Yet another problem?



I got a Respiratory assessment today from the boys physiotherapist that does one of their treatments at school each day. Written in the assessment it says that both boys suffer from Kyphosis, FHP. I know that this has something to do with a curved spine. The boys have been on calcium tablets for a couple of years now due to low density bone. My question is - would the Kyphosis be caused by the CF. Niether of the boys have been diagnosed with Kyphosis by a Doctor, and I have never noticed it either. Is this yet another problem we have to contend with?
Oh, my little guy finally got in for his catscans, ulta sound and x rays yeserday, now just have to wait for the results. Keep your fingers crossed!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>My question is - would the Kyphosis be caused by the CF.</end quote></div>
I don't know much about other problems related to CF, but from what I have read I would think this would be unrelated (my 6 year old has been awaiting dx.) I would suggest you contact your CF DR. They the standard response is to the boys in and have it further explored. I know it is a pain to get test and wait for results, but it is the only option that we have as loving parents. All I keep thinking is if the Dr.'s would listen to the parents from the get go perhaps things would be found sooner.

3 w/o CF
1 pending CF dx


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Kyphosis is a curving of the spine that causes a bowing of the back, such that the apex of the angle points backwards leading to a hunchback or slouching posture. </end quote></div>
I found that on this site
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">medical encyclopedia</a>

I had to look up what you were talking about because I had never hear of it. After looking at it I would say yes it is possible and probable that this is caused by CF. In many CF patients -myself included- you see a slouched type look. It is due to the fact we have to breathe more frequently and use our muscles in different ways than a healthy person would.

I would try to work with your kids and see if you could try to get them to sit up straighter. Maybe you could talk to your doc about getting them in with a physical therapist that can show you exercises to do with them to help with the problem. The reason I say this is because the better posture we have the better we breathe. With the curvature it can compress the lungs and cause us to take shorter breaths.
I went to physical therapy last year - not for this exact problem- though they did address it. I will say try to get help for your kids now to help the situation because this has caused me to have upper back pain since I was in High School. It is straining to the muscles in your upper back in many ways.

Like I said it is simple to talk to a therapist. You just need to strengthen their back muscles. The muscles get stretched out and in turn fatigued when you are in that "curved/hunched" position all the time. It will take time but I am sure you can alleviate some if not completely.

I wanted to edit my post to add. I don't know if Kyphosis is caused by CF but this physical appearance - the slouched look and shape of the back can be and many times is caused by CF and the breathing problems we have. It is possible the person doing there therapy at school is not aware of this effect of CF and has seen this slouched appearance in your childrens spine and has assumed that it is related to another health problem. If she has noticed it your docs probably have too and are not worried about it. I would ask them to make sure when you have your next appt., but I would try not to let it bother you to much.

Good Luck,


New member
Thanks for your reply, it actually made alot of sense to me, lol. As I said in my previous post it isnt noticable to me but I will mention it to the Dr their next appointment. Both boys (they are twins) have very poor muscle tone all over, lots of sports injuries. The weird thing is I always put it down to their bones, never even thought about it being their muscles. They are very active in sports but tend to get alot more injuries than the other kids. Im really not surprised if it just that they need to strenghten their back muscles.
Thanks again