Would you do this?


New member
So, I've been feeling a bit more short of breath lately, and also seem to be coughing up a lot more. I should mention I'm also on my 2nd month of H.S., so maybe that has something to do with the more persistant daily cough... I notice I cough up a lot throughout the day.

So, would you go in just cause of this? I mean, get a "clean out"? I'm going back and forth on this. I still can run almost my normal amount, and have an appetite and energy and stuff, but I just cough so much up throughout the day...

So, do you think its more of a product from the H.S.? Or, do you think its cause I'm getting sick? The stuff I cough up is pretty much exactly what I used to cough up, only in higher quantities. Also, I have coughed up tiny plugs (I think that's what they are, but they're tiny... is that possible?) So, is it a good sign if I cough up those teeny tiny hard mucosy-things?

Thanks for any advice and ideas-


New member
first off, what do you mean by "lately?" is it the last week? or more than that?

my opinion is that coughing up a little more for a little while (a week or so) isn't a bad thing as long as you make sure to keep up your exercise and do extra clearance. but, if you feel you're doing all you can and still have more mucus, this could be an infection and you don't want an infection to go on and on untreated. if you are not coughing up bad looking sputum though, i would be less alarmed.

for myself, i am not sure that the HS makes me cough up more during the whole day, more like just when i'm doing it, or just after. but i could be wrong on this.

i have no idea about the plugs.

if i were you i would keep up the exercise and increase clearance. if you are not feeling better in a week then i would call the doc for advice. you might need a clean out, but maybe he could suggest something else. at least you'll know you've tried everything in your power. oh, just an idea, have you tried the mucines expectorant? that might be a good idea...



New member
When I was admitted back in May it was for plugs. I felt so much better when I got out. If the cough is getting worse and really irritating you, then you might want to consider going in for a tuneup - entirely up to you. Just remember that with plugs, bacteria and such are always hiding behind them.


New member
So, isn't it a GOOD thing if you're getting the plugs OUT and they're not lurking in your lungs then? If they're plugs, they've probably been there longer than just a few weeks, and the fact I'm getting them out is a good sign, no?

by lately I do mean the past few weeks (shortly after starting H.S.)... I'll see what happens, I guess. I just don't feel "funky" enough to go on 3 weeks of IVs. And, I'm resistant to all the oral antibiotics, so that wouldn't be anything else they could try.


New member
Sonia, if you aren't feeling bad, fevers, fatigue, etc..... I wouldn't worry about going in, it just sounds as if the H.S. is working!!!! That's great that you're coughing up mucus and plugs. So watch for signs of infection but it's probably just the HS working on clearing your lungs.


New member
I think you are probably fine.  If your mucus hasn't changed
in color or anything and you have no fevers or loss of appetite
etc.  i think it's a good thing.  Annoying probably but
good.  <br>
The HS is making me cough a ton when I do it and keeps me more
productive throughout the day.  I am not real worried about it
and I am for sure not running towards the big house.  I
actually try to remind myself coughing is good for me and it's when
I am not coughing enough that I should get worried.  Annoying
as that is....Argh!!!!!!!!!


New member
Well, my PFTs are scheduled for August or Sept. since my CF center is 380 miles away one-way. So, the only reason I would rush to get them done is if I FEEL sick enough. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> That's kinda why I asked, since I don't have the numbers to go by (for the first time, since we just moved here). I'm trying to go by how I feel and other things.


New member
Hi Sonia,

i think it could very well be the HS working very well for you. Getting the mucus up from deep down in your lungs. If i were you i would see if the colour of your sputum will change/has changed. Maybe sent in a sputumculture to see if something is going on. And act on that.

Good luck!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>ladybug</b></i>

Well, my PFTs are scheduled for August or Sept. since my CF center is 380 miles away one-way. So, the only reason I would rush to get them done is if I FEEL sick enough. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> That's kinda why I asked, since I don't have the numbers to go by (for the first time, since we just moved here). I'm trying to go by how I feel and other things.</end quote></div>

Another great measure is a peak-flow meter.

You can blow into it daily, or even twice daily, and write down your #s. That way you get a good sense of what your base is. You can see if your numbers are going down without having to do a PFT (obviously it's not a thorough PFT but it measures FEV).

Obviously this won't help you in your situation now, but in the future it could. Unless you've done a peak flow before and you know your base, it could tell you what's up now.

Keep us posted <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm brand new to the forum, but I have recently found the time to
join due to a long struggle with "symptom" treatment.
First let me say that being able to regularly take the HS is an
accomplishment in itself! Having said that I just got a crash
course in plugs. Yes, they are definitely moving more because of
the HS, but it's more important to know why they were hanging
around. I spent 18mo in an uphill battle to treat something that
"didn't exist." I had an annoying cough that just
wouldn't go away, but no fever or other symptoms. I was culturing
for aspergillus, but I was told that it was of little concern
because of it's low levels. Fast forward 15 mos where a bronc
finally revealed not only more of my little fungal friend, but two
types of pseduomonas, topped off with a touch of staff! Questions
re lack of sputum diagnosis educated me on dark green plugs usually
being attributed to bacterial "junk." Not to be dismissed
these suckers can hang around for quite awhile, letting all of its
relatives move in behind it. Plugs that are more brown in color
lean more to fungus. With either, being able to have the plugs
cultured, instead of "regular" sputum (is there such a
thing!) can bring a far quicker and definitive answer. I would
guess that a good relationship with your DR can bring an order for
a culture at a local lab. This can bring treatment or peace of mind
much quicker. I don't blame you for not rushing forward for IVs, my
"free" time has appeared due to my IV tether (3 meds, 3x
day, for 3 weeks) but letting more time slip by can tie you down
even more!<br>
Thanks for letting me share and I look forward to hearing that
everything's OK!