Zenpep Inconsistency


New member
This is very odd. I don't understand how there can possibly be a different number of beads inside a consistantly dosed pancreatic enzyme. One of the selling points of the old formulations of them was the size and shape of the beads making them better absorbed. I haven't done any research on the new ones, but that was a big deal with the old formulations. So in theory the beads should all be the same size giving them the same surface area allowing them to be absorbed at whatever rate, so if they're the same size, there should also be the same number of beads.


Staff member
I seem to recall that this was one of the issues with generics. I wonder if you just got a bad batch. I would contact the pharmacist, see if there's a contact for the company and/or FDA regarding this issue.


Staff member
I seem to recall that this was one of the issues with generics. I wonder if you just got a bad batch. I would contact the pharmacist, see if there's a contact for the company and/or FDA regarding this issue.


Staff member
I seem to recall that this was one of the issues with generics. I wonder if you just got a bad batch. I would contact the pharmacist, see if there's a contact for the company and/or FDA regarding this issue.