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    Private messages

    I know this feature was requested a few times in the past. With the recent upgrades to the forums database we can now enable this feature for all registered users. Here is some information on how you can use it: Private Messaging allows users to send each other messages that can only be read...
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    Security Measures

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mockingbird</b></i><br>I'm not sure he should have been banned... At least, I didn't see him causing the problems he did the last time. I know he had a big passive aggressive thing going on, trying to get people to talk bad about him, but I...
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    Security Measures

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mockingbird</b></i><br>Yeah, I've been getting the feeling he's back lately, too. =-) Not causing problems though, just back as a regular poster.<hr></blockquote> Mockingbird, You're right on the money, Rider has returned under the guise...
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    Security Measures

    In regards to some of the questions and concerns that have been brought up lately: We found out there wasn't a security breach in the administrative section of the forums, the problems arising were due to the fact that our database was growing too large and couldn't handle the load. As far as...
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    Any idea of what my cause mucus filled lungs other then cf

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Luke, Administrator, I have not been able to post while logged in since late July. Shamrock is right 2sickkids is my forum name. I guess I can try to log in and see.<hr></blockquote> You should be able log in now, there...
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    Any idea of what my cause mucus filled lungs other then cf

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>So haven't been here for a while. But wondering if you all may have some thoughts. I wonder if my doctor got his degree from a cracker jack box. I had to get a ct due to xrays looking so bad. Since both of my sons have cf...
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    Upgrade to the forums

    Hi Everyone, You may have noticed a few minutes of downtime this afternoon on the forums. We've upgraded our database to a much more powerful one which should help the forums out tremendously. Our database technicians have been working very hard to remove the bugs they found during the...
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    Coll not allowed to log in

    We believe we have the problem resolved, as stated before we've implemented a few extra security measures to help prevent this from happening again. If anyone continues to see this problem, please e-mail us at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge...
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    Coll not allowed to log in

    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mockingbird</b></i><br>Ha ha, did they say what the bizarre message was about? I bet it was just some sick person playing jokes who's fired now. =-)<hr></blockquote> An unauthorized person gained access to the administrative side of the...
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    Welcome to the off topic (OT) category

    <blockquote>Quote <hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>jamey</b></i> <blockquote>Quote <hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mockingbird</b></i> <blockquote>Quote <hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>RosesforCFinMich</b></i> The only thing that is a bit bothersome is most docs I'v been to don't know much...
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    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>CgNBgEqualsCgNLg</b></i><br>-sigh- right -gives you the thumbs up- good job keeping me in line<hr></blockquote> Its about keeping the forums "in line". We have alot of people who post on these boards and we try to keep it readable to a very...
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    <blockquote>Quote <hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>CgNBgEqualsCgNLg</b></i> really have to be kidding...<hr></blockquote> No I am not kidding, as I stated prior do nut curse. I asked you very nicely and yet I still had to delete your following response after I had asked. The category...
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    <blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>CgNBgEqualsCgNLg</b></i><br>oh ok good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote> CgNBgEqualsCgNLg, Your last message was deleted. Please refrain from using profanity. Thanks
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    Off Topic category now available

    As per your request: <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">OT Category</a>
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    Welcome to the off topic (OT) category

    As per request here is the off topic category where you can talk about whatever you want.
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    How would you guys feel about an OT (off topic) category?

    To help separate the CF discussion from the off topic stuff we're thinking of creating an OT (off topic) category. Let us know what you think.
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    <blockquote>Quote <hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i> I'm not referring to the project poster, I was referring to Rider. And, I don't log on because then I'll get banned for expressing MY opinion this particular subject (as evidenced by all of the locked thread when anyone says...
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    New category (exercise & fitness)

    Dear Forum Users, We are happy to annouce the arrival of our newest category: Exercise & Fitness If you have any specific questions pertaining to excerise & fitness, you'll want to post them in this category. Question in this category will be answered by Dr. Taylor Lee. Dr. Lee is currently...
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    New category (exercise & fitness)

    Dear Forum Users, We are happy to annouce the arrival of our newest category: Exercise & Fitness If you have any specific questions pertaining to excerise & fitness, you'll want to post them in this category. Question in this category will be answered by Dr. Taylor Lee. Dr. Lee is currently...
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    New category (exercise & fitness)

    Dear Forum Users, We are happy to annouce the arrival of our newest category: Exercise & Fitness If you have any specific questions pertaining to excerise & fitness, you'll want to post them in this category. Question in this category will be answered by Dr. Taylor Lee. Dr. Lee is currently...