

New member
I know, I know, it's one of 'those' drinks, I didn't do the Tahition Noni thing so why this one. Well I have it from a personal friend (well I use to babysit for them growing up) that it has really helped him! As long as I have known him, about 15 years now, he has had hip problems etc... and he has taken pain meds I believe since then or at least for a long time because of inflammation, he also has a few other minor problems like because of the pain meds it ate away at his stomach lining and esophagous, so he said that he has only been taking Xango for a week and already he is either off his pain meds or almost off (can't remember) and that before he could never eat out because of his stomach and esoph. and now he can!

The regular dose is 1 oz. per day but he took it three times a day, so I'm thinking if it really helps inflammation it would help me out! I mean that's what I take Azithromycin for! and it would be nice to get off pain meds.

So I'm just wondering if anyone's tried it. Thanks!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Personally, I trust the meds way more than these "snake oil" things that are unregulated, untested and unproven. I'm especially hesitant because I just can't understand how a CFer would benefit from something they can't properly absorb. I've got a friend bugging me to try a product like this and I keep telling her "no thanks." I'm glad it seems to work for some people. I'm inclined to believe that drinking something like V8, V8 Splash or Vitaminwater would do the same.

Anywho, I'm totally turned off by these supposedly helpful supplements.

Like I said, if it helps someone (like my friend) then so be it. It's just not something I'm willing to try.

"I'm addicted to placebos. I'd give them up but I wouldn't notice."


New member
My mom drinks Monavie, my neighbor sells Noni, my doc suggests JuicePlus, there are tons of drinks out there. I think they do help. However, I wouldn't trade a rx med for the drink. It would have to be in addition to regular meds. Nothing is gonna cure but maybe it can help. If even just a little bit, who really knows. My advice, do some research on the one you are interested in and then try it. If you see big changes at the end of the week/month, great. If not, then all your out is time and some pocket change. I will eventually put Jaelyn on a supplement such as the ones I listed above. But not for another year. She is about to start a clinical study and I want to document changes in her by adding only one thing at a time. I wouldn't know if it was the juice or the denufosol causing the change.


Staff member
Coworker sells this. Was really put off when she was going to a friends house, who was dying of cancer and selling her this stuff. It's pretty spendy, like the other brands.

My husband's gentleman's magazine had a big article on it, which was kinda interesting, but did remind me a lot of similar sales programs. You can only purchase it from a representative, if you get involved in selling it, you can get it at a reduced price depending upon how many people you get to purchase it.


New member
Yeah that's the thing, Money, don't have it!!!!! I say if they tell me it will help then let me try it, if it helps I would totally pay them!!! But it's hard to put the money first (especially when you don't have any) and then for a product that doesn't work.

And I hadn't thought about it may work on other people and not cf'ers since we do have some stuff that is different that it may not work on us! Hm....Would we really not absorb it well? digest it? it's juice, do I need to take enzymes?


New member
So I've recently been researching this stuff because I started taking USANA nutritional supplements (NOTHING like Xango.) But because Usana is marketed like Xango (network marketing) I hear other people experiences with things like Xango.

USANA is pharmaceutical grade nutrition that has much higher doses of vitamins and minerals than your over-the-counter Centrum or Kids vitamins. It was started by a doctor (Dr Wentz) who spent the first half of his life keeping human cells alive and thriving in the lab for making anti-viral test kits. So he knew what type of nutrition was needed to make cells grow and regenerate in a healthy way... He realized he wasn't feeding his body anywhere close to that level of nutrition...no wonder it (his body) was starting to fall apart.

When I heard that it rang true with me. CF-related Arthritis (chronic inflammation- no drug would consistently help with it) and low energy and regular (3-6 months) IV antibiotics. I needed nutrition I could know was going to boost my immune system, and help with inflammation. IT HAS! Arthritis inflammation is gone (due to the high levels of anti-oxidents in the vitamins) and I've got great amounts of energy most days. I know it's getting to the cellular level and providing optimal nutrition to them because my symptoms of CF are lessened and I'm healthier for longer periods of time. If it does great things in me, I'm sure it would help to provide a child's body with the quality, optimal nutrition it needs to help keep the degeneration of their body at bay for longer.

And it's all because of science, not some weird magical potion like Xango. Doctors and nutritionists serve on the board and the medical teams that make up USANA Health Sciences.

I've joined the business because I've seen the difference and decided to spread the news to all my CF friends. Doctors don't study nutrition that indepth. It's one subject in school for them. CF doctors don't have all the answers (as I've learned first hand.) They have to focus directly treating the sypmtoms and pain that we go through. USANA is the only nutritional supplement listed in the Physicans Desk Reference that Dr. consult all the time for their drugs.

Sorry for the long post but I'm out to spread the word about my experience.


New member
So I've recently been researching this stuff because I started taking USANA nutritional supplements (NOTHING like Xango.) But because Usana is marketed like Xango (network marketing) I hear other people experiences with things like Xango.

USANA is pharmaceutical grade nutrition that has much higher doses of vitamins and minerals than your over-the-counter Centrum or Kids vitamins. It was started by a doctor (Dr Wentz) who spent the first half of his life keeping human cells alive and thriving in the lab for making anti-viral test kits. So he knew what type of nutrition was needed to make cells grow and regenerate in a healthy way... He realized he wasn't feeding his body anywhere close to that level of nutrition...no wonder it (his body) was starting to fall apart.

When I heard that it rang true with me. CF-related Arthritis (chronic inflammation- no drug would consistently help with it) and low energy and regular (3-6 months) IV antibiotics. I needed nutrition I could know was going to boost my immune system, and help with inflammation. IT HAS! Arthritis inflammation is gone (due to the high levels of anti-oxidents in the vitamins) and I've got great amounts of energy most days. I know it's getting to the cellular level and providing optimal nutrition to them because my symptoms of CF are lessened and I'm healthier for longer periods of time. If it does great things in me, I'm sure it would help to provide a child's body with the quality, optimal nutrition it needs to help keep the degeneration of their body at bay for longer.

And it's all because of science, not some weird magical potion like Xango. Doctors and nutritionists serve on the board and the medical teams that make up USANA Health Sciences.

I've joined the business because I've seen the difference and decided to spread the news to all my CF friends. Doctors don't study nutrition that indepth. It's one subject in school for them. CF doctors don't have all the answers (as I've learned first hand.) They have to focus directly treating the sypmtoms and pain that we go through. USANA is the only nutritional supplement listed in the Physicans Desk Reference that Dr. consult all the time for their drugs.

Sorry for the long post but I'm out to spread the word about my experience.


New member
So I've recently been researching this stuff because I started taking USANA nutritional supplements (NOTHING like Xango.) But because Usana is marketed like Xango (network marketing) I hear other people experiences with things like Xango.

USANA is pharmaceutical grade nutrition that has much higher doses of vitamins and minerals than your over-the-counter Centrum or Kids vitamins. It was started by a doctor (Dr Wentz) who spent the first half of his life keeping human cells alive and thriving in the lab for making anti-viral test kits. So he knew what type of nutrition was needed to make cells grow and regenerate in a healthy way... He realized he wasn't feeding his body anywhere close to that level of nutrition...no wonder it (his body) was starting to fall apart.

When I heard that it rang true with me. CF-related Arthritis (chronic inflammation- no drug would consistently help with it) and low energy and regular (3-6 months) IV antibiotics. I needed nutrition I could know was going to boost my immune system, and help with inflammation. IT HAS! Arthritis inflammation is gone (due to the high levels of anti-oxidents in the vitamins) and I've got great amounts of energy most days. I know it's getting to the cellular level and providing optimal nutrition to them because my symptoms of CF are lessened and I'm healthier for longer periods of time. If it does great things in me, I'm sure it would help to provide a child's body with the quality, optimal nutrition it needs to help keep the degeneration of their body at bay for longer.

And it's all because of science, not some weird magical potion like Xango. Doctors and nutritionists serve on the board and the medical teams that make up USANA Health Sciences.

I've joined the business because I've seen the difference and decided to spread the news to all my CF friends. Doctors don't study nutrition that indepth. It's one subject in school for them. CF doctors don't have all the answers (as I've learned first hand.) They have to focus directly treating the sypmtoms and pain that we go through. USANA is the only nutritional supplement listed in the Physicans Desk Reference that Dr. consult all the time for their drugs.

Sorry for the long post but I'm out to spread the word about my experience.


New member
So I've recently been researching this stuff because I started taking USANA nutritional supplements (NOTHING like Xango.) But because Usana is marketed like Xango (network marketing) I hear other people experiences with things like Xango.

USANA is pharmaceutical grade nutrition that has much higher doses of vitamins and minerals than your over-the-counter Centrum or Kids vitamins. It was started by a doctor (Dr Wentz) who spent the first half of his life keeping human cells alive and thriving in the lab for making anti-viral test kits. So he knew what type of nutrition was needed to make cells grow and regenerate in a healthy way... He realized he wasn't feeding his body anywhere close to that level of nutrition...no wonder it (his body) was starting to fall apart.

When I heard that it rang true with me. CF-related Arthritis (chronic inflammation- no drug would consistently help with it) and low energy and regular (3-6 months) IV antibiotics. I needed nutrition I could know was going to boost my immune system, and help with inflammation. IT HAS! Arthritis inflammation is gone (due to the high levels of anti-oxidents in the vitamins) and I've got great amounts of energy most days. I know it's getting to the cellular level and providing optimal nutrition to them because my symptoms of CF are lessened and I'm healthier for longer periods of time. If it does great things in me, I'm sure it would help to provide a child's body with the quality, optimal nutrition it needs to help keep the degeneration of their body at bay for longer.

And it's all because of science, not some weird magical potion like Xango. Doctors and nutritionists serve on the board and the medical teams that make up USANA Health Sciences.

I've joined the business because I've seen the difference and decided to spread the news to all my CF friends. Doctors don't study nutrition that indepth. It's one subject in school for them. CF doctors don't have all the answers (as I've learned first hand.) They have to focus directly treating the sypmtoms and pain that we go through. USANA is the only nutritional supplement listed in the Physicans Desk Reference that Dr. consult all the time for their drugs.

Sorry for the long post but I'm out to spread the word about my experience.


New member
So I've recently been researching this stuff because I started taking USANA nutritional supplements (NOTHING like Xango.) But because Usana is marketed like Xango (network marketing) I hear other people experiences with things like Xango.

USANA is pharmaceutical grade nutrition that has much higher doses of vitamins and minerals than your over-the-counter Centrum or Kids vitamins. It was started by a doctor (Dr Wentz) who spent the first half of his life keeping human cells alive and thriving in the lab for making anti-viral test kits. So he knew what type of nutrition was needed to make cells grow and regenerate in a healthy way... He realized he wasn't feeding his body anywhere close to that level of nutrition...no wonder it (his body) was starting to fall apart.

When I heard that it rang true with me. CF-related Arthritis (chronic inflammation- no drug would consistently help with it) and low energy and regular (3-6 months) IV antibiotics. I needed nutrition I could know was going to boost my immune system, and help with inflammation. IT HAS! Arthritis inflammation is gone (due to the high levels of anti-oxidents in the vitamins) and I've got great amounts of energy most days. I know it's getting to the cellular level and providing optimal nutrition to them because my symptoms of CF are lessened and I'm healthier for longer periods of time. If it does great things in me, I'm sure it would help to provide a child's body with the quality, optimal nutrition it needs to help keep the degeneration of their body at bay for longer.

And it's all because of science, not some weird magical potion like Xango. Doctors and nutritionists serve on the board and the medical teams that make up USANA Health Sciences.

I've joined the business because I've seen the difference and decided to spread the news to all my CF friends. Doctors don't study nutrition that indepth. It's one subject in school for them. CF doctors don't have all the answers (as I've learned first hand.) They have to focus directly treating the sypmtoms and pain that we go through. USANA is the only nutritional supplement listed in the Physicans Desk Reference that Dr. consult all the time for their drugs.

Sorry for the long post but I'm out to spread the word about my experience.
My 19 year old twins who both have CF have been drinking XANGO for 9! Years and they swear it makes them feel better when they get sick. They don't have pseudomonas! Their vitamin levels are great! Their liver enzymes are great! Why don't people pay attention to hard evidence that antioxidants help! Www.iwantthejuice.com for my story an to ask me any questions. I will let someone with CF try it FREE! Iwantthejuice@ aol.com and 8184066841. Let me help.