

New member
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> Hi my name is Tabitha and i recently found out that my boyfriend has cystic fibrosis....or at least i think he does he said that he couldnt eat vegetables bcuz they didnt digest and stuff...he also takes pills 2 times a day an before he eats..my mom said that it sounds exactly like he has it and she tried to explain it to me...see i have this problem where my dad doesnt like james and i am soso in love with him its not even funny....i want to be with him forever, neither of my parnets have met him yet either....i dont know what to do!!!! i love him so much and now im worried about him i barely se him but we talk on the phone for hours a day....so yeah if anyone knows what i should do or ne ways to help my dad to like him...email me or somehting okay<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> thank you so much love always *Tabitha* *Jameses sweetie forever*<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


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hi tabitha
i dont mean to be horrible or anything, but are you sure your boyf has cf? vegetables can be digested normally in cf - thats why i ask. maybe you should ask him a few more questions about it, just to be sure.


New member
If you and James love each other then you should just ask him why he takes these pills. Keep the communication open and let him know you are there for him. As far as your dad not liking him......this happens when you are a teen and I don't think his medical conditional will make him like James any more or less. Sounds like he has other reasons for not liking him and maybe you need to ask your mom or dad why they don't like him.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


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Hey tabitha,

If u luv the guy then it doesnt matter wat others think. I always think that the heart is the best compass in life and it leads us the best way.

Rami 21 w/cf


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Hey you guys...i have an update<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> uhm james says he doesnt have that but he has something that starts with a C uhmm crunts or something..but its alot like cf i guess he says it could still kill him and he still has to take pills...he lost his id and says he cant get his medicine without it...im sure he will be alright and find it though so yeah<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> iam happy he doesnt have that but he does have something..does ne one know what its called? hmm yeah oh good news my mom met him yesterday and she says he is very polite and she likes him alot! hehe yay yeah i love him soso much..and i would do anything for him ever..and he knows it so we have a pretty good understanding about it all so thats good....thank you guys so much your words of encouragement help me out alot....thanks so much love Tabitha


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Maybe sounds like Crohn's disease....it affects the digestive system in much the same way that CF does...


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yeah!! its chrons desiese or whatever you said...thats what he said it was<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> but what is it? love tabitha


New member
I dont know much about Crohn's Disease...but I do know that it affects the intestines....inflammation of the intestines keeps them from working properly. I know there is medication to help...but like CF..there is no cure. He will always have to take medication for it. I'm sure you can go online ...type in "Crohn's Disease"...and start searching. Good luck ...take care!


New member
A close friend of mine has Chron's he has had many feet (I think 8) of his large intestine removed and had part of his bowel removed. With Chron's you usually get little ulcers and sores that line the intesines and bowels.

Dave 29 w/cf


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yeah i dont think hes had anything removed and i dont think he has that bad of a case of it i just know he takes pills twice a day for it.....hes alright and doesnt seem to be that worried about it so he tells me not to be<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> so...im not thanks you guys sososo much for helping me out *Tabitha*


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He should still research his condition and listen to his doctor, certain foods and drinks can cause flair up's.
I was talking to my friend a couple of weeks ago, I was drinking a Dr. Pepper. He told me a story about how he drank one can of Dr. Pepper and it flaired up his chrohns and ended up in the hospital.

Bad Dr. Pepper.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
wow thats crazy....! yeah i think hes a good boy and listenes to what his doctor tells him to do if not he listens to me haha yeah.... but anyways i researched it and printed out some really good information on it too...so i feel aa little bit better about it<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> and im not so worried anymore bcuz he doesnt want me to be...and we dont really talk about it but i think when he comes over on friday we are gonna sit down and im gonna ask him about it....if it doesnt make him feel too uncomfortable that is<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> and ill tell him to stay away from the dr pepper.....hehe hey can smoking make it worse?? or is it really really bad for someone with crohns to smoke? bcuz see he does..and its bad anyways but im thinking if it could be worse he might stop you know well i hope to hear form yall soon love *Tabitha*


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My buddy also smokes and I have not heard him say that smoking affects his chrohns. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't quit. Your boyfriend and my buddy should quit smoking, not becasue they have chrohn's but becasue it is the right thing to do.

I am sure that chrohn's and lung cancer do not go well together.

Dave 29 w/cf


New member
Yeah your totally right......hes hopefully coming over tomarrow before we go to homecoming and im gonna have a serious talk about it with him......i said i would never ever be with or marry someone who smokes bcuz ive been around it my whole life and wanna get away from it so yeah.......anyone who smokes shouldnt.....so if you smoke STOP bcuz theres people who love you and dont want you to die haha my wise words of wisdom** hehe well i will talk to you guys later and dave...yes your friend should stop smoking as well as james too maybe we can get them to:D hehe yay love tabitha


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Hey my best friend had cystic Fibrosis as well and she has to take pills befpre she eats as well.. i think that if u would like ur dad to like him u should just invite him over sometime so that they can meet and i think that u should talk to ur boyfriend about the way u think that he has it... cause i had to ask my bestfriend as well because she wouldn't tell me but if u ever wanna talk about nething then just e-mail me sometime i am always around alright....Lilmsannie14@aol.com
Love always Annie<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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yeah mere now on "break" or something bcuz he wants to focus on school....my mom told me to ask him if it was bcuz he ruined my homecoming bcuz he got sick and couldnt go and hes worried about me bcuz he is sick..i asked him and he said that yes..that was part of it...i dont understand but now he wont take my phone calls, he wont talk to me or email me back at all....i dont know whats wrong with him but i hope he gets over it bcuz i lvoe him so much...oh and annie when i get time i will deff email you<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> hehe love tabitha


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hello, I am the mother of a four year old with CF, and I have Crohn's. Crohn's is a disease of the digestive system. It causes ulcerations anywhere in the digestive tract, from the mouth to the other end. I have had surgery to remove diseased portions of my intestine and more medicine than I can count. It's not a fun disease, but it's much easier to deal with than CF. James will probably take medication for the rest of his life, some of which can cause undesireable side effects. This can be an embarrassing disease to have (anything involving the digestive system usually is!) Don't pressure him to talk about it, that will only push him away. Be there for him, but remember that this disease is a part of him but doesn't define him. Hang in there.


New member
Thanks!!! yea im trying to hang in there but now hes just not taking my phone calls anymore......i have decided to give up....on being with him anyways bcuz i hear hes with another girl...so yea that has nothing to do with this topic but owell<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> haha yea im alright though<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> ttfn love tabitha


New member
Thats terrible. i've just read all the topics and to be honest you really don't need to be with someone who's going to go off with another girl.
Your here trying to get info on whats going on with him and so you can be there for him in anyway you can and then just because he gets a bit sick and can't go to your home coming( sorry i'm from england and not really sure how important that is so forgive me if homecoming is a big deal!!) he just stops talking to you. It sounds like you really did love him and i think personelly he lost out on someone who actually was gonna be there for him and not just run when ever he got sick. i might be way off but thats just my opinion.
I'm with my bf two and a half years and he has cf. We've gone through our bad times with him being sick and i've been there for him. He's told me about how some girls he's been with couldn't handle it when he got sick and they ended breaking up. whereas i didn't. I'm not to familar on chronns but it sounds like you where a girl who would of stayed with him. so thats that. i couldn't really get out on here what was in my head but hopefully i put it down here best i could.