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  1. L

    Back from Denver National Jewish.....(Kalydeco trial)

    I go to NJH's adult CF clinic athough most of my appointments these days are with one of NJH's GI doctors. Mid-month I have a CF clinic appointment and my plan is to explore Kalydeco for myself in addition to the usual clinic evaluation. I hope I can share some information about what is going on...
  2. L

    Constant sinus drainage-need advice

    It looks like you are doing all of the right things as much as I realize that may not be great news considering the goal is to figure what to do next. Dust mites is right and their waste is a common allery, easily treated. Chances are good you are keeping DD's environment fairly allergen free...
  3. L

    colloidal Silver?

    Just as long as you realize that colloidal silver in never leaves the body as a colloid. Does that sound safe? LL
  4. L

    I want to become vegan but I need to gain weight

    Sorry, I was being a little glib over weight gain and muscle building. My non CF brother inherited the athletic posture of my mother while I got dad's along with his CF. We essentially have the same frame but he came with meat on his bones. Even so, when he started weight lifting at 15, it...
  5. L

    anyone taking beta blockers for high blood pressure?

    Funny you would ask. I am a CF geezer, having turned 63 this year. Another topic post asking about migraine and sinus headaches reminded me of my introduction to a beta blocker, in this case metoprolol. I didn’t have high blood pressure per se, rather several spikes precipitated by my hair...
  6. L

    Severe Sinus Pain Attacks= Migraines?

    I used to have both types of headaches. They do a very good job of mimicry and certainly one can cause or exacerbate the other. The cause may be different or the same and in effect they are both considered vascular headaches so the immediate method for pain relief is the same generally. A...
  7. L

    Constant sinus drainage-need advice

    Considering the polution you are speaking of is Paris, I tend to agree. This type of allergen, particulates like soot will wash out with rinsing. Paris is large and ancient everytime I have been there, allergies hit me hard. Urban allergens that evade sinus rinse can be chemical polutants, and...
  8. L

    looking for friends

    Welcome Kat, I'm probably too beyond your demographic, being officiall an old guy, but there are a lot of great people around your age on this site. So many are getting over summer and into the rat race of the school year, but the'll be looking in a day or so. LL
  9. L

    I want to become vegan but I need to gain weight

    Learn to love and pay for lots of avacodos and chick peas. A lot of weight lifters use brewers yeast, yeah they are alive, but come on, and soy protien powder. Look around there. LL
  10. L

    Constant sinus drainage-need advice

    SoyaSause, That brings back a memory. A pulsing sinus rinse (machine) was just hitting the market when I was prescribed a Water Pik attachment. Can you share the product information? BTW in spite of the pulse effect of Water Pik, the attachment for sinus rinse has no pulse effect, just a slow...
  11. L

    Help! Blue fingers

    Yeah, give it up, was it a stain or something? A few years back I was at a retail counter having stuff rung up when the cashier fainted. I yelled for help and went around the counter to check on her. When she was upright I thought she seemed overwrought with emotion and that drove my suspicion...
  12. L

    New spirometer in clinic

    The only improvement I see is for the doctor. We all contort blowing all the possible air into a spirometer and the quality of the entire chest is in the mix of results. My numbers have dropped a little just from age related stiffness, but would really suck if I couldn't bend into it do to a...
  13. L

    Test Result

    God I love throwing spitballs at medical tests. I feel that way sometimes because I am in a field where I especially understand a genetic test. The test itself is fine, how we interpret and explain these test results is about as variable as the person doing it. A recent topic post cited an...
  14. L

    23andme: Genetics Website

    Compared to say Ambry Genetics’ full amplified CFTR analysis, it is a waste of money for most. It may also be the thing next to an Icie machine at 7-11 in a few years. My niece had a paternity test in 2009 and it was reasonable, something like $350. Ambry charged essentially the same for the 250...
  15. L

    Constant sinus drainage-need advice

    It used to take years of allergy shots to do this so honey filled with local allergins is considerably better. I too am skeptical of anecdotal information that has way too much promise. A big reason I went for a patch test a few years ago was a bad summer of allergies. We had xeroscaped the yard...
  16. L

    Stared Zantac-- intestinal destress

    Aaargre! You must be frustrated, sorry I haven't been more helpful. You probably do have bubbles in your stomach filled with poison gas that burns the upper stomach. Simethicone (Gas-X) breaks the bubbles and forces the HCL gas back into solution. Gaviscon or equivalent has a good antacid with...
  17. L

    Stared Zantac-- intestinal destress

    Aaargre! You probably do have bubbles in your stomach filled with poison gas that burns the upper stomach. Simethicone (Gas-X) breaks the bubbles and forces the HCL gas back into solution. Gaviscon or equivalent has a good antacid with simethicone formula. I dealt with gastritis when it was...
  18. L

    Stared Zantac-- intestinal destress

    Since it is the weekend, stop taking the morning dose. I wish I could knock this one off. Hyperacidity or the chronic gastritis you have described is best treated with medicine you can't take. Try Tums or Pepto Bismal (sp) in the morning if your stomach is sour. Possibly you are taking the...
  19. L

    Glucose Meters

    It seems rather fast to be choosing a glucose meter and needing insulin too. The topic post "Glucose Meters" probably won't attract CFRD patient's advice and information on insulin. I am getting closer to diabetes but am still a long ways from it. I do know some about the topic. CFers who...
  20. L

    Constant sinus drainage-need advice

    Sorry, it depends on a lot of variables. I noticed significant improvement after a couple months. My neighbor's 4yr old took a month but this was a big improvement especially for my neighbor's child. Various claims are made on local "allergy honey". Some say to expect much slower improvement...