Yet ANOTHER sexual question...*you've been warned*


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Hello again, everybody!

Alright, let me clarify something. In my last post, I was asking everyone what their opinion was about finding a guy/girl who could tolerate CF. To be honest, I was just looking for opinions. I DO have a boyfriend of four years who treats me wonderfully. But there's a problem when it comes to the sexual aspect of the relationship. I get short of breath very easily (and, again, I'm sure I'm not the only one). This makes any kind of sexual performance pretty difficult for me. I feel bad because he doesn't get much pleasure out of it. He says it's alright when I have to stop, but I'm not satisfied with that. Does anyone have any tips or tricks on how to get a bit more stamina in the bedroom?

Thanks a lot for your input. Sorry if this was a bit too direct...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">


New member
Hmm. Okay let's see. I've had this problem as well. Usually the most trouble for me comes at the end when breathing tends to pick up... if you get my drift. By then it's pretty much over, so I can sit up and cough as needed. Sometimes I do get tired during, and then Mike just takes over. We haven't had an excessive problem with it yet. He likes it much better with me on top (generally I do too), so even if I'm tired, we still do it that way sometimes. He has some technique in which he can still do the work even with me on top. I can't really explain it without getting all sorts of graphic, so I'll just assume you can figure out how it works. Best I can say without getting obscene... he holds onto me and moves from underneath. Other than that... maybe if you're doing the work, don't go as fast / hard as you can. Take it a little slower, really torture him ( <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0"> ), make it fun. The only other tip I might have is to work your breathing meds / treatments around that, if possible. I know sex isn't always planned; most of the times it's not. But generally people have a time of day that seems to be the most common, or something of the sort. So if you know the general time-slot in which you guys usually get busy, work your therapy around that time-slot.


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Here's my tip....put these type of posts on the OFF TOPIC forum<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Here's my tip....put these type of posts on the OFF TOPIC forum<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

Let me see here.... this is a question by an "Adult with CF" on the "Adult" section of a "CF Forum"... sounds right on topic to me. Maybe you should stick with the Young People section.


New member
I agree with the last poster. C'mon it's sex...the most common act of ALL time. We're dating back to Jesus time here. Geez, if a person has a question, ask it. And this one is not offensive at all, they are asking how to do this while pleasuring him and herself. Grow up people.

To the poster... I don't know what kind of lung function you have, but you may want to try working out. This way you are building your lung function and it can pay off 2 ways...increased PFT's and A GREAT SEX LIFE. Woo Hoo.

I get so irritated with people who think sex stuff is "icky". We as CF'ers have a lot of stuff taken away from us. Can I jog around the neighborhood, can I take a brisk walk, can I go hiking, can I push a lawn mower....all of these things (plus a whole lot more) I cannot do because I would keel over coughing. So why not enjoy what I can with my dogs, talk with my husband, drive my nice car, SHOP, clean, get my hair done.....HAVE SEX!!!! Let's put our nimble mindedness to the way side and enjoy what we can do while we can do them.

And to the poster.....I hope you knock his socks off (as long as you knock your own sock off first) hee hee.

Good luck!


New member
What works best for me when I'm short of breath is doggy-style. Any time I can rest most of my body weight on something is good (ie. him standing, me on the table, bed, hood of the car)<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Here is my question for Emily AND for her is it that you two have such an open relationship...don't get me wrong, I think it is great! I could never talk about sex with my mom, let alone talk about it in detail as Emily does...obviously you two have done so, otherwise Emily wouldn't feel as comfortable as she does posting like she does. My mom is awesome, but there is no way is he double L that I could have talked to her about this subject. I have 2 daughters with CF and want to have an open relationship with them, but don't know the best way to go about it...they are VERY young so I have some time, but before I know it, they will be doing it too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Any other suggestions are welcome besides Emily and her mom too...thanks for you input!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
What a good question! My friends and almost everyone I've ever known have asked me that. Oh my god, you talk to your mom about sex??? HOW DO YOU DO THAT??? And I honestly don't know. I didn't tell her when I first started, but now that I'm older, I don't think twice about it. One thing that makes it easier now is that I've been with one guy for almost two years. My whole family knows him well and loves him, so I know it's not going to upset my mom to know that we're sleeping together. She's known pretty much the whole time. When I was... 16, I asked her for birth control. She said she wasn't thrilled that I was asking so early, but that since I was being responsible, she'd do it. So we started me on Depo Provera (the shot). Basically, as long as I was being responsible, she was happy that I was being careful, and therefore helped me with it.

As for her being so open, I don't know. She'd have to answer that for you. But she was always that way. She was protective, but never smothered. She encouraged, but wasn't embarassing. She was open, but wasn't gross. And after enough time (and after I went through some of those bitchy teenage years), we get along just fine now. Don't get me wrong, she's still my mom and sometimes we yell at each other. But then shortly thereafter, after we've calmed down, we talk again, apologize, whatever, and it's fine. She's always been that way with me. And so I've always felt comfortable talking to her. Since this is a sex thread, I feel okay being specific. I remember one time when I was still young in sex (I had only been having it for maybe a year or so), and I had trouble in the orgasm department. I asked my mom about it, why penetration wasn't getting me anywhere. She told me that many girls rely heavily on the clitoris, and we discussed that whole thing. Since then, it's been a lot better for me, thanks to my mom. LOL

Basically she has the perfect balance between mom and friend. She's mom enough that I'm not a drop-out, or a drug-addict, or a lazy bum not doing anything. I'm a full time college student pursuing a career in American Sign Language. I've tried pot, but had to stop because brownies are hard to come by, and smoking is generally the way. As we know, smoking isn't a good idea for a hobby for me. Haha. I drink on occasion. But I went through high school, got decent grades. I still do. I had a curfew until I was 18. Now that I don't, I don't really abuse it. If I need sleep, and I know I need sleep, I come home to sleep. I guess throughout the years I've shown my parents that I'm not a dumbass, and I know what I'm doing. So they trust me to do what needs to be done. She guided me and gave me a good idea of what I wanted to be doing, what I should be doing, without being overbearing or ridiculous. She told me things that she thought I should live my life by, and I chose my own path based on them. In other words, she guided me without pushing. And that was, at least for me, the best way to go about it. She knew when I was smoking pot, and I can only imagine how hard that was for her to keep her mouth shut about. Not because she cared deeply that I was trying marijuana... but that I was smoking it. And she still didn't say a word. Eventually I got tired of it (it was never a regular thing, just at parties and stuff), and learned for myself that it wasn't worth it (if you place a brownie in front of me... different story, I will gobble that stuff down - hahaha). I think if she had pushed me to stop, I would've been more determined in my teenage bitchy angst to keep going. So in having this perfect balance, as I grew, I had a much easier time trusting her. And in trusting her, I can sit down and ask her things, no matter how gruesome and detailed, about whatever I want.

That's the best I think I can give you. I'll make sure to point this out to my mom so that she can respond to you as well. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm OCD about having clean teeth and fresh breath at all times, so at some point before sex I am in the bathroom brushing my teeth. I use that time to get a couple of quick puffs on my inhaler. But yes sometimes things are unplanned. Luckily my boyfriend understands and compensates for it. We take several breaks so I can catch my breath. We experiment with positions to see which ones will not cause problems with my breathing. It's a matter of being creative and being willing to experiment.


New member
Thanks Emily! I am now looking forward to your mom's answer <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I think I am comfortable talking to my girls about sex, but don't think that I want any details (nooffense what so ever!!!!)


New member
lol!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> None taken. I sent the link to this specific thread to my mom's work email (that's generally where she checks the forum), so she'll probably get to it tomorrow.


New member
This is off topic, but I must say I enjoy the sex links in non-perverted way. It puts a huge smile on my face and always gives me some giggles. It's a great relief from the everday hastles of having CF. So to anyone who has posted thanks for making my days of living with CF a little easier!


New member I am....I wonder sometimes if the relationship Emily and I have is a little weird. I grew up with a very catholic mom where sex before marriage was not allowed and certainly not discussed. I loved my mom very much but she was a little uptight. I learned about female hygiene and boys from my two older sisters. I decided at the end of my teenage years after puberty and tampons and sex and boys, that I was not going to do that to my kids. If I had girls, I would be open with them. Boys would talk to their father openly. Sometimes, there are issues I would really rather not know about, but I'm glad Emily is comfortable enough to come to me and ask or discuss with me.
I didn't know she was sexually active until a year or two after she was. I sort of thought she might be because I knew how she felt about Ryan, but didn't have confirmation until she told me. After that, we discussed birth control because we both wanted her to be safe. We talked to her doctor together to figure out what would be best for her and then made a decision together.
I knew she was trying pot in her teenage years also. But how can I say "don't do that" when I did the same thing as a teenager? Isn't that a little hypocritical? It wasn't the pot that I was against so much as the fact that she was smoking it. I think every teenager is curious about pot at some point whether they try it or not. I actually didn't care much for it. It usually gave me a headache. She gave it up fairly quickly too.
I'm rambling I think.....I guess the original question was about our relationship....I just have always wanted to have an open line of communication with both of my girls. I want them to be able to come to me with any question or problem. I need for them to know that there is nothing they can't come to me with. I will never judge them or berate them. My line of thought has always been...."I won't get angry as long as you tell me the truth." If you lie and then get caught in the lie, I'm going to be very unhappy and they learned that early. Maybe that's why it's easier for them to come to me. I proved that I would be true to my word about being honest and coming to me. Whatever the problem is, we can work through it together as long as you haven't lied to me and gotten caught in it.
I also think that's a good philosophy to teach your children anyway. I think that's why Emily is big on not being lied to....she gets very angry if people lie to her.
I trust my kids to do what's right. I taught them the values I grew up with and hope that they make the right decisions in life to be good to other people, treat others with kindness, respect, stand up for themselves (you all have seen Emily do this on the boards...LOL), choose the path that is right for them, find love and h appiness and do what makes them happy.
How did I do Em?
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I think usually during sex, if i get out of breath Cam usually takes over... if it's really bad i leave an inhailer beside the bed.. it will only take a second and well it take a little longer for a guy to "get down" than that.. I don't really talk to my mom about sex, I dunno.. just one of thsoe things... anything else sure.. but i was the one who got 95% in sex ed and stuff... i was sexually active at a young age but i knew better and at the age of 15 i went and paid for my birth control at the teen health center, I also got my first physical.. lucky for me i happen to get a gyn who knew a lot about cf so if i had problems i didn't hesatate to go to her, no matter how embarrasing it was. Emily, if you find it hard to come across brownies ( i don't do it much).. but you can make tea, just boil it in water and strain like tea .. add a tea bag for better taste..... but yeah... that's all

Ashley 20 w/cf


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as an adolescent health doctor, what do I need to know about PWCF's sexual health? Do you think most people do/would talk about it with their docs? Like do you want to be having this discussion with your doctor? How about teenagers? Guys & girls? how are we doing? how can we do better?


New member
This is from a 20 year olg guy with CF--

I would love for my doctor to talk about it. I'm not like emily and ask the doc straight up. A lot of the time on the inside I'm begging for people to ask me about it so I can get the problem solved, but I know no one is a mind reader. I started being sexually active pretty early too, 15. I've heard of kids who start in middle school; so, if you're gonna talk to them break in the subject when they're young. I have one of the nurses at the CF clinic talk to me about it and it's gross. From a shallow standpoint, she's old and when she isolates me from anyone that comes with me to my appointment, I feel so weird. She asks me if I have unprotected sex, which I have because the girl's on birth control, but I end up telling her no because of the way she makes me feel in the situation. Don't ask that person to leave and isolate them, makes u feel really out of ur element. At a younger age, it's easier to talk to a person of the same sex, make sure the person is very social. As I got older about junior/senior year in high school I started to talk about it with the social worker. She's a young female. It was easier to talk to her about it at that age because she was young and seemed up to date on sex. It's gross to think of my 60 year old nurse doing that and discussing it with me, the 30 year old was a lot easier to handle. Our health center at school gives out condoms, but going there is worse than a hang over in the morning. I would reccomend CF clinics give them out as a precuationary. I'd much rather have that then the chance of another CFr be born and have to suffer the same fate. Also, it's really important to discuss sterility with guys. I was so curious about whether I'd be able to have kids or not. I had read a lot, but never discussed it with the doctor as to what was "wrong" with me. As the doctor you should explain it, what really helped was drawing a diagram. I go to a children's hospital and they have chalkboards in every room, so he drew it there and explained away.


New member
When you're talking about sterility don't just say you won't be able to have kids because the vas deferans is non-existant or clogged. Talk about procedures that allow you to have a child. Tell them the cost up front and whether insurance covers it or not. The idea of having a kid popped into my head senior year in high school. I realized that I was going out into the real world and wasn't going to live at home anymore and had a serious girlfriend. I would suggest discussing it aroun 16/17.


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Ok, just a little note: Emily, Emily's mom, ever seen the Gilmore Girls? You two sound a lot like Lorelai and Rori! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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Ashley, I actually have tried weed tea... and it wasn't so tasty. It felt kind of like drinking bong water. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0"> Hehe. But thanks for the tip. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

And buggy, I haven't ever watched it regularly, but I have seen snippets, and I see why you'd say so. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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(Original Poster)

Thank you everybody for your input. I'll definately try out your suggestions. To be honest, I was kind of afraid to ask this question, but I'm glad I did. Thanks a lot!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">