you and your CF


New member
hiya guys just wondered how havin cf affects your life . Mine affects my love life and just everything in general like i can not work i can not really go out alot as i am to tired . how do your husbands or boyfriends take u havin a illness ? from JO


New member
Well i am only tired alot if i am sick. And if im not sick then i go out and do whatever. I can't work either. I get ssi. I am taking some collage classes. I try to stay kinda active . In the winter time i lift weights and in the summer i swim alot. My boyfriend is very good with understanding my cystic fibrosis and very supportive and so is his family. Whenever i get sick they help try and take care of me and so does my boyfriend and if i need something they buy it for me. I am very lucky to have such a supportive boyfriend and he is very understanding and so is his family<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">
My fiancee has been very supportive of my CF. We have been living together for almost 3 years, sharing expenses and what not the whole time. We both work full time so when I would get sick and be out of work for a month at a time, he would pick up extra shifts at work in order for us to make ends meet. Its hard at that point because I would love having him with me in the hospital, but someone has to pay the bills! When I start coughing in the middle of the night, he knows exactly what I need - whether its tissue, water or my inhaler, he's right there with it. I'm sure he has had to deal with a lot of emotions on his own. I know that when I'm in the hospital people will ask him how he's doing. He says he's okay, and then they say, "yeah, but how are you really doing?" That sets him off on a whirlwind of emotions.

I also have CFRD and I would constantly be sleeping. Since October I've been on an insulin pump, so my diabetes is more in control and the sleeping is not really an issue anymore. (By the way, I can't say enough good things about the pump, so if anyone with diabetes is considering it, talk to me!)

My work is also very supportive; perhaps because I am a server in a restaurant, so if I am not there one day my lack of work doesn't affect anyone else. Just yesterday my manager called before my shift to ask how I was feeling and wanted to know if I felt okay enough to work the closing shift. When I need time off, they don't even ask questions.

I think this is going to be my last semester of school because my CF affects this big time! I have wasted so much money signing up for classes, only to have to drop them when I get sick. Most teachers have been supportive, but still, others haven't been. I have been in community college for 6 years now (yikes!), I'm over the idea of going on to a Cal State school. If it takes me another 6 years to get through that I may not have much time left to do the things I want to do. I will be married in 3 months and I would like to start a family as soon as possible. If I am able to have kids I want to have as many quality years with them as possible.

Cf is a big part of my life, but I try my hardest not to let it rule my life!


New member
CF has it's effect in many ways of my life. In my love life, my boyfriend is just extremely supportive. He notices me coughing and asks me if I'm doing my meds. He did a research paper and speech on CF and talked about me to his class. He's very understanding in everything I have to do, and I love him for that. I like to think that since I was born with CF, God decided to help me out by sending me my boyfriend. It just seemed so convienent lol. But other than my love life, I do find myself to be lazy/tired. I do not work out because I don't have much energy. The last times I have tried to work out, one time I passed out, and the second time I could only do stuff for 10 minutes, and I left. I take a little longer to walk up steps than normal college students, because if I try to go up too fast, it's harder for me to breathe when I get to the top. I still work though, and I try to work as much as I can, because I'm helping to pay for school. I run around as a waitress/party hostess at Chuck E Cheese, and I'm also starting to substitute teach soon. During the summertime I also work in an office and do secretarial work. The only time I haven't worked was when I was in the hospital, which is usually once every summer, for the past 4 years. I feel like I have made it far in my life without CF affecting me too much. I try to live as normal as possible, and when I do my meds, I realize Im gonna have to do this my whole life, so it's just a natural part of my life. I still go to school full time, and go out once in a while to have some fun.


New member
thanx guys u have really made me feel alot better about my CF . <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"> from JO


New member
cf really affects my whole life. i am usually depressed and my boyfriend does not understand. he thinks i'm a hypercondriac because i always say i am sick. it really hurts me when he says things like this. i really want to break up with him because he treats me horrible and he cusses me out all the time and wont even take time to go to my check-ups with me. i'm afraid to dump him b/c he's the only guy that i've ever told about CF and i'm afraid that i couldn't tell another guy. I just don't want to be alone.


New member
There is no reason to feel that way. I mean, yea telling someone about your CF is a complicating thing, and its sometimes hard for other people to understand. But it doesn't seem like your boyfriend understands it at all anyway, and he's not worth the trouble. The way I see it, it's better to be alone and know who you are, and like yourself for it, than to be with someone who treats you in ways you don't deserve. I'd seriously consider dumping him and maybe seeing your doctor about being depressed. I've been through 3 real boyfriends, including the one I have now, and I told both of the previous ones about CF, and while they understood, they didn't do much about it. The relationships weren't great, and after I was with them, I found out what I wanted in my life, and then my current bf came along, and hes the best thing that ever happened. Part of not being depressed is having someone in your life that is there for you and cares about you and your health, and your bf doesn't seem to do either. If someone doesn't understand or want to be with you because of your CF, they're just not worth it.