work load


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My life has become nothing but work and more work. My question is how do you know that it is time to trim the hours at work?


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Bozo</b></i>

My life has become nothing but work and more work. My question is how do you know that it is time to trim the hours at work?</end quote></div>

I would assume when your mental and physical health starts to take a dive. I'm kind of apprehensive about my upcoming hours, which will be two straight high hour days, then two medium days, then 3 days off. I really dig the 3 days off thing though.


New member
Also Bozo, you need to consider what type of work you are doing. How much of an impact is it upon your health (the actual work itself)? Are you able to keep up on your aresols and treatments and keep these hours? Is it mostly mental or physical? Is it really stressing you out (the job or just the hours?) ? You don't want to really dog yourself out over a job. I still say only work if you are able to, and not jeopardize your health in doing so. You won't win anything in life by working, but dying way earlier than you would have if you didn't work.


New member
My job is not physical but mental (auto sales). I load myself up with oxycodone all day long just to keep me going so I can keep up with the other guys and at the end of the month I will be holding the big check. . I dont do aresols at all.. because, of the time factor and I'm to tried by the time I get home..
I know I have to cut my hours down. I think the hard part of it is that I have to talk to management and ask for less hours. I know that I fall under the ADA but, fear that the dealership may cut my pay do to this..Thanks for the advice Sean


New member
I'd say what you described is a combination for general real health decline. You can do atleast one or two aresols while you drive to work with the pari trek compressor (I used it for the first time in that way this morning). Remember, prevention and care now could really extend your life possibly.


New member
If you cut your hours back do expect a pay cut. It sounds like you're a candle burning at both ends. As a rule of thumb, we can only work as much as our energy allows us to do all our treatments/therapies 100% and with as much gusto (or more!) that we put into our work endeavors. You speak of getting home and being exhausted. I agree ... it is time to cut back. Do they know you have CF? If not, I do not think youi necessarily need to disclose this. Get copies of your sales record ASAP before you talk with them and any other proof of the great job you did at your job (emails of praise, etc.) If things don't go hunky-dorry with them talk to other dealerships or perhaps broaden your scope to other sales positions. A good person in sales is valuable in many industries. Good luck!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Bozo</b></i>

My life has become nothing but work and more work. My question is how do you know that it is time to trim the hours at work?</end quote></div>

It's all about balance. I get the feeling it is for you if you're asking how do you know? You probably feel you're working 2 many hours 2 ask that question. I dunno, perhaps I'm wrong. At the mo, I work 8 hours a week, 2 days a week - 4 hours a day. My youngest daughter has CF, I took 15 months off work after she was born and returned to work on 8 hours a week. As from 2moro, I'm increasing my hours to 16 hours a week, 4 days a week, 4 hours a day. I hope I'm making the right decision. You've just gotta trust you're instinct I suppose. I feel i've got the balance as I'll be earning a bit more money and also spending a lot of time with my daughter too.

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

What?!!!!!!!</end quote></div>

Read what he wrote. He said he takes tons of oxycontin to get by and be able to compete with the other guys during the day.


New member
I work 50 to 60 hours a week and while I am in school I work only
35-40 hours. I am a very active person, if I don't work I don't
function. When I do take a break I make calls from my home or while
I am sick I do the same. Its amazing how much you can still do and
take a break. If you feel that you are missing out on things it is
time to slow down. If you are asking this question then you are
working to much.


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

It's the same thing and do over do it..</end quote></div>

Um, say again?


Bozo (unique name),
First, my understanding of auto salesmen, is they work pretty long hours.
Also, I live in Japan, so I know what the meaning of "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Friday, Saturday, Monday" is!
Though I don't work Sundays, I get a pretty good share of Saturdays! It was worse about 5 years back, when I'd return home late, around 11pm, and get up (on my own, without the help of the "then wife") at 5:30 am to do it all over, again. Fortunately, I enjoyed the job, so it wasn't so obvious how exhausting it was. After a while, the job lost it's "spunk", and I started feeling the repurcussions of it.
I am 40, so I was turning 38 when it happened. If your health is pretty good at 38, I highly recommend you do something to relax, cut down stress, and find some time for yourself to enjoy, AND to take care of your health! I had to learn that part, the hard way. After working so hard for the company and ignoring my necessities for a healthier me, my production level was becoming inefficient.
If work hours can't be cut, is it possible to take more holidays? (similar to what SeanDavis may see?)
Good luck!


New member
Get a doctor's note. I got one saying that I canot work more than 5 days in a row without a day off. I had been working 10 to 12 days in a row sometimes and I was wiped out. It was horrible. They could not punish me in anyway (including cutting my pay). If they had I would have taken the company to court.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

It's the same thing and do over do it..</end quote></div>

Do you always speak to yourself?


New member
That must have been hilarious for someone to drive up next to Sean Davis and look over and see some guy doing an aerosol treatment while driving!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> But hey, whatever works and allows you to multi-task right?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ChelsAnn</b></i>

That must have been hilarious for someone to drive up next to Sean Davis and look over and see some guy doing an aerosol treatment while driving!! <img src=""> But hey, whatever works and allows you to multi-task right?</end quote></div>

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">