You're not a whiner! I'm sure that I would have a hard time keeping up with a full time job even though I am healthy since my transplant 2.5 years ago. I also have diabetes (since transplant), am dealing with sinus issues right now, have been experiencing migraines occasionally, and I also had my colon removed in June 2007 and am in the bathroom constantly throughout the day (depending on how much I eat). I believe that it would be hard to hold a full time job. There are some people who have no problem going back to work after transplant, and there are some who just can't do it.
I'm sure that I probably could hold a full time job at some point but I would have to find an employer who can handle me taking time off here and there for appointments and who would allow me to run to the bathroom when I need to. At this point, my docs do not want me to return to work because of the germs that I would encounter and I would also have to put my 3.5 year old son in daycare and we would be exposed to more germs from there.
Anyway, I hope that this helps. It's a tough decision but we have to do what we can to stay healthy. That's why we got transplants in the first place! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">