Xopanex vs Albuteral


New member
Does anyone not like the affects Albuteral has on there tiny baby. We got switched to Xopenex.Doc called it Albuteral without the Zing. I love the differance,and Damien is so much calmer and not as cranky from the up and down. It is levelbuteral . Does anyone use it that has used Albuteral and love the change


New member
We are still using albueterol in a pari neb. Our grandson is 8-1/2 months old. I have not heard of Xopanex?
We notice sometimes with albueterol he gets the shakes. I would like to here more. I know the downside to albueterol, I take it for asthma, have for years.


New member
Yes, I like the xopanex better than the albuteral, because my three year old was on albuteral and it made her hyper, hard to sleep at night, and real aggressive. It about drove me crazy it was like she was high on it, so I told her specialist about it and he switched her to xopanex which seems to work better. So I completely understand where you are coming from it is a lot more normal now around here.


New member
I'm an adult and I switched from albuterol to Xopenex and I notice a big difference in not feeling like I'm on speed, shaky inside, irregular heart beats, etc. What helped when I was on albuterol was eating a snack right after the treatment. Maybe it was all in my head, but this seemed to help.


I switched to Xopenex not because of the decrease in side effects but because of it other positive properties. It lasts 6 hours rather than 4 and the studies show that the FEV1 increases over 6 weeks compared to albuterol. The only down side to Xopenex is its cost, it costs about 5 times more that albuterol and all insurances may not cover it. I know medicare only covers one strength (1.25%)and does not cover the smaller dose(.63%)



New member
For a short time I was having terrible reactions to albeuterol. It finally passed & since it was during a real bad time when my weight was excessively low & my overall health sucked I guess my body couldnt deal with it like it usually did. Anyway during this time my doctor switched me to Xopenex. Although I didnt have the terrible shakes & tremors, I dont feel my airways responded as well either. I think in the long run it hurt me since I dont think my airways opened as well. For many others the Xopenex is a great alternative.


New member
I use both xopenex and albuteral... Xopenex does not give me the shakes or the heart racing...like albuteral does.. but I don't find it to work as well either..... I have high blood pressure and vasospastic angina.. so whenever my heart races fast .. I get chest pain.....

The solution I have come up with is... I do albuteral in the am...because that is when I am the worst.. and zopenex at night...... if I need more treatments in between I try to stay with the zopenex....I only switch back to the albuteral if I am not opening up well......or it is real bad..

I hate the feelings of shakiness.. it makes me real anxious and uncomfortable....It makes it hard to do your treatments when I know how I am going to feel afterwards..



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Reece has used albeturol since the time he has come home from the hosptial (8 days old). We did notice a change when he got older, the hyperness & the not sleeping until 11pm.!!! It was'nt until tjis last hosptial stay that the dr. tried him in Xpenox. The reason...his heart rate was VERY high....140 -170 just playing around his bedside!!! He used it for bout 2 wks & when we went back to the follow up clinic visit she took him off of it????????? Next visit Jan 6th, Im gonna ask why!!! His heartrate seemed to have come down on just those 2 wks!!!<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">

Leah~mommy 2 Reece 3yrs old w/ CF


New member
I love Xopenex. When Ian was diagnosed at 6 months he was on nebs with Abluterol and didn't nap. Just what I needed! I'm a NP so I asked to switch to Xopenex and it has been great!!! I was at a confrence and the Xopenx people were there and I hugged the guy. "I love Xopenex!" I don't think he was expacting that. So anyway Xopenex is a selective beta adrenergic so it selects out the part that speed your heart rate. That's the readers digest version anyway!


New member
Is this Xopenex inhaler a powder (like Advair) -- if I remember right anyway.

My daughter doesn't like to use albuteral because of the side effects but when we asked her doc about an alternative his other suggestion was a powder type inhaler so she didn't want to use it either -- she doesn't like the way they feel.

Maybe this Xopenex wasn't on the market then or maybe this is the drug he was talking about -- would be nice if she had a quick acting dilator that she would use!



New member
Right now Xopenex is only in liquid form for a nebulizer. I dont' think at this time they are devloping for use as an inhaler. There are a number of inhlares out there that are powder, Advair being one and Pulmicort being another although neither of those are used as a rescue inhaler. There is a long term bronchodialtor as well, but the name just fell out of my head! Albuterol is still the standard in therms of rescue inhalers.


New member
Just wanted to let everyone know - they've just came out with a Xopanex inhaler. I just switched to Xopanex because Albuteral made me too jittery and made my heart race. My doc gave me a sample inhaler, it's brand new so most pharmacies don't even carry it yet, but what for it. I've been on it, and Advair (they think i have an asthma component as well) for about a week, and its been great, no side effects. Hope everyone has a happy and healthy new year!



New member
Jamie, thanks! I'm going to go research that right now! My son doesn't need it as an inhaler, but I perscribe it alot. I need to see if it is covered on Public Aid (I work with homeless shelters). Let us know how it is working for you and thanks!


New member
I use Xopenex when I get samples, albuterol when I have to buy it. no drug coverage...albuterol is $20 for a box, XOpenex is $80!

Xopenex .63mg does have less side effects however for me and according to all the stats I've read the 1.25mg has just as many side effects as albuterol and can raise the heart rate more than albuterol.

I'd say though if you don't have horrible problems with albuterol, are a little tiny kid or a heart patient that its probably not worth the price difference unless you have excellent drug coverage