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    Share your pictures

    They'll be added onto the new website design wich we hope to launch this friday.
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    Share your pictures

    Hi Everyone, We are currently re-vamping the website and adding many extra features. One thing we would like to do is include pictures and artwork that you have taken/created. It can be a picture of yourself or any picture you've taken or artwork you've created, something that you feel...
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    Share your pictures

    Hi Everyone, We are currently re-vamping the website and adding many extra features. One thing we would like to do is include pictures and artwork that you have taken/created. It can be a picture of yourself or any picture you've taken or artwork you've created, something that you feel...
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    Share your pictures

    Hi Everyone, We are currently re-vamping the website and adding many extra features. One thing we would like to do is include pictures and artwork that you have taken/created. It can be a picture of yourself or any picture you've taken or artwork you've created, something that you feel...
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    Share your pictures

    Hi Everyone, We are currently re-vamping the website and adding many extra features. One thing we would like to do is include pictures and artwork that you have taken/created. It can be a picture of yourself or any picture you've taken or artwork you've created, something that you feel...
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    Share your pictures

    Hi Everyone, We are currently re-vamping the website and adding many extra features. One thing we would like to do is include pictures and artwork that you have taken/created. It can be a picture of yourself or any picture you've taken or artwork you've created, something that you feel...
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    Pics - Let's see 'em

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Julie, I'm trying to log in as "bono40" for my username. I don't know why it's not working. Thanks for reporting it - hopefully I'll figure it out soon. Carey<hr></blockquote> Hi Carey, I e-mailed instructions...
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    Attaching a picture file to your message

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mockingbird</b></i><br>It means the picture's storage size is too big. If you have a photo editor, you can crop the photo, or resize it, or change the file format so it's not so big. =-)<hr></blockquote> Yes the photo size cannot exceed...
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    Attaching a picture to your message

    We've enabled a feature in the forums that will allow you to attach a picture file to your message. Here's how you do it: <b>Step 1:</b> When posting a new thread or replying to a message you'll notice the following below the "post message", "preview" & "cancel" buttons. <img...
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    Attaching a picture to your message

    We've enabled a feature in the forums that will allow you to attach a picture file to your message. Here's how you do it: <b>Step 1:</b> When posting a new thread or replying to a message you'll notice the following below the "post message", "preview" & "cancel" buttons. <img...
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    Attaching a picture to your message

    We've enabled a feature in the forums that will allow you to attach a picture file to your message. Here's how you do it: <b>Step 1:</b> When posting a new thread or replying to a message you'll notice the following below the "post message", "preview" & "cancel" buttons. <img...
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    Attaching a picture to your message

    We've enabled a feature in the forums that will allow you to attach a picture file to your message. Here's how you do it: <b>Step 1:</b> When posting a new thread or replying to a message you'll notice the following below the "post message", "preview" & "cancel" buttons. <img...
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    Attaching a picture file to your message

    We've enabled a feature in the forums that will allow you to attach a picture file to your message. Here's how you do it: <b>Step 1:</b> When posting a new thread or replying to a message you'll notice the following below the "post message", "preview" & "cancel" buttons. <img...
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    Attaching a picture file to your message

    We've enabled a feature in the forums that will allow you to attach a picture file to your message. Here's how you do it: <b>Step 1:</b> When posting a new thread or replying to a message you'll notice the following below the "post message", "preview" & "cancel" buttons. <img...
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    No more anonymous posting

    We are running a test case study to see how the board does. Sometimes the feature will be enabled, other times it won't be. Some people are in favor of it, others are not, this is just something where we can't please everyone.
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    Private Messages

    I know this feature was requested a few times in the past. With the recent upgrades to the forums database we can now enable this feature for all registered users. Here is some information on how you can use it: Private Messaging allows users to send each other messages that can only be read...
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    Private Messages

    I know this feature was requested a few times in the past. With the recent upgrades to the forums database we can now enable this feature for all registered users. Here is some information on how you can use it:Private Messaging allows users to send each other messages that can only be read by...
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    Private messages

    I know this feature was requested a few times in the past. With the recent upgrades to the forums database we can now enable this feature for all registered users. Here is some information on how you can use it: Private Messaging allows users to send each other messages that can only be read...
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    Private Messages

    I know this feature was requested a few times in the past. With the recent upgrades to the forums database we can now enable this feature for all registered users. Here is some information on how you can use it: Private Messaging allows users to send each other messages that can only be read...
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    Private messages

    I know this feature was requested a few times in the past. With the recent upgrades to the forums database we can now enable this feature for all registered users. Here is some information on how you can use it: Private Messaging allows users to send each other messages that can only be read...