OH Dam*!!!! I was soooooo hoping it wasn't c-diff! Emily has been culturing it pretty steadily since we were hospitalized with it in January. It goes away, we get a neg. culture, then it comes back...over and over again. This time around, though, I have her on a probiotic, and I am hoping that it is going to help us break this nasty cycle. Our pedi. said at our last visit that some people will colonoize with it and always culture it, but be pretty much asymptomatic except for flare ups. LIke with psuedomonas, I guess. I do have to say that this last time around has been much easier on emily that the previous. She is keeping food down, and onoly had loose stools for a couple days. Her mood has been much better, too.
We got good at "dxing" it ourselves by the smell, consisitency an color of the poop. harder to do with a big girl like Zoe, I suppose, but we have been able to catch it early and get her on Flagyl right away the last two times. She starts to feel better with in a day or two of starting Flagyl. The worst was the first time when she just kept getting sicker and sicker and we had no idea why. Now we know what to look for.
I strongly encourage you to look into probiotics. Hang in there, it will subside, and she will feel so much better after starting the meds. (Out of curiousity, what med is she on?) I will be sending you good thoughts. I have a little visualization I do where I "See" the good bacteria attacking and overtaking the c.diff in Em's tummy. I'll do one for Zoe tonight. It's goofy, I know, but I do these things before I fall asleep...makes me feel like I"m getting in one last punch against all the crap we deal with every day.
Keep in touch and pm me if you want.
Give Zoe a hug from Em and me!