Zinc Supplement


New member
Hi, I have read here on a number occasions that Cfer's are supplmenting their diet with Zinc as it helps boost their immune level. I was just wondering if any children are taking a zinc and if so how much?


New member
Hi, I have read here on a number occasions that Cfer's are supplmenting their diet with Zinc as it helps boost their immune level. I was just wondering if any children are taking a zinc and if so how much?


New member
Hi, I have read here on a number occasions that Cfer's are supplmenting their diet with Zinc as it helps boost their immune level. I was just wondering if any children are taking a zinc and if so how much?


New member
Hi, I have read here on a number occasions that Cfer's are supplmenting their diet with Zinc as it helps boost their immune level. I was just wondering if any children are taking a zinc and if so how much?


New member
Hi, I have read here on a number occasions that Cfer's are supplmenting their diet with Zinc as it helps boost their immune level. I was just wondering if any children are taking a zinc and if so how much?


Staff member
I believe both ADEKs and Source CF have Zinc in them. When I was having difficulty getting the adeks drops when DS was a baby, I briefly used poly-vi-sol which his dietician thought was okay for the short term -- a few days, but mentioned that CFers needed zinc, which regular baby vitamins didn't have.


Staff member
I believe both ADEKs and Source CF have Zinc in them. When I was having difficulty getting the adeks drops when DS was a baby, I briefly used poly-vi-sol which his dietician thought was okay for the short term -- a few days, but mentioned that CFers needed zinc, which regular baby vitamins didn't have.


Staff member
I believe both ADEKs and Source CF have Zinc in them. When I was having difficulty getting the adeks drops when DS was a baby, I briefly used poly-vi-sol which his dietician thought was okay for the short term -- a few days, but mentioned that CFers needed zinc, which regular baby vitamins didn't have.


Staff member
I believe both ADEKs and Source CF have Zinc in them. When I was having difficulty getting the adeks drops when DS was a baby, I briefly used poly-vi-sol which his dietician thought was okay for the short term -- a few days, but mentioned that CFers needed zinc, which regular baby vitamins didn't have.


Staff member
I believe both ADEKs and Source CF have Zinc in them. When I was having difficulty getting the adeks drops when DS was a baby, I briefly used poly-vi-sol which his dietician thought was okay for the short term -- a few days, but mentioned that CFers needed zinc, which regular baby vitamins didn't have.


Hi there,
Didn't know there was one you could take.

What kind of zinc product do you use Jessi?
Can I get it from a health shop or do you have to get it on script from a c.f specialist?


Hi there,
Didn't know there was one you could take.

What kind of zinc product do you use Jessi?
Can I get it from a health shop or do you have to get it on script from a c.f specialist?


Hi there,
Didn't know there was one you could take.

What kind of zinc product do you use Jessi?
Can I get it from a health shop or do you have to get it on script from a c.f specialist?


Hi there,
Didn't know there was one you could take.

What kind of zinc product do you use Jessi?
Can I get it from a health shop or do you have to get it on script from a c.f specialist?


Hi there,
<br />Didn't know there was one you could take.
<br />
<br />What kind of zinc product do you use Jessi?
<br />Can I get it from a health shop or do you have to get it on script from a c.f specialist?
<br />