

New member
Has anyone been granted a wish by a wish foundation (Children's Wish, Make A Wish, etc)? I am curious to hear about them. I had one granted a little over 10 years ago and it is something I STILL think about everyday. Fill us in about your wish!... did you get really creative? Did you meet your hero? Did someone go to Disneyland or Disneyworld? I am really curious to hear about them because everytime I speak to someone who has had the opportunity, they're always really great.


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I never made one...an as Im 18 now, Im too old <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I often wonder what I would wish for, I wouldnt wish to go anywhere but I'd prob wish to meet someone...but who??! Im not sure. I know someone who met Christina Aguilera last year.

Shamrock, x


New member
I was given the opportunity to Make A Wish, however, my wish was to have Ty off of The Extreme Homemakeover do my bedroom and the make a Wish program said it couldn't happen, my second Wish was to go to Hawaii and that can't happen either (I think that had to do w/ my dr.), so here I am, I was told to make two wishes and neither one was able to come true! How sad <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


One of my boys wishes was to go to England to meet him family, that one is in the works right now. My other little guy made a wish to go to Toronto to see a Ottawa Senators versus Toronto Maple Leaf hockey game, and also to meet his favourite hockey player Matts Sundin. He is the only Maple Leaf fan in the house, lol. The trip it self was fantastic, we were in Toronto for 5 days, went to The Hockey Hall of fame, Gretzkys resteraunt, CN tower, the Zoo, and our favourite was Medevil Times. The hotel and their staff were all fantastic too. The hockey game was great (It was a draw, thank God cos the twins would have fought, lol.) Mind you, the meet and greet with Matts Sundin was a big let down, he didnt spend 2 minutes with my little guy. If it wasnt for Ty Domi (who was brilliant) it would have been a total waste of time. But the trip itself was something that none of us will ever forget!


New member
Just for your info Shamrock:
There is an adult version of this type of foundation called the Dream Foundation. The problem with having this granted is you cant have more than 6 months to live, but it is based for adults. There are listed limitations on what they cant/wont do for wishes, but just thought I would mention it to you & any others that are advanced enough to have it happen.

Their website is:

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.dreamfoundation.com


i had a wish trip 10 years ago...my family and i went to disney world through the sunshine foundation. it was fun, but i think i was a little too young to fully appreciate it (i was 8 at the time).


New member
I find those wishes very reasonable. I mean Ty does charity work as it is, thats what that show is about, I would think he would even make it apart of one the shows. Make a Wish also sends people on vacation all the time. Why did they tell you they cant do these? I understand you said your doc probably didnt like the hawaii one. Have you emailed homemake over? Maybe tell them you wanted ty to do this as your wish but was told it wasnt possible. Maybe they can do something for you that way. Just curious as to why they think its not possible. Do you at least get to think of something else that would be possible?


New member
I think it's unfair to stop wishes at 18 since a lot of CFer's get sick later on. I am 23 and am very ill and would love to have a wish. I told my social worker how I wanted to meet U2 and she said aid hmmm I know who I can call. So maybe it will happen for me that would be so great. But I definitely think for a CF person cut-off age shouldn't be 18.


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This is moonshynchik. I have not wrote to Ty or the homemakeover. I figured it would not be possible, we went on the web site along time ago and there are certain areas listed that they want to go visit to do makeovers. We might check into it again. As far as another wish I really had a hard enough time deciding on those, so I don't know about a third wish. So told me to be thinking of one.


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I was in 6th grade when I got mine. Make a Wish said I wasn't sick enough, but the Starlight Foundation granted me one. I flew to Alberta Canada to meet the blonde hunky guy of the time that was all over the magazines, Devon Sawa. Haha.
I got my wish and saw New Kids on the Block when I was in 3rd grade!! Make a Wish bought my sister and I a new outfit to wear, got us a limo, took us to get proffesional photos taken, took us to a fancy dinner on the ocean, and then to the concert. It was absolutely wonderful. But my sister still makes fun of me because I wanted to see NKOTB!


New member
I was probably in fifth grade when I was granted my wish to go to Disney. Make-A-Wish set me and my family up at Give Kids The World in Orlando. Pretty neat place when you're young ^_^ I got to bring my best friend, and we went to Disney and Sea World. It was pretty fun. My dad, of course, had to go nuts with the video camera, so I still have the embarassing footage of my youth, but oh well. My second wish, if that one wasn't granted, was to get a swing set for the back yard. My parents weren't thrilled with that plan, which is one reason I'm sure the first one came through. ^_^ Oh, and the people who came to interview me for the wish brought me a stuffed monkey, which I still have.


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I got a wish granted through the Wishing Star Foundation (just like Make-A-Wish, but only in the north west) when I was 15 and I went to New York City to see The Lion King on Broadway. It was awesome!!! I had never been to NYC before, so my family and I got to see all the sights and just play around the city for about a week!



New member
Hi there..

I am new and from England I got to meet New Kids on the Block when i was about 8 through make a wish. It was the best day of my life loved every min lol <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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I made a wish through "Wish with Wings" when I was 9 we went to Disney World. We even met Micheal Eisnor (sp?) CEO of Disney. Hade a excellent time, I too think about that trip all the time.


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I had made my wish when i was in 7th grade. it was to be in a pageant (something i would never thought i would do). They paid for all the fees and the hotel fee. also they rented us a car to go in. Also my dress, shoes, interview suit, suitcases, 4 outfits, a blender-to have shakes for the calories thing- hair dryer, curling iron, cameras, shampoo and condintior, soap, hair things to do with my hair. That experience for me was awesome! I had won 2 trophies, 2 ribbions, 2 plaques and a trip to nationals ( which i didnt get to go)

Tiffany 15 w/cf


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I made my wish right before I turned 18. I ended up meeting the cast of friends. Make a Wish flew us out to L.A got us hotel rooms, gave us spending money for food, limos and everything. I spent the day on the set with the cast and hung out with them after the shooting. It was an absolutely amazing experience and i wish I could do it all over again. My second wish (If the first one didn't go through) was to meet Dave Matthews Band. That would have been awesome too.
Double Lung tx 11.11.04


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I had two wishes ( more like dreams) that i so desperately wanted since i was a child. One was to have a big wedding, the whole works....the other was to have a hotrod. I never knew of make a wish till i was older but my parents helped make both wishes come true. My father and my mom ( they are divorced) made sure i had that beautiful wedding of my dreams....My mom bought me the car i have now, which is now officially a muscle car ( took 5 years of building ). If i knew of make a wish before i was 18, i would have asked for the car.


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Hello! My name is Jason and I will be 15 on Saturday, the 29th and I have CF. My wish was to meet the all-great, all-knowing Jeff Gordon in all his awesomeness. My wish came true through Make-A-Wish Foundation of Western New York. We got an all-expenses paid voyage to Pocono, PA to watch a NASCAR race,tour the pits and garage, and meet the legendary Jeff Gordon. We were all impressed by Jeff's sincerity and generocity. He gave me a tour of his trailer and even offered me a drink, to which I will kindly leave no comment on<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> I had the time of my life.