zantac alternative??


New member
Does anyone use any natural ways to decrease stomach acid. Ethan Sky is only 2 and I really don't want to start him on zantac yet....Just wondering if there is anything out there that is a natural alternative???


New member
Everyday I massage my stomach. I take two fingers right under rib cage near my heart firmly press up and then down. I do this four times and I usually never need to take antacids. A chiropractor taught this to me. I also find it helps me to eat more because i am pressing down on my diaphragm which allows me to fill up with more food and also breathe better. If you are not sure how to do this and are interested ask a chiropractor to teach you. I forgot the name of the technique.


New member
Hmm...I find that milk helps with my acid. If I have really bad heartburn, I will drink a glass of milk. HOpe that helps you somewhat.


New member
Ben was on Pepcid for reflux until 18 months. They said acidity reduces around 2 so maybe with diet you can keep things down.

Balancing body chemistry with foods makes sense to me. Camomile tea is something I like when my stomach is upset (but haven't tried it with Ben). I know you can do alot with foods. There is a book called the The Acid Alkaline Diet which I am hoping to read this year (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> Another one that looks good is THe Acid Alkaline Balance Diet by Kliment <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> They may have some great ideas.

I believe cranio-sacral work (either a chiropractor or DO) can also help balance the body as Risa also suggested.

Probiotics (acidophilus) help balance the digestive system. Culterelle is good, 1 cap daily.



Staff member
Is there any reason you don't want to start him on zantac? If it might make him more comfortable and make the enzymes work better? DS was on Zantac from 2 weeks until he was 1 1/2 years old. L


Zantac is such foul smelling stuff, I can only imagine how it tastes! Everytime I had to give it to my daughter (and she was only on it for about a month) I felt so badly ... like I was giving her a shot of whiskey or something. Anyway, she went off the Zantac and wasn't on anything until two months ago, when the doctor started her on Prevacid.

Prevacid, in comparison, must be like candy. We use the Prevacid solutabs, which are little pills that you dissolve in a very small amount of water. I put it on a little spoon and Ellie opens her mouth wide, happy to drink it up. I don't know if Prevacid would be an option for Ethan Sky, but if it is, I highly recommend it from a Mom's perspective.


New member
The reason I don't want to start Ethan Sky on Zantac right now is pretty simple. If I can find something natural that treats his symptoms (and works) then I am protecting his body from any harm that may be caused by pharmaceutical meds.
This is not to say that if the time comes that he needs meds in addition to enzymes that i won't do it. But I will always be looking at alternatives. I want Ethan Sky to know that I am doing everything possible to give him the best health that he can have. That is why I love this forum so much!!!! So much great advice and so many different perspectives!!!


New member
I'm with you on avoiding unneccesary pharm. drugs. There are so many things our medical advances do, but many things can be avoided by using alternative therapies. This is an important thing to consider in CF or any disease.


New member
I agree...there's something natural for everything, I'm sure. We just need to find it. Anyway, when my stomach bothers me, usually it's an indication that my body needs salt. So that's what I do-eat regular chips or something similar and usually I feel better. I've done this since I was a kid. Maybe you can find something that works.


Staff member
I was just curious -- I really couldn't tell a difference when DS was on it -- supposedly he had reflux and the zantac would also help to make his enzymes more effective. He still spit up and when he got older and stopped spitting up, we just stopped using it.

My cousin, whose little boy doesn't have CF, claims zantac was a godsend for them. Son had horribly reflux, had to sleep in his carseat, was in horrible pain -- started on the meds and was a completely different child.

It's great to be able to find natural therapies, but sometimes people have to turn to regular meds, too. L


New member
Liza, I agree. My son had to be on Pepcid for his severe reflux from 4 months to 18 months. But as I saw it slow down (around a year) I experiemented with reducing the dose to the minium that worked for him (half of what they recommended), then slowly none. Now he seems fine. If a child really isn't having too many problems and they just want to throw them on a pharm to supposedly increase enzyme effectiveness or gain more weight, then I think this is where we should seek alternatives first and see what we can do.

Very interesting with the salt. Just yesterday I was feeling very acidic and muscles were achy...took an epson salt bath and felt 100% better after. I bet there is something to the salt thing and acidity.

There is some research suggesting Magnesium helping acidity. Do a search and see what is recommended for children. We used it for awhile while we transitioned him off Pepcid.



New member
My son (3 years old) has taken zantac since birth and would drink the whole bottle if I let him (same goes for adeks vitamins, augmentin, bactrim, etc. so I guess he's got a wierd set of taste buds)
Zantac was first for bad reflux until around 14 months then continued because the CF doc said his stomach pH needed to be adjusted. The same pancreas blockage that leads to enzyme deficiency also blocks the release of bicarbonate into the stomach. I suppose there are plenty of non-pharmaceutical substances that can be ingested with a similar effect as bicarbonate and I have no idea if the zantac changes pH enough to make a dramatic difference in enzyme activity but I've decided not to experiment until he's a bit older and can participate a bit more in the decisions. I think it's hard for a tot to give very diagnostic information about how their stomach/gut feels...he can tell me if it hurts but not much more detail than that.


New member
Hi guys,
Just wanted to let others know of an alternate I have finally found.

Apple Cider Vinegar

We have been using it with Ethan Sky for 3 or 4 weeks now and have seen such an amazing change in his poops and have seen his weight increasing steadily.

Ethan Sky was pooping 3-4 times a day and had greasy stools probably once or twice a week. He is now going poop 2 times a day regularly. His weight has been going up 1/4 pound every week and has grown 1/2 inch in 3 weeks.

Ethan Sky did not have reflux though, so I don't know how it would work with that. It was just that the nutritionist and doctor felt that there was too much acid in his small intestine and the enzymes were being broken down before they could do their job.

My immediate question was how in the world am I going to get this down Ethan Sky to even try it. The fabulous thing, is that Ethan Sky loves juice and because of the acidity of juice we try to stear away from it. So... we have made the apple cider vinegar into a juice.

We worked up to 1/2 teaspoon at each meal, and add 1/2 teaspoon fructose ( a much healthier sugar than sucrose) and a little water. He slurps it down. I also make him yogurt and applesauce at breakfast and dinner and I stick 1/2 a teaspoon in there, he doesn't even notice the difference.

Just so you know he is 2, so you might want to consider different amounts for different ages.
Also, when you find the apple cider vinegar, it has to have "the mother" in it. Don't ask me what that means, but apparently it is what makes it work. I buy it at Whole Foods, Bragg brand.

If some of you try it, please let me know if what you think.



New member
Hi guys,
Just wanted to let others know of an alternate I have finally found.

Apple Cider Vinegar

We have been using it with Ethan Sky for 3 or 4 weeks now and have seen such an amazing change in his poops and have seen his weight increasing steadily.

Ethan Sky was pooping 3-4 times a day and had greasy stools probably once or twice a week. He is now going poop 2 times a day regularly. His weight has been going up 1/4 pound every week and has grown 1/2 inch in 3 weeks.

Ethan Sky did not have reflux though, so I don't know how it would work with that. It was just that the nutritionist and doctor felt that there was too much acid in his small intestine and the enzymes were being broken down before they could do their job.

My immediate question was how in the world am I going to get this down Ethan Sky to even try it. The fabulous thing, is that Ethan Sky loves juice and because of the acidity of juice we try to stear away from it. So... we have made the apple cider vinegar into a juice.

We worked up to 1/2 teaspoon at each meal, and add 1/2 teaspoon fructose ( a much healthier sugar than sucrose) and a little water. He slurps it down. I also make him yogurt and applesauce at breakfast and dinner and I stick 1/2 a teaspoon in there, he doesn't even notice the difference.

Just so you know he is 2, so you might want to consider different amounts for different ages.
Also, when you find the apple cider vinegar, it has to have "the mother" in it. Don't ask me what that means, but apparently it is what makes it work. I buy it at Whole Foods, Bragg brand.

If some of you try it, please let me know if what you think.



New member
Hi guys,
Just wanted to let others know of an alternate I have finally found.

Apple Cider Vinegar

We have been using it with Ethan Sky for 3 or 4 weeks now and have seen such an amazing change in his poops and have seen his weight increasing steadily.

Ethan Sky was pooping 3-4 times a day and had greasy stools probably once or twice a week. He is now going poop 2 times a day regularly. His weight has been going up 1/4 pound every week and has grown 1/2 inch in 3 weeks.

Ethan Sky did not have reflux though, so I don't know how it would work with that. It was just that the nutritionist and doctor felt that there was too much acid in his small intestine and the enzymes were being broken down before they could do their job.

My immediate question was how in the world am I going to get this down Ethan Sky to even try it. The fabulous thing, is that Ethan Sky loves juice and because of the acidity of juice we try to stear away from it. So... we have made the apple cider vinegar into a juice.

We worked up to 1/2 teaspoon at each meal, and add 1/2 teaspoon fructose ( a much healthier sugar than sucrose) and a little water. He slurps it down. I also make him yogurt and applesauce at breakfast and dinner and I stick 1/2 a teaspoon in there, he doesn't even notice the difference.

Just so you know he is 2, so you might want to consider different amounts for different ages.
Also, when you find the apple cider vinegar, it has to have "the mother" in it. Don't ask me what that means, but apparently it is what makes it work. I buy it at Whole Foods, Bragg brand.

If some of you try it, please let me know if what you think.



Fructose is NOT a healthier sugar! It is a commerical refined sugar, def not natural which from your first post I got the impression u were determined that natural was better than any man made prescription mecicatons or substances. By giving this amount at every meal I think u could be doing more harm. Do a search on Frutose harmul and u will discover all these.
Main reason to avoid fructose is because it is absorbed primarily in the jejunum and metabolized in the liver. Fructose is converted to fatty acids by the liver at a greater rate than is glucose. When consumed in excess of dietary glucose, the liver cannot convert all of the excess of fructose in the system and it may be malabsorbed. What escapes conversion and being absorbed into the cells may be thrown out in the urine. Diarrhea can be a consequence.
Fructose also inhibits copper metabolism. A deficiency in copper leads to bone fragility, anemia, defects of the connective tissue, arteries, and bone, infertility, heart arrhythmias, high cholesterol levels, heart attacks, and an inability to control blood sugar levels.


Fructose is NOT a healthier sugar! It is a commerical refined sugar, def not natural which from your first post I got the impression u were determined that natural was better than any man made prescription mecicatons or substances. By giving this amount at every meal I think u could be doing more harm. Do a search on Frutose harmul and u will discover all these.
Main reason to avoid fructose is because it is absorbed primarily in the jejunum and metabolized in the liver. Fructose is converted to fatty acids by the liver at a greater rate than is glucose. When consumed in excess of dietary glucose, the liver cannot convert all of the excess of fructose in the system and it may be malabsorbed. What escapes conversion and being absorbed into the cells may be thrown out in the urine. Diarrhea can be a consequence.
Fructose also inhibits copper metabolism. A deficiency in copper leads to bone fragility, anemia, defects of the connective tissue, arteries, and bone, infertility, heart arrhythmias, high cholesterol levels, heart attacks, and an inability to control blood sugar levels.


Fructose is NOT a healthier sugar! It is a commerical refined sugar, def not natural which from your first post I got the impression u were determined that natural was better than any man made prescription mecicatons or substances. By giving this amount at every meal I think u could be doing more harm. Do a search on Frutose harmul and u will discover all these.
Main reason to avoid fructose is because it is absorbed primarily in the jejunum and metabolized in the liver. Fructose is converted to fatty acids by the liver at a greater rate than is glucose. When consumed in excess of dietary glucose, the liver cannot convert all of the excess of fructose in the system and it may be malabsorbed. What escapes conversion and being absorbed into the cells may be thrown out in the urine. Diarrhea can be a consequence.
Fructose also inhibits copper metabolism. A deficiency in copper leads to bone fragility, anemia, defects of the connective tissue, arteries, and bone, infertility, heart arrhythmias, high cholesterol levels, heart attacks, and an inability to control blood sugar levels.