Win Ace......


New member

I read your post on the other website about you being so sick from the G Tube.... I just wanted to say I am so sorry that you feel so horrible. I know that you don't believe in prayers, but being that I do, I am going to pray for you and hope you feel better really fast. I don't know what to say or do for you.. I want so much to see you get better and get on with your life......

I know that I am far away, but if their is anything I can do for you or Jess please let me know....

Please have Jess or yourself keep us posted.......

Thinking of you...

( For those of you reading this WinAce posted on Cf2CHAT that he has a raging fever that is not responding to high doses of tylenol or motrin, he isn't sure but thinks it came from the G tube insertion... He is real, real, sick, he is in severe pain, and having a real hard time doing his vest or treatments because it hurts to breath.. his lungs are full of gunk which he can't clear.. and he is understanably very discouraged.

I copied the post... please keep him in your thoughts/prayers... I can't imagine how he feels..........

got it Thursday morning.

It screwed me up, but GOOD. I'm in excrutiating pain whenever the Oxycodone even begins to wear off, and I'm running almost 104 degree fevers that don't respond to high doses of acetaminophen OR ibuprofen. My room air O2 saturation has dropped to 87 percent, and I'm wondering whether they (1) introduced a bloodstream infection, in which case I am well and truly dead, or (2) didn't stop to consider how chest clearance would be managed--at ALL--and instead, reassured me that it wouldn't hurt that much (hence, not interfere with it).

Whenever I even manage to eek out a cough, I am reminded of the pain which must have inspired some ancient guru to come up with the idea of Hell. But now, it's starting up on its own, since I have so much crap in there it's literally bubbling and gurgling up, like molten rock from a volcano.

If you don't see me in the next few days, feel free to assume the worst


New member
I will definitely keep you in my prayers that you can get past this and feel some relief. Gosh i wish i could do more..........


New member
Hmmm, this is certainly not a good time for WinAce, and I to am going to pray for his healing. WinAce, now would be a good time to consider the possibility of a powerful God who is very capable of doing what may seem impossible to you at this time. I know I cannot say that I know how you feel because I do not. But I do have CF and I could feel it some time in the future. However, I can say this; without the knowledge of their being an all powerful God who knows all and sees all, I would most certainly be in your shoes. You are in my prayers WinAce!! Good luck and I pray that God will see you through.



New member
So youre saying that WinAce is severely ill and in horrific pain because he doesn't believe in GOD? Your post was probably the most inappropriate thing ive seen on the board in a long time. how about some sympathy instead of preaching??????


New member
Completely agreed. That was one of the worst things I've ever heard. Even if you didn't mean it like that, you should have chosen your words MUCH MUCH more carefully. For the record, people who believe in God end up just as dead as people who don't. It doesn't keep you miraculously healthy, believe me.

Winace, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and hope this issue resolves itself as soon as possible. I know this has got to be tough for you and Jessica.


New member
Uh Oh, here we go again. Someone taking what I said about "myself" out of context and applying it to another person. No "anonymous", you are wrong in your assumption of what I was trying to say. I am saying however, that I think God could heal him if he did truely believe. I have had my own experiences with pain before, and of course I know that people who are in pain are not in pain because they do or do not believe. Sorry for seeming like that though. I will be more clear next time.



New member
Nothing like having a HUGE controversial topic to end the weekend. I am not religious, but definitely spiritual & if what you are saying is how you see God then I dont want him in my life. I thought we were all gods children & he would understand (even tho people will quote otherwise from the bible) if we have our times of not believing. Even if YOU truly believe is not very christian or just plain humane of you to say such a thing to someone in need of support!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>ccflewallen</b></i><br>I am saying however, that I think God could heal him if he did truely believe.<hr></blockquote>
That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen posted on this board.

What the heck kind of "God" would punish someone with horrible pain for not believing? (Because supposedly, through inaction he/she/it is allowing it to continue, and is therefore as guilty as if he/she/it had caused it in the first place.) Oh, wait - you said, right there that's your "God." I am darnsure glad I'm an atheist. I couldn't believe in such a malicious, self-centered, and wicked sort of creature.

That you would bring this up here in THIS post is disgusting. I suggest you not post on it again.



New member
Winace and Jess,
Im thinking of you both. I was very sick in May and was in hospital for about 5 and half weeks, high temps (39*) every few hours and i didnt eat orally for about 4 of those 5 weeks.(I lost 5kilos) They thought I had a bloodstream infection too. It was hard but I got through it. Just take everyday as it comes. And all I can say (while it doesnt help much) is that Im thinking of you...x


New member
Being a child of God is a choice you see. You are not born that way. So many people here take what is said and just go straight to the negative aspect of things and assume the absolute worst has bee said by someone or about someone. This is rediculas. And yes, all of you are assuming the negative. I am sure you never thought for a second that maybe I do really care for people and surely I wouldnt say something stupid they way you took it. Nope, you all went straight to negative comments. How about asking questions to find out what a person is really trying to say. I know that i am not a good interpreter, and I can see how maybe you could have taken it the way you did, it's just weird how everyone read it (so far) and automatically assumed the worst. I guess it's human nature to assume the worst, but we should at least try not to sometimes. And by the way, I am the same way sometimes so I am speaking to myself in a way to, and I do need to word things more carefully



New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>miesl</b></i><br><blockquote>Quote
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>ccflewallen</b></i>
I am saying however, that I think God could heal him if he did truely believe.<hr></blockquote>

That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen posted on this board.

What the heck kind of "God" would punish someone with horrible pain for not believing? (Because supposedly, through inaction he/she/it is allowing it to continue, and is therefore as guilty as if he/she/it had caused it in the first place.) Oh, wait - you said, right there that's your "God." I am darnsure glad I'm an atheist. I couldn't believe in such a malicious, self-centered, and wicked sort of creature.

That you would bring this up here in THIS post is disgusting. I suggest you not post on it again.



New member
Crap, I am not good this quote stuff or how to use that option. Listen, as an athiest you obviously didnt even know what I was trying to say, so you had no business trying to interpret it. ANd you have no business suggesting that "not" do something. Negative people do a good job of trying to run people down and assume things about believers comments. I dont know why but it seems like you have a chip on your shoulders or something when it comes to "christians" and you are going to take whatever they say and make as bad as possible. I wonder how many people think I am talking directly to them when I say "negative people"?


New member
It's not just the atheists. I believe strongly in God, and I took offense to what you said, because it smacks of assuming those who have passed on young just 'didn't believe hard enough', and that's not even remotely approaching the truth.

And knowing Winace's firmly held beliefs, and bringing it up in this post, was a tad tacky.


New member
<hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>ccflewallen</b></i>
Listen, as an athiest you obviously didnt even know what I was trying to say, so you had no business trying to interpret it. ANd you have no business suggesting that "not" do something. Negative people do a good job of trying to run people down and assume things about believers comments. I dont know why but it seems like you have a chip on your shoulders or something when it comes to "christians" and you are going to take whatever they say and make as bad as possible. I wonder how many people think I am talking directly to them when I say "negative people"?<hr></blockquote>

How about you start by not telling me my business.

Next, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Where did I say I've always been an atheist? Guess what bucko, I haven't been. Not only am I entitled to have an opinion, I might actually know what I'm talking about. Atheist doesn't mean ignorant. I was a christian for most of my life, and have no animosity towards 99% of them. The other 1%, the extremists - I have issues with. I also have issues with the extremist atheists. I don't care what you believe, if it makes your life more fulfilling and doesn't harm others - that's great. I start to care when you force your ideas down someone elses throat, or insinuate that because person a doesn't believe ideological plan b, that's the cause of all their problems.

Let's look at this scenario.

I see a person on the street bleeding to death and say to myself "I didn't stab them, so it's not my job to help them." Am I guilty of letting them die? Of course I am. Did I kill them? I may not have held the blade, but because I did NOTHING, that person died. Some of the blame is MINE because I could have saved that person's life and I just walked away.

How is that any different than your "God only helps those who believe" statement? It isn't.

About your "negative people" - I think it's time you consider taking a look in the mirror.


New member
miesl, i read what the poster wrote and you may have misquoted him in your own post. However you took what the person said they didnt quote say "God only helps those who believe". Another thing, what the poster wrote was written to WinAce. I think thats the title of the thread. The next thing I see after that is everyone attacking what they thought the poster said. You should have left that up to WinAce, and sent your own message to WinAce. Just my thoughts, and that goes for ccflew also.

I know it doesnt make it any easier to hear someone say I know what you are going through. I will say though that I have experienced pain in the severity that you are relating to and the task that it takes to take a normal breath, whatever normal is. Hold on to the love that Jess has for you and the love that you have for her and let that help you through this. I know that love is what helped me to not go completely insane with grief and fear. I am truly praying for you and hope that you know that there are many people that are deeply concerned for your welfare.



New member
Winace...I am also thinking of you. Stay strong!! Hope things turn around for ya!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I am starting over here.

WinAce, I wish you the best of luck in beating this pain you are going through. I am deeply sorry if you take what i said before the same way others did. I pray that you can find a way to cope with everything you are going through. Sincerely, ccflewallen


New member
WinAce...I don't care to get into the other arguments going on this thread...but, for you I wish that no matter how you need for it to happen, you are no longer in pain and suffering with each breath you take. I have always enjoyed your writings and have appreciated your encouragement (and anger) about this disease that takes its victims MUCH too early.

I hope you are able to continue to fight the good fight!

36 w/CF