Yeast Infections


New member
I have had a yeast infection for the past week and a half. I have been on Diflucan, Monistat 1 dose five times. I am now doing Boric acid insertions and I just finished a 3 day cream that my gyno gave me but nothing is helping. I am taking acidolphillis but the handful, yogurt several times a day. I don't know what else to do. I was recently on heavy duty IVS. I have even use plain yogurt as a cream. My doctor said Vagisal is out because it excebebates the yeast.

I stopped taking my oral antibiotics so that I could clear this up but it isn't working. Anyone have any ideas? I am miserable. I am also immun compromised from all the steroids that I take and I would hate for this to go systemic on me...

I have had yeast infections before but not in a long time and they always cleared up within a few days. If you guys ever had one, how long did it take for it to clear up? and what did you do to get it cleared up.

I am usually very private about these kind of things but desprate times call for desprate measures..



New member
Sometimes some of mine last longer than others. Are you done with the IVs? Because the day I started IVs, one will appear, and no matter what I do, the infection won't go away until I'm off of IVs.

Last time I used a Monistat and it didn't work. Then I had my doc call in Diflucan and that worked, but it only went away a few days after I took it. But I've never had one last for more than a week *after* the IVs are over. So unless you're still taking them... I'm of no help. Heh.


New member
both of my children have CF and I was wondering if anyone out there could tell me how they are currently doing with it


New member
I have such sympathy for you. I always have some type of discharge/infection. I found, especially while on antibiotics ( IV or Oral), that I need to wear 100% cotton underwear. One time I decided to become sexy & bought a few matching panty/bra sets which were bright red & shiny & looked real pretty. What a waste of $$. It was almost like an allergic reaction. I wasnt on any antibiotics, but I had a bad itch. It wasnt an infection because I went to the doctor so meds wouldnt help. In this case the Vagisal worked because it wasnt an actual infection. I started wearing the cotton underwear & never had such a problem after unlesss on meds. Just a thought about the underwear & of course lots of H2O to flush, flush, flush!


New member
Check out <A href=""></A> Scroll down to Yeast Overgrowth/Infection. There are lots of suggestions there for treating yeast. These are VERY effective in prevention, catching it in the first stages and even when it is really out of hand. The suggestions can be used in any combination or any of them by themselves, but if your infection is raging I suggest whipping out the big guns and using a combination of several remedies.Make sure to wash your undergarments in hot water, put vinegar in the rinse and dry in the dryer on hot or hang in the sun. Or better yet, go without whenever possible. If you use the gentian violet, you might want to wear a panty-liner to prevent staining of your underwear. With yeast, it is best to wear cotton pads like GladRags or LunaPads. Once you buy some, you can easily make a pattern and make more of your own - that's what I've done. It has made a HUGE difference - not only in yeast infections but in handling periods.Hope that helps. PS - with yogurt, you get the maximum benefit if you make your own. If you make your own or use organic, unflavored, live culture yogurt, you can douche with it. Wear a panty-liner if you do that.


New member

Thanks for the replies. I have been off antibiotics for about two weeks now. I have tried everything and nothing is working. My drs cultured it to see what it is sensitive to, hopefully that will show something. I was on such high doses of steroids and being that I am immuno compromised I am afraid iti is going to go systemic on me. Has anyone ever had that happen? I guess I could get IV Difluican if I had to, is it a one time deal ??

Thanks for you help,
