Your sputum colours...


My mucus since I can remember has always been medium green to dark green plugs and after i.v treatment there's not much change except light green to white occasionally.


Years ago someone suggested that we take the yellow and green paint color swatches to the doctors office to show the changes in sputum color. After all, it is almost always green, but as others have mentioned it changes based on what is going on at the time. Documenting the different shades based on the current infection could be helpful.


New member
my daughters yellow is the norm to and she never has white sputum even after antibiotics it doesnt go away. I was just wondering if inhaled tobi helps with staph infection as kj's doc never prescribes it.
She is on permanent antibiotics (Augmentin duo forte) 2 a day.

my understanding is that Tobi is primarily affective against pseudomonas and the drug is not prescribed until you grow pseudo because if that happens, you don't want a resistance to be there.


New member
Yellow to green. They deeper it comes up from the darker it will be. I have had pseudo since before it had its own name( used to be just a kind of staph). When I have a flare-up it will get a lot more and also darker. Back in '03 I got something, I think it was SARS but couldn't convince anyone else, and within a week my lungs were full of a DARK green phlegm that almost did me in.
Daughters is yellow to green. Clear after piccs. cultures pa, achromobactor,staph and aspergillus. Darker green usually means its time to check in.

Plus always come up during ivs. little dark chucks of hard mucus. Looks like s pebble shaped bugger. After they come out, she clears buckets of regular mucus. Yummy.