Zantac side effects and other H2 blockers?


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DS who is five has horrible GI problems. He had 6 months of near problem free and has been bad last 2-3 months. He's now able to explain things better and has said it is the Zantac that is making his stomach hurt and makes him feel like he is going to get sick. He's been on Zantac since a couple months old and Prilosac in addition since probably 4 months. His GI okayed trying to cut out the Zantac for a few days since he is still on Prilosac. His stomach has been much better the last two days, but not perfect--but not what it was the last week. But he has had several cases of horrible hiccups, which I'm told is an acid reflux thing. I'm wondering if anyone else has had side effects from Zantac and how they affect you, i.e., what it felt like, when they came on, how long they last, does it affect your ability to vest, etc. And also if there is another H2 blocker that hasn't had those side effects? (Prilosac obviously will continue but looking for ideas on what else to add).



New member
Acid reflux is really annoying I was totally throwing up in the hospital from hard coughing.,. I have not tried zantac, but I take Protonix daily. I do notice I get more burpy on the first starting does, but nothing comes up and its seems to go away once I start the meds. The burpy comes back though when I stop and slowly stuff starts up again. :eek:


Super Moderator
Hi Aboveall. I can't help but wonder what differences existed over the six months when he was problem free and the last 2-3 months. Different foods? Less acidic foods? Smaller meals? More or less milk? Chocolate? Juices? A change in meds? I am no expert on the various meds involved, although I know the operating mechanism of the two different meds is very different. I can only tell you my experience. My little bud had major reflux issues since birth - even his sister who does not have CF had horrible reflux up until 6 years of age. The reflux was so extreme, that I could hear a "clicking" sound in their upper chest or throat from across the room, which I suspect is like your "hiccuping." They would scream and scream when that happened - obviously horribly uncomfortable. I even had one doc smile and diagnose our daughter as simply one of those "colicky" babies that we would learn to handle. NOT. She was hurting. Refluxing. I've had some docs (not all) look at me like I was nuts when I would describe the symptoms, but it was from reflux. Extreme reflux. In the beginning, it took a couple of months of Prilosec type meds (proton pump inhibitors) for both of them before they were sufficiently effective to keep reflux down to a painless condition. Our daughter couldn't even sleep lying down until she was close to a year old. Reclining exacerbates reflux. So we put her first in a swing, and then in her crib elevated at the head. And even today, my son will tell you his stomach hurts when he is having reflux - he feels that food will make him feel better, and it does for a bit - its something else for the acid to chew on, I suspect. When he was younger - from about 1-3 years old - the docs would let us give another half dose if he was experiencing problems despite getting his meds. And frankly it would work instantly - he would go from being red faced and in pain to a shocked look as the meds hit the acid - and then he would break out in a broad grin from relief. When we had to switch clinics, they frowned on the idea of an extra dose. Then on one occasion when he had surgery, they gave him morphine and the reflux was intractable and horrible. He was miserable. Frankly no one on the CF Team had any solution other than to split the dosage to twice over a days time, rather than one morning dose. But his ENT felt the morphine, despite having long wore off, had a much more lasting effect on a different level and was actually causing the exacerbation. The exacerbation lasted two months, but the split dose helped. However, the next surgery, the ENT literally banned the morphine, listing our son as sensitive, and we had no further problems. So . . . . any new meds in the mix? I am certainly not suggesting you give him more meds than prescribed - that's always a horrible idea as you know. Nor would I ever suggest you stop a med. But it might be something to discuss with a good gastroenterologist - maybe a different one? Is the dose optimal? Are there other meds exacerbating the problem? Diet? I would really sit down with a thinking cap and see what differences you can come up with between the two different periods of time. I suspect there's a culprit in there somewhere. HUGS!


Super Moderator
Thanks! Three things change: 1) Time--he always seems to do good for a time and then it slowly gets worse etc. That's why at first we thought bacterial overgrowth...the bad bacteria builds up; 2) we were titrating milk of mag. down b/c of # of liquid stools and he had string cheese at same time which seems to get him on a bad patch; 3) the pharamacy switched manufacturer of Zantac generic about a month before this bad patch. But what I understand is that side effects can kick in over time and now that he is older he can tell what he is feeling, which makes me wonder if he was having bad reactions to Zantac all the time. He's been better for the last few days re the kind of pain he was expressing, although still having stomach aches, but not the "stop the vest I'm going to vomit" kinds. But the hiccups were bad, although not constant and no other issues of reflux, but don't want to chance that. I'm on hold with GI now and my thought is to see if there's another h2 blocker that is not generic to try to see if it helps without side effects, but also to try to treat for overgrowth. Unfortunately he had a choking incident and is scared to eat solids now too! Panicked and wrote my guru who reminded me of bravery training. duh! So I'm off to that this afternoon. have you started yet?


Super Moderator
What a challenge! Two incidental thoughts . . . . We always wait at least 30 minutes after food before vesting. That way nausea is not as likely to occur. So many people arent instructed that way initially, but fortunately, we were instructed by the vest manufacturer. Maybe you could try waiting even longer . . . .? We try to vest before meals so there's nothing in the stomach to aggravate. Poor guy. . . I don't know what would be worse - having him afraid to eat solid foods, or afraid of the vest. I would let him suck on milkshakes, smoothies, and cake until the memory fades! His fear is understandable, but do you think it's permanent? I think of bravery training when it's something that will not change but has to happen. Second thought . . . If brand name Zantac works, I believe most if not all insurance companies will approve a brand if the patient has tried a generic and the doc says that the brand is needed. Perhaps you could ask your doc to send through a specific request for brand with an explanation. There is a process for that.

As for me, I haven't gotten far on bravery training for needles yet! I have been formulating a plan, but school started and has interrupted my best intentions!


Super Moderator
Oh, no he doesn't eat for at least an hour if not two before vesting...that's why this has been so bad!! His stomach s so upset that he can't handle vesting like he normally does, but without zantac last three days has been fine. The food thing was from a choking incident...not real but just slipped down his throat and he panicked! Already called re name brand but unfortunately zantac name isn't made anymore...I checked to see generic rating and the two he was on were highest of AA. My thought is maybe another h2 blocker is still available name brand and that might work. The problem is his gi things seems to be five different things so knowing what it is this time is so hard to figure out!


Super Moderator
So I'm a little lost here. Not unusual for me. If I understand this, his GI problems have been pretty well controlled when off the generic Zantac, but you're wondering why since he has been on it for years. And though his stomach aches are about gone, there has been an increase in reflux, so he needs something additional or different. Yes?


Super Moderator
Sorry I'm so confusing. His gi stuff has been horrible always, but with about a six month hiatus...but before then Hed have two good weeks, two so so, two bad two horrible, etc...and later start up again... Nothing seemed to keep it at bay until last flagyllike drug dose and tripled probiotic...that gav six good started up again, but this time difference is he says I think I'm going to vomit all the time, says its the zantac, and can't send vest. His acid reflux always had times of break through with hiccups, acid that'd he'd complain of, night coughing. The difference now is that he had two days with bad hiccups twice which was rare before. So at a loss!


Super Moderator
Thanks for being patient with me! I understand now. You have to be feeling pretty crazy trying to figure out his triggers. What happens when he's having bad weeks? Loose stools? Constipation? Stomach aches? Maybe others have had similar experiences. The constipation and tummy aches around here call for some Miralax but we don't have those problems often. I wonder if you've always worked with the same gastroenterologist or if a different one might have a different approach .....


Super Moderator
Thanks! Bad weeks are tummy aches throughout the day, his legs hurt, wakes at nights in pain, won't eat, his poop is more liquid. He's on Miralax 2 - 2.5 caps a day and milk of mag. In past he has upped milk of magnesia and miralax and sometimes that helps but only for a tad and not always. The flagyl drugs is the only thing that seemed to stop things. He had a GI who was a fellow (real gi but under supervision of other different gi's so he's had like 5 different ones) but none with answers. He now has a new GI who we love and who does take a different approach to things, but this is the first flare up under his charge and haven't gotten an answer yet. Waiting to hear back from on call as his GI is off this week.