Yet ANOTHER sexual question...*you've been warned*


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Since it got brought up, I am a regular pot user and have many recipies that are tastey for anyone who's interested.


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I usually use a earl gray tea bag with mine... i think it's really an aquired taste.. like beer.. i don't drink beer cause it's yucky... but i don't taste it anymore... plus i like lots of milk and sugar... smoking pot hurts your lungs... drinking or eating it... well i 've yet to experience any bad things..


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Debbie... the only problem I've had in attempting to get stoned on other than smoking is that every recipe I've come across seems to need $100 worth of weed or more. Do you know of any recipes that need only a more "normal" amount like $20-50ish? If so, I'd love to see those. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Thanks to 20yo, (the doc here), that's really important to know- especially your idea about condoms in clinic and who is asking/delivering the info about sex (60yo vs mid 20's). Did you ever talk to your pediatrician about this stuff? If not, how come?
Also thanks to other anon who suggested discussion fertility options, costs, etc (not just mentioning it may be an issue) and bringing it up around 16/17. What about offering sperm analysis?, has it been offerred? Would you even want it at this point?
One last thing- have you transitioned to an adult pulmonologist? How is that process?
And again, thanks for putting up with my questions. I'm just trying to learn how to improve. No one really teaches us this- and you're the experts, so I'm coming to you.


New member
to the doc, it would have been ideal for semen analysis to be offered to a young adult. I think it is also VERY important to somehow talk very breifly to parents about how important it is for the PARENTS to discuss fertility issues-espeically to cover the male fertility issue. The parents need to be educated on how important and vital it is to first hear this from parents. Mark, my husband was informed by his doctor at 18, very breifly adn didn't understand the medical reasons why; only that he was probably not going to be able to have kids. He was devistated that he didn't hear it from his parents and at how very breif the doctor was about the situation.

Just an FYI, I am creating a website about male infertility relating to CF and hope to have it up next week. I will be sharing the website link on this forum if you are interested in checking it out. My personal email is

Just a few thoughts,

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
To the doc...I would be one to like to have been asked about "sex stuff" but had I been asked infront of parents I would have been way to embarrassed....probably still would have. Now I am not so shy but still wouldnt talk about it in front of anyone but my husband...and like the other guy said its easier to talk about it to someone younger and the same sex...I say this because like he did old people talking to you about sex is gross, even if its just asking if you have safe sex...feels like your grandparents prying into your sex life. Also same sex because they know what its like for that gender or you would think they would be more understanding. I think its a good idea to ask teens maybe younger if they have any questions regarding sex and cf and to tell them of course risks and maybe the added risk to someone with cf and a std/getting pregnant...Maybe you could even ask the married couples if they have know just like this do you have a great sex life when you get out of breath, tips on having a good sex life with a disability...ask males/females if they are having problems...i know there are some sort of problems with sex besides out of breath but no one really knows except their own problems if and when it arrives and then their this normal? whats going on? how do i fix it can it be fixed? I only know maybe like 2 or 3 of these that i have heard from other cfers so i wouldnt know how to explain.
I have a link to sex tips for cfers someone else from here emailed me...its pretty informative.

Ok my friends might kill me for this but I would be interested in those recipies.

hey thos i know dont read this part lol
As for the original topic....well let me just say yes sex is sometimes spontanious but my husband and I have learned how to kinda have it spontanious. What does that mean? Well we never just do it on a certain day of the week....either I go in and do a treatment while hubby is occupied on the computer or something and then go suprise him...or we sit on the bed while i do my can kinda keep each other entertained during that too....just use your imagination. how do i say any of this without getting into to much detail? anyway....ummmm...i think you will just have to experiement which is best for your breathing...everyone is the one that said doggy style was best for her. sometimes on top can be good because you dont have a hot boddy on you and you can go as slow or fast as you want and rest when need be. sometimes on bottom because you dont have to move alot.
ok i have embarrassed myself enough. I wish i could be more like you Emily, Im trying to be more open lol.


New member
Thanks to 20yo, (the doc here), that's really important to know- especially your idea about condoms in clinic and who is asking/delivering the info about sex (60yo vs mid 20's).

Did you ever talk to your pediatrician about this stuff? If not, how come?
~I never talked to the pediatrician because the first one was a woman and you could tell she was all book smart and not a real people person. It takes someone with people skills to be able to elicit that kind of info. from me hence the social worker. I switched pediatricians and when I did that, the social worker helped me arrange that and she brought up other stuff that was bothering me at the time. Having kids and sex was such a huge deal cus I had no idea if I was normal so to speak. It caused me constant depression.

What about offering sperm analysis?, has it been offerred? Would you even want it at this point?
~The sperm analysis was suggested. The social worker and doctor teamed up on a intervention with my serious gf at the time. They didn't go into depth since I turned them down. I think it would be helpful to put together a mini brochure or perhaps a website with this sort of info. So if people would like to remain anonymous about it they could. Some questions are just too gosh darn embarassing. If you do go down the website route, which I would love, post a link on the CF websites. You could probably farm some work out of a local university college student for a summer job.

have you transitioned to an adult pulmonologist? How is that process?
~ I have not transitioned. It was talked about after I graduated high school, but since I'm still under my parents insurance I didn't want to cause any ripples. Insurance is such a hastle to deal with and my doctor was kind enough to keep me on until I get my own insurance at which point the social worker said she would assist me in the process.

FYI, the two anonymous postings were by me



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(the doc here) Thanks for all of your insights, they have been really helpful. Please let me know if you think of anything else.


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I would just like to add that sex with us CFer's on top is EXCELLENT physio therapy. Thats how My BF and I see it. If I have to stop to cough thats fine with him. This way we are having fun and im clearing my lungs out. The best physio ive ever had!LOL But definatily takes an understanding partner. Luckily i have one of em!!


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for tea.. u can save a lot of money by saving up the steam and using the stem for tea that's what i do.. i wait until we save enough and then make it... it's very resourceful


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This is to the ladies who are with a CFr:

As a guy, I know I'm "shooting blanks," but wondered if any of the girls notice a difference in any area? Is there a lot less, different taste, smell, anything at all?



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Ok, I've hooked up w/ ONE dude w/ CF. Everything seemed bussiness as usual. However his, um, joy-juice was a little saltier. It's salty anyway, but I thought it was a little more. Or course it could have all been in my head b/c I KNEW we have higher sodium and it's what I expcted. It was kind of funny b/c we'd have to stop and cough every now and then and laugh about it.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
24 w/ CF


New member
Umm the joy juice that name...anyway just so ya guys know (by the way I am no expret just what I read)...anyway it tastes different person to person and by what they eat...not a whole lot different but just a little....I think if i remember right the more fruit you eat the less salty it is...*shrug* i forgot that part...oh well


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Anonymous doc,

This site might be beneficial to you research and might be somewhere that you can refer young patients when they ask you about this kind of stuff. <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)