Your current regimen. (work oriented)


New member
I always do my vest during my nebs so that helps cut time but still
takes an hour morn. and night.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
not a problem for me as i purchased a machine that stops time so i do my treatments and all i have to do all while getting up a few minutes before i walk out the door...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
sorry still  trying to get the hang of this!  I get up
about 6:45 a.m. to do my nasal saline and take a shower and I d
nebulizer         nebulizer


New member
Dang it, time machine! Why didn't I think of that? Or some kind of Jetsons thing to help us, I mean if his car folded up into a briefcase they for sure would have something to help us with our time troubles. Like adding a treatment section to the people mover they got on in the a.m that dressed them and do i want one of those......


New member
I do have an easy system that works for me...

I get up...shower.... and put on a long nightgown... I sit down at the computer... and look at emails and posts from the night before.. While I am drying off, and on the computer.. I do my nebs.. and vest... I only vest for 20-25 minutes in the am when I have to go to school or work....

After the vest, I finish my makeup, blow out my hair and leave.. I have a neb machine for the car.. .What ever nebs I didn't finish in the house. I do in the car... Usually my Tobi

Sometimes I have had a two hour drive in the am... so I can't do a hour and a half treatment, I would never do my treatments that way...

Best thing to do, is keep it as simple as possible in the morning..I have tried to do my vest and blow dry my hair at the same time.. THat didn't work.. and I don't think I need to tell you what happend when I tried my makeup and vesting..

Good luck,



New member
I just got back from the gym, first time lifting in many months. Wow i'm sooo much weaker than I was before, can't push nearly the weight I did before. Feels good though, to have my body come alive again.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>RoyalPrince</b></i>

not a problem for me as i purchased a machine that stops time so i do my treatments and all i have to do all while getting up a few minutes before i walk out the door...<img src=""></end quote></div>

How much did it cost? Gotta get me one of those ~ LOL

Just didnt want you to think you humor was wasted.



New member
His machine has an area of effect. So while he is in his machine and activates it, I strap it to my back and go and rob banks and nobody knows who did it.


New member
I wanted to share. This morning I went for an interview at 10am. I got up at 7am so that I could have my routine relaxing coffee time, do my breathing and vest (I usually do it for 1 hour, but today I did it for 40 minutes), take a shower, dress and make the 30 minutes drive. It felt really good. I realized after the interview that at one point they took me up 2 flights of stairs and I was only a little out of breath, but never coughed! If I hadn't done my treatment and vest this morning I would have been hacking away, embarrased and stressed out. So that's my positive routine for the day. Oh and I'm making up for lost time right now as I'm doing the vest again but for 1 hour. This was a really good day for me. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">