Hello everyone! I have a 17 month old son who I fear may have CF. He is in the process of being worked up for poor weight gain, malabsorption, and iron-deficiency anemia. Among his symptoms, include poor weight gain (he's in the 14th percentile), malabsorption (he eats like a linebacker and at 17 months old still hasn't tripled his birth weight), has increased fat in his stool, has microcytic/iron-deficient anemia despite being on the max dose by weight of iron, has a persistent, phlegmy cough (he's in daycare, had RSV at 5 months old that did not require hospitalization but has never seemed to clear this cough/cold since September of last year), has discolored teeth (from what I assume is poor calcium absorption), has loose, foul smelling, greasy appearing stools (and will have anywhere from 3-5 VERY full BMs every day). He has had normal thyroid testing, hemoglobin electrophoresis, comprehensive metabolic panel, CBC (with the exception of the microcytic anemia), low iron despite supplement, increased fecal fat (100 droplets), negative ova/parasite, negative stool culture. He has not had sweat testing done yet, and I have asked his doctor to refer us to a CF center locally to have that performed (I'm waiting to hear back from him today so I can schedule the testing). With the research that I have done looking for ANY possible answer, CF always comes up at the top of the list and seems to match all of his symptoms. His newborn screening was negative, but I know that is only 80% sensitive and only covers 40 variants. My doctor had wanted to wait until his 18 month appointment to recheck some labs to see if he had any improvement with weight gain and his iron study, but the more I try to be a patient parent the more I find myself having high anxiety and losing sleep over this. As much as I hope to not be right, I feel in my heart that CF is the diagnosis that not only makes the most sense, but also seems the most likely.
I tried to talk to my husband about my fears and concerns, and he said "Let's not start worrying until we have something to worry about." Obviously, that isn't going to change my fears or anxiety, and it's only making me feel like I can't talk about this with him because he isn't ready to talk about it. It is certainly not that he doesn't care, but I think that the idea of this diagnosis is so frightening to both of us that if he doesn't talk about it then it isn't really a possibility. I'm not really sure what my question is, or what I am looking for, but I just need to talk to other parents who have been through this uncertainty prior to a diagnosis before, and get some reassurance that even if his sweat test is positive, that things are going to be okay, or at least have realistic expectations of what may lie ahead for my beautiful boy. I already worry about the typical parenting stuff like whether or not reckless drivers are on the road with us, but the idea that my son my have a condition with a life expectancy attached to it terrifies me to no end. Any help or encouragement is appreciated! Thank you in advance.
I tried to talk to my husband about my fears and concerns, and he said "Let's not start worrying until we have something to worry about." Obviously, that isn't going to change my fears or anxiety, and it's only making me feel like I can't talk about this with him because he isn't ready to talk about it. It is certainly not that he doesn't care, but I think that the idea of this diagnosis is so frightening to both of us that if he doesn't talk about it then it isn't really a possibility. I'm not really sure what my question is, or what I am looking for, but I just need to talk to other parents who have been through this uncertainty prior to a diagnosis before, and get some reassurance that even if his sweat test is positive, that things are going to be okay, or at least have realistic expectations of what may lie ahead for my beautiful boy. I already worry about the typical parenting stuff like whether or not reckless drivers are on the road with us, but the idea that my son my have a condition with a life expectancy attached to it terrifies me to no end. Any help or encouragement is appreciated! Thank you in advance.