Your experiences?.....with broncs


New member
Just wanted to get a feel on how common is it for your centers to want to do a bronchoscopy to see what is (or could be) growing in lungs? It use to be fairly common when my son was younger never had any results from them, so I started to refuse them. Now they are wanting to do one on daughter. Don't hear of it mentioned much on this board. What are your experiences?

Mom of three, 2 with CF


Super Moderator
Are center does not do as matter of course. Could be they do if exacerbation and can't figure out theydo. We aren't there yet so not sure. Cf dr said it is too invasive for info gained. I would refuse absent an ongoing issue that doesn't seem to being "fixed"


Super Moderator
Our center does not do them routinely...there needs to be a good reason for it.

My daughter just recently had her first bronch. Earlier this year was her very first hospitalization and she had to go in again about a month ago. During that hospitalization our doc did a bronch because the big drop in lung function (and all the problems this year) really weren't matching her culture...normal staph (not MRSA). He did it to see if something else was in her lungs, but she not coughing up and wanted to be sure they were using the appropriate medications.

What are they looking for? Will her treatment plan change based on what they find? I think the only reason to do a bronch is if the results may cause the the treatment plan to be changed.