I don't respect their practitioners. I'll argue against them if I think they're demonstrably false, but that's hardly lacking respect: it's just what we do in a free society. I do notably lack respect for <i>some</i> religious beliefs, such as those that claim I deserve to have my skin peeled off or boiling lava poured on me for eternity because I didn't share their views, but then, is that hardly surprising? Those views arbitrarily dehumanize whole sections of humanity, and, in my opinion, deserve nothing but derision. And that holds true whether or not people who happen to believe it are kind and generous themselves.

Rapture Ready is a truly insane board, by the way. My "antagonism" of some there shouldn't count for much, since it would probably be shared by 99% of people who are religious, too, just aren't religious <i>nutcases</i>. It's not a fine distinction, by any means. The former believe in God; the latter believe in God letting terrorists attack us because we no longer stone homosexuals (to name but one example). The former believe in Satan; the latter believe Satan is hiding in their closet, ready to pounce and possess their dog. (That was an actual RaptureReady thread.)


New member
Win Ace,

I am just wondering how you can be so sure you are right ? I was fine with everything you have said up until now, even though I haven't agreed with you.
You are just guessing that you are right, you are not all knowing by any stretch of any means and it is quite possibly that you are missing something here. I agree no one knows the mind of God not even the ppl who folow him. Just because something doesn't make sense to you, or because you don't believe something doesn't mean it is not true. That would be like someone saying I don't believe in rain so therefore there is no rain. Just because you don't believe something doesn't mean it isn't true.

You have the right to believe what you want and so does everyone on this board, but comming across and saying, "the point is just because I am right" That makes you sound like you are all knowing, and I know that you don't think you are all knowing.

If I were you I wouldn't spend so much time trying to argue everyones comments here unless you enjoy doing it because it take your mind off of your health problems. You obviously know how to write very well, I would love to get to know you better as a person. I have been to your web site several times and I really admire you courage to fight. I think you are adorable and so is your girlfriend. I would love to get to know the human side of you as opposed to the analytical side always wanting to argue.

I have even considered ways in which I could help you raise money for funds up to and including asking my church for a donation. I know the very ppl that you think are idiots for believing in a God are very kind and caring at least in my church and probably would be willing to help you. I was just waiting to see what happends with your Medicare as in your last report that I have read on your website said that the dr was fighting with Medicaid and that the nurse thought it looked good.

I don't say that my church would help you on the grounds of trying to "convert" you or anything like that. I am just saying, all of us with terminal or chronic diseases are going to face death sooner of later.. and you should be darn sure you are right before you say for certain that you are.

Since you only want good thoughts and not prayers. I send you my good thoughts for quick answers to get the right drugs to beat those nasty bugs.



New member
Dear Win Ace.

1) I brought it up because it came across as dismissive to say on the one hand you appreciate their "good intention" then dismiss it in hopes of them doing something else you view as more productive. Some may lack resources to do more and others may feel prayer appropriate before they do more. Again, I was just passing along my thoughts.

2) Jennifer does a good job of covering this.

3) I was using Rapture Ready as an example. I just wanted to illustrate that in order to raise more money you absolutely must explore every avenue to that end. Religious groups and people have resources and they do donate their time and money. I advise not insulting them so they decide to donate some where else. Resources are limited and need is great! That does not mean that everyone who is religious wouldn't donate but sadly others may not.

I am not trying to convert you only pass along some food for thought.

In the end it is your fund raising effort and you have to decide how best to conduct it.

Good luck in your goal. I sincerely hope you reach it.



"My friends are my avarice. Forgive me the avarice of hoarding them."-Emily Dickinson


New member
Where did you get the impression I believe "ppl... are idiots for believing in a God"? Certainly not from any of my posts. I would appreciate you not making confusing statements which might turn others against me. Especially since, as senatorgraham points out, I need as many people on my side as possible. Thanks.

<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>I am just wondering how you can be so sure you are right ? <hr></blockquote>

Assuming that's a sincere question looking to understand where I'm coming from, I'll try my best to explain, with just one example:

The mind and brain appear thoroughly united. Brain damage causes memory loss, startling personality changes, loss of consciousness, and--the kicker--can even (apparently) cause two independent minds within one skull, when the hemispheres are severed from each other. Given that limited damage to the brain causes "damage" to every trait that makes us unique, and that disrupting it causes temporary loss of awareness, what should I expect will happen once the brain is completely decomposed, permanently?

In truth, that's only the beginning. But even alone, it should be enough to make you understand where I'm coming from, at least on the issue of an afterlife. I simply believe the evidence leaves no room for it. I've seen attempted counters, but all were fatally flawed (for example, near death experiences or ghost sightings are <i>not</i> convincing evidence of an afterlife--despite their sensationalistic appeal in the media--for a variety of reasons, which I could go into if you'd like).

I don't conclude something is necessarily false because it doesn't make sense. I generally conclude it's false when it doesn't make sense, <b>and</b> the rival hypothesis--that it's false--makes a stunning deal of sense. While it's always <i>possible</i> we're missing something, I wouldn't bet on it when it appears so well-supported. In some cases, yes, you just can be sure of something. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

So, in a nutshell, I'm pretty darn sure. But even if I wasn't, why would I need to be before voicing an opinion? While I can't say the same for <i>all</i> potentially conceivable gods, I'm <i>absolutely</i> sure that none exist which are both benevolent, and would hold sincerely-held beliefs (or the lack of them) against people. That leaves benevolent ones who'd laugh off a religious disagreement, or evil gods who wouldn't necessarily deserve worship, anyway.


New member
Please go into your views on near death experiences and experiences people have with the afterlife and ghosts and why there aren't convincing. I know that I have experienced many signs and things like that (which I could elaborate more on if you would like me too). Just curious to see where your thoughts are on that.
Double Lung Tx