WOW!!!! whats going on?


New member
You sound so shocked that people sometimes disagree. oooohhhhh ahhhh, never seen that before. Try not to overly stress about it. Just a disagreement and discussion.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Zoey7206</b></i>

Wow i only missed 1 day of reading the forums and i feel like i
missed a year!!!!! I think we need to be more supportive in some
things. Just my opinion. What about people visiting this site? Do
you think they will want to come back?! Sorry if i make anyone mad
but i think we should offer support not criticism.</end quote></div>

I totally agree with you. I find it difficult to read all the posts and I've been dealing with CF for 12 years. I can't imagine being new to CF and having to witness all the harsh things that sometimes get said here. I'm not saying that people shouldn't be allowed to express themselves, just that there is no way I would ever advise anyone I know who deals with CF to visit this site. I would certainly never recommend it to a new parent of a CF'er. I think it's just too much. And that's really sad because the site really has a lot to offer people. If I had happened upon a site like this when my daughter was first diagnosed, I think I'd have been ready to commit suicide. I wouldn't have been able to handle it.

You know, it's odd... someone earlier said that things are calmer here than they used to be. I don't remember it that way at all. I've been visiting this site for years and it's only been in the past year or so that I have witnessed so much division and criticism. It's almost like this has gone from a CF Support site to an ANTI-CF website...let's focus on all the negative things about CF and trash people who have children with it (knowing they were carriers). I know many people here must hate my very existence because I have TWO chidren with CF (I obviously knew with the second one that I was a carrier).

In the past I mostly read and posted in the families section. Maybe that's why I didn't see all the arguments before. It seems that recently everyone has moved over to the adults section, therefore in order to get answers to any questions, we had to go where the people were. <b>I truly do understand that adults with CF need a place to vent. They are in a situation that the rest of us simply cannot relate to and sometimes they want to vent only to people who can understand. I can totally sympathize with that.</b> Maybe if a few more of you would come over to the families section and answer some of the questions we parents have, or post responses (with kid gloves) some of us parents who don't like the harshness of the adults section will back off and leave you to your venting. I know some of you do answer over there, but the majority don't. We need your advice and help. Just baby us a little bit and we will give you your space... :)