Working with cf


New member
im a 23 yo m w ith cf
i work 40 hrs weekly in a call center as well
my pfts are 40 55% well vs not welli find my self in a sitution where i have to choose:
go to work and keep ins benefits VS leave work and take better care of myself with the extra time


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I work 40+ hours/week in a construction main office - Good Benefits. I'll work as long as I possibly can!


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I on average I work 35-45 hrs a week. I do really well but I have mild CF. I work in a hospital so I am always on my feet running around. By the end of the week I am definatley tired and want to sleep and make up for the sleep I missed all week. So I do ok and I agree with every one that working is not for everyone and everyone is diffrent. I was working when my FEV1 was in the 30% and that was the hardest thing because my body was already so tired from fighting the infection and I was working 12 hr days. So it is a personal thing and everyone is diffrent but one thing I noticed is I am a little healther when I am working because I am not laying around which is what I tend to do on all my days off and when I was not working so the little exercise that I get everyday at work tends to help me because I don't have a choise I have to be where ever they need me.
Shavonica 19/F with CF


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I currently hold down a party time job working about 20 hrs a week and going to to school full time. I find doing both these things tiring but it keeps me busy and keeps my mind off of things. Although, I do know people who are not strong enough physically to keep a job. So it is totally up to how your son is feeling and how much a person can handle
Ashley 20 w/ cf