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  1. P

    using oxygen

    I was told never to use patroleum products with O2! It can cause the oxygen to ignite!
  2. P

    using oxygen

    You are not alone! Neither the humidifier cup, nor Ayr gel has helped me! I was hoping they would work better for you! I need to use oxygen 24/7, but mostly only use it at night because of dryness & irritation! It drives me crazy! I'm always having to chose between my lungs & my sinuses! My...
  3. P

    using oxygen

    You are not alone! Neither the humidifier cup, nor Ayr gel has helped me! I was hoping they would work better for you! I need to use oxygen 24/7, but mostly only use it at night because of dryness & irritation! It drives me crazy! I'm always having to chose between my lungs & my sinuses! My...
  4. P

    using oxygen

    You are not alone! Neither the humidifier cup, nor Ayr gel has helped me! I was hoping they would work better for you! I need to use oxygen 24/7, but mostly only use it at night because of dryness & irritation! It drives me crazy! I'm always having to chose between my lungs & my sinuses! My...
  5. P

    Edema in legs

    I started having edema problems with IV antibiotics 3 years ago after my kidneys failed due to a major overdose of IV Tobra. Everytime now, no matter what the drug, my whole body swells. The worst place is in my legs & stomach. I usually gain about 10 lbs. It's obnoxious. Always with the edema...
  6. P

    Edema in legs

    I started having edema problems with IV antibiotics 3 years ago after my kidneys failed due to a major overdose of IV Tobra. Everytime now, no matter what the drug, my whole body swells. The worst place is in my legs & stomach. I usually gain about 10 lbs. It's obnoxious. Always with the edema...
  7. P

    Edema in legs

    I started having edema problems with IV antibiotics 3 years ago after my kidneys failed due to a major overdose of IV Tobra. Everytime now, no matter what the drug, my whole body swells. The worst place is in my legs & stomach. I usually gain about 10 lbs. It's obnoxious. <br /> <br />Always...
  8. P

    kidney stones

    I'm an expert stone maker & it's a pain! I ended up in the ER everytime because of the pain! I've had to have lithotripsy, but never surgery. The largest stone I've passed without lithotripsy is 6.4mm. I was making several large stones a year until I found a urologist who tries to prevent...
  9. P

    kidney stones

    I'm an expert stone maker & it's a pain! I ended up in the ER everytime because of the pain! I've had to have lithotripsy, but never surgery. The largest stone I've passed without lithotripsy is 6.4mm. I was making several large stones a year until I found a urologist who tries to prevent...
  10. P

    kidney stones

    I'm an expert stone maker & it's a pain! I ended up in the ER everytime because of the pain! I've had to have lithotripsy, but never surgery. The largest stone I've passed without lithotripsy is 6.4mm. <br /> <br />I was making several large stones a year until I found a urologist who tries...
  11. P

    home oxygen

    I use an oxygen humidifier cup, but my nose still gets dry. I also use a product called Ayr. It's a saline nasel gel made for oxygen use. It can be bought at any drugstore. Turning my cannula upside down so the prongs are facing upward also helps sometimes.
  12. P

    home oxygen

    I use an oxygen humidifier cup, but my nose still gets dry. I also use a product called Ayr. It's a saline nasel gel made for oxygen use. It can be bought at any drugstore. Turning my cannula upside down so the prongs are facing upward also helps sometimes.
  13. P

    home oxygen

    I use an oxygen humidifier cup, but my nose still gets dry. <br /> <br />I also use a product called Ayr. It's a saline nasel gel made for oxygen use. It can be bought at any drugstore. <br /> <br />Turning my cannula upside down so the prongs are facing upward also helps sometimes.
  14. P

    Researching for my book on CF

    I had my portacath line snap in two while having it removed. I was slightly sudated in Intevention Radiology when it happened. The line would have slipped in to my lungs, but i was blessed with a skilled surgeon. He was able to tread a wire thru mt groin, then he "losowed" the broken tubing...
  15. P

    Researching for my book on CF

    I had my portacath line snap in two while having it removed. I was slightly sudated in Intevention Radiology when it happened. The line would have slipped in to my lungs, but i was blessed with a skilled surgeon. He was able to tread a wire thru mt groin, then he "losowed" the broken tubing...
  16. P

    Researching for my book on CF

    I had my portacath line snap in two while having it removed. I was slightly sudated in Intevention Radiology when it happened. The line would have slipped in to my lungs, but i was blessed with a skilled surgeon. He was able to tread a wire thru mt groin, then he "losowed" the broken tubing...
  17. P

    Any Cf'ers had low potassium levels?

    Years ago I was hospitalized for low potassium. But now I fight high potassium. I've been hospitalized several times because it was causing problems with my heart. I don't feel any symptoms. I do get a lot of cramps from other causes.
  18. P

    Any Cf'ers had low potassium levels?

    Years ago I was hospitalized for low potassium. But now I fight high potassium. I've been hospitalized several times because it was causing problems with my heart. I don't feel any symptoms. I do get a lot of cramps from other causes.
  19. P

    Any Cf'ers had low potassium levels?

    Years ago I was hospitalized for low potassium. But now I fight high potassium. I've been hospitalized several times because it was causing problems with my heart. I don't feel any symptoms. I do get a lot of cramps from other causes.
  20. P

    sinus pain

    I've always had severe sinuses, but about age 10 I developed a headache that has never gone away! I'm 37 now! They're sinus migraines. They're all day every day. I had to be home schooled because my sinuses made me to sick to attend public school. The pain & pressure are so bad that...