Working Out W/ C.F.


New member
Ok heres the deal...i hate sitting around doing nothing and looking down and seeing my belly..for god sakes it looks as if im pregnant i get it all the time. There has to be a exercise plan to not loose weight but to gain it in muscle and get a lil smaller belly. + i want my butt back... i miss it. I used to do tabo i loved it do any of you guys exercise like this. If you do what are some ways i can exercise and not loose weight but build muscles and all i seen was ones where u loose all ur calories im totally confused on the idea..
point is
1 want to exercise
2 not loose weight
3 build body muscles
4 smaller belly
5 look hot lol


New member
I think it's called excercise. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">

Start a routine of like 3 sets of 10 pushups, sit ups and maybe 5 chin ups (if you can,even 2-3 is good to start)

Increase it by a few each weak.


New member
Have you tried belly dancing? I've heard that it strengthens your stomach muscles, but you don't lose weight. Same with Pilates. I did pilates for awhile, and it toned all my muscles, but I didn't lose weight. I'm in the same boat as you, where I don't want to lose weight, but I want to tone up, look hot and not lose my butt (I love my butt). I'm looking into yoga classes, and going to a gym to do treadmill running and some light weight lifting.


New member

One of the biggest things to gain muscle and not loose weight while working out is to lift weights for muscle tone, and eat LOTS when you're in an exercise program. I find that I have to eat much more often when I workout (I do cardio and lift weights about 4-5 times a week for about 1 1/2 hours total per day). Even if I don't feel hungry, I make myself eat extra... like I drink some whole milk or eat a handful of peanuts... these are good things with protein and fat that should keep you from loosing weight. I must say, however, I DO loose a couple lbs here and there on occasion if I'm working out harder or a lot more often. Usually, if I ease off for the next week, I am able to put it back on slowly. Just make sure to watch that you don't loose too much. If you loose too much weight, you won't put any muscle on either.


New member

ladybug is right, lifting weights IS very helpful in keeping fit. Extra muscle is beneficial to CFer's, fat is not. There are actually several controlled studies that show lifting weights to be MORE beneficial for CFer's than cardio. Here are my suggestions:

1. I don't know what your diet looks like now, but learn to eat lots of whole foods. We're talking whole grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, oils, milk and yogurt. If it's in a package or processed or it costs $4.95 at mcdonalds, then it's not going to help you.

2. Lift weights 2-3 times per week. Use heavier weights and do 10-15 reps on every exercise. Work your whole body. You're a female, so don't ever worry about becoming bulky; you'd need anabolic steriods to do to that.

3. Do some cardio 2-3 times per week. Jogging, swimming, you know...

4. Get plent of rest, and water.

5. Plan ahead, have a workout schedule, and stay dedicated.

You can also learn to moniter your daily calories if you feel you need more than just the above steps. For instance, you would consume 2400 cals daily everyday of the week, and if this didn't work, you would try 2200 per day. Losing fat at a slow pace is not unhealthy at all, even for a CFer.



New member
The above message was me. I just wanted to say that you probably
don't need to monitor calories at all. I put it there just in case
you needed the info. Just start exercising, eat healthy
foods, and eat when you're hungry. I think you'll find that your
body will "tone" up, or whatever word you females like to
use, haha. You will actually be burning some fat and building some
p.s.  Weighted squats will give you your booty back. Heck,
they gave ME booty, and I'm a guy!


New member
hey i work out all de time roughly 3 times a week, i mainly just swim cos its the best all round excerise for people with resipertory poblems like cf and asthema, i've cf by the way. i dont want to brag but i've a perfect toned body and perfect 6 pack and to be totally honest its all from caughing, i dont do sit ups or lift weights, my mates dont know how i do it. i think its funny, if u want to work ut with out loosing weight the key is train like a rugby player, this is simple just replce the calories that you lost in de gym straight after ur done, eat plenty of chicken its great for muscle recovery, plus sit ups and squats are good or gettin ur tummy back and if u use a gym the do a good workout on the step machine this will firm up ur quads and hamstrings and give u that sexy a$$ ur looking for. this will take time so dont give up on it and u'll look fab for the summer.

best of uck with it
Brendan (Ireland)


New member
i suggest trying yoga. it's helped strength train me a lot...lifting weights is too boring for me.

also, although you don't want to lose weight, it is important for us to do cardio--something to make us sweat is really good for the lungs. you could try fitness walking, or really anything you want. i would limit the time you do it if you want to keep weight on, but it is good to have muscle too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
I thought something like a dance work out video i love those just the right pace for me and i dont get bored. like The Grind from mtv or tabo or that new one that just came out i forget what its called but it looked so awsome. i have to have something fast so i can keep up with. i get bored easy


New member
I think dancing is an AWESOME idea! Anything that gets your hr up is great for CF. I also wanted to mention that muscle does weight more than fat, so you're likely to gain weight just cause you're working out and putting on muscle.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I tried belly dancing because I too had heard that it makes your belly small and gain muscle. That was a big mistake. Since i have no butt or hips i looked ridiculous and felt stupid. Basically, I couldn't do it at all and finally gave up. but if you do have curves I would suggest it because it can give you a good workout. Just not for someone like me, who can't even find her hips!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Sue 24w/CF


New member
I have been lifting weights for years now...

I sometimes have a lag in my lifting, but
I try to get back to it as soon as I am well
or have time, depending on what kept me from
it in the first place..

Start out with light arm weights, and the Power Bands
are really very good, you can even take then to the hospital.
Just start slow, upper body one day then the lower the next.
It will also make you eat like crazy, that is something I am very good at..


New member
Hey man my purple hippo is awsome lol shows that i have a great sense of humor and he can work it <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0"> so more power to him.

to all,.
those ideas were fantastic and i really appreciated your help. Thank you so much for helping me


New member
ok Vampy here,s the 4 easiest ways to have the body you want.

1. Treadmill -20 min 3 times a week. Great for legs, rearend and cardivascular
2. Stair step or oliptical machine - 20 min. 3 times a week (same as above)
3. arm curls for upper body tonnage. Use small weights or you will build up to much muscle. three sets of a small weight (8 to 10lbs) three times a week
4. sit ups - three sets of 20 - 3 times a week

That's all you'll need for toning up your body.
And if you can handle that you'll be amazed at the difference in 4 to 6 weeks.
But remember no pain no gain. It won't be easy. And you have to be patient.


New member
Even if you don't have pain, you'll still get results. I'm not sure if that's what you're referring to though. Even if you start small Vampy, you'll still notice a difference. Small amounts of exercise to start with is still better then no exercise at all.


New member
Take Pilates at a Pilates studio- it is so good for you and all the movements strengthen your core- your will tone up quickly.