Search results

  1. L

    Cipro and Tendinitis

    I'm not sure how frequently a drug side effect results in a permanent problem. You can read this in the data sheets for yourself. A favorite book of mine is "Suggestable U". As the title infers, the power of suggestion is a human condition. Drugs are not approved too frequently because the...
  2. L

    Question about order

    I'm not going to be able to answer your question about Xopenex. I did a "Search" of Xopenex and there are in excess of 500 references in over 500 posts. Hopefully you will be able to get some answers. Hope this helps, LL
  3. L

    What do you say you do?

    It's tough to find the best way to deflect that question, "what do you do?". Our self esteem and identity are tied to that very big question. Until I hit 50, and CF's wrath stopped any hope for working again, I didn't really have this problem. If anything I felt guilty because I did what...
  4. L

    Adult clinic in LA

    The fastest way I know to locate the CFF Accredited Adult CF Clinics is by contacting the regional or state CFF by email or phone. I hope my information isn't dated it's been a year or so since I talked with my CFF representative for Colorado. I'm a late diagnosed CFer and it was bizarre that...
  5. L

    Second DNA test to rule out CF

    For what it's worth, my first genetic testing came back inconclusive. Being a geneticist, I found the answer suspicious so I called the facility and talked with the Senior Scientist in charge of all the testing. Sometimes knowing what can happen in a laboratory makes what might sound...
  6. L

    Don't Do This, DON'T DO THIS, please.

    The past year has been an exercise in last ditch pain management. I'm certain that the medical professionals and manufacturers of Spinal Cord Stimulators and Intrathecal Pain Pumps would have to agree, albeit grudgingly, with their being near the end of preferred treatment. In a way it's not...
  7. L

    Survey#3 mHealth Attitudes is closed! THANK YOU

    I found myself in a lively discussion with one of my doctor's about the business of Genomics and what they really want. Dr. "Nancy" was remarking that she'd completed her Christmas shopping, buying 23&Me for pretty much everyone in the family. This amounted to about 20 people. My doctor isn't...
  8. L

    Am I 9 months old or 19 years old?

    I am sorry to hear about what would be embarrassing for anyone. My niece started to have a little leaking when she was 11. Ultimately she found Kegel exercises for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Being 11, 19 or 79, the problem doesn't have an age limit. As a late bloomer, the...
  9. L

    drinking with CF

    Sorry but I'm not a teen and I didn't touch alcohol until my 21st birthday. No, I'm not a tea totaller, or someone who judges people for what they choose to deal with stress and loosen inhibitions. For the year following my 21st birthday, I had 2-3 drinks every Friday and Saturday night like...
  10. L

    Vicks-type vaporizer?

    I'm an owner of the Vick's personal steam inhaler, the Sinus-Inhaler. I use it but I am late diagnosed and my lungs have been spared from penetration of CF. My twice a year visit with my CF specialist is a great pulmonologist who humors me when I have something new. He declared that I have...
  11. L

    Survey#3 mHealth Attitudes is closed! THANK YOU

    Jeanne, congratulations on this new record and thanks to the people who have become participants. I'm hoping to see the number grow to a thousand, or more. The CF community represent an "island community", distinguished by our CF. We're also medically scrutinized considerably more than a...
  12. L

    Will Mucinex help a CF cold?

    Mucinex stimulates mucus production. If the only mucus a CFer produces is thickened, why bother? There is another medicine, I can't remember the name, more suited for a CFer, so next time you talk about getting mucus flowing, ask your doctor about another medicine. In the meantime I will dig...
  13. L

    NAC vitamins vs Mucinex?

    This is encouraging news, especially when stuff like antihistamines and Mucinex make me feel like someone who has been pulled through a knot hole backwards. I hate cold medicine and Mucinex, as far as I can tell, is fine for people who don't have CF, but I fail to see how it helps the CFer...
  14. L

    Lung Nodule In CF

    This is a strange twist on the "nodule" I coughed up. It is a yeast, likely Candida. I was kicking myself for not insisting my CF Clinic take the case. I had a long standing appointment with my CF specialist but I needed attention sooner than I could be seen in the CF Clinic. My nodule...
  15. L

    Lung Nodule In CF

    It's strange to see that the last post on lung nodules was one of mine from May of 2015 but I have a nodule problem of my own now. I am looking for others who have had a similar experience and I am wondering what to do next. Last Friday night I coughed up something of a surprise. I'm not sure...
  16. L

    FEV1 Testing Concerns

    Earlier this week I went to the CF Clinic and had my eye on sterile technique and the spirometry mouthpiece in particular. I brought the mouthpiece home and it is a simple filter. The reason for the large diameter of the mouthpiece is because the filter resists airflow and only a certain...
  17. L

    Got new lungs

    I'm not quite certain whether to offer condolences for the living you have missed out on, being so sick, or celebrate another life saved from the cold water of the Styx. Not really, I am thrilled to hear about your new borrowed lungs. My only regret is the dearth of donors. I guess it bothers...
  18. L

    My son has this combination: 3849+10kbC and 712-G->T

    This is probably the most international meeting of CFers in a while. More and more mutations and especially mutation combinations that are being discovered in the people who are suspected of having CF. The standard for CF is still claiming that 2 identical mutations are required to be affected...
  19. L

    FEV1 Testing Concerns

    I attend the Adult CF Clinic at NJH (National Jewish Health). Several years ago I realized that my doctor disposed of his smock and his stethoscope! The smock was disposable, the stethoscope wasn't a disposable. On my next visit he asked if I wanted the stethoscope, which initiated a...
  20. L

    Companies are Stealing Genetic/ Genomic Data. Are they Stealing Yours? Take a Survey

    Have you sent your DNA to a Genetics Services Company like 23&Me or Anscsestry.Com? Companies are stealing Genetic and Genomic data. The August 7, 2017 issue of Time Magazine wrote, “The Anti-Antidepressant”, an excellent...