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  1. R

    I need a alternative to trazadone for sleep

    I need to get off trazadone , The pharmacists said it is most likely what is giving me the rapid heartbeat. I am on paxil too , he said those together could cause it. I got off the azithromycin because of the ringing in my ears. The paxil is working for my anxiety. When I get up in the morning I...
  2. R

    What else can I take to help with inflammation.

    I wasnt going to use the tea tree oil because the smell is horrible . I am still using the oil of oregano and turmeric and still waiting on the PharmaNAC.I think the symbicort is starting to help . I read on here that it takes 4 weeks to start seeing results from it . Glad there are people on...
  3. R

    Anyone use symbicort inhaler

    I have been using this inhaler with the chamber on the end. I have noticed my throat is sore a lot especially when I do treatments. The hypersal feels like it is burning more than usual. Anyone else have this problem ? I rinse my mouth too.
  4. R

    What else can I take to help with inflammation.

    I have all that now ,except for the pharmnac it hasnt came. I found the tumeric Source Natural at my local health food store.
  5. R

    What is the white foamy mucus a sign of!

    I am hoping it means less infection ,but that would be too easy. Is it a sign of inflammation? I have never had this before it is always green or yellow. I've had ever since the bad reaction to the bactrim ( severe inflammation in the lung)
  6. R

    What else can I take to help with inflammation.

    Thank you knowitalll . I will get one of those brand , because I have spring valley brand. I am also taking oil of oregano ( Gaia Brand). I am also taking selenium(200 ) once a day One of them is helping me my inflammation is much better. It gets worse at night before my treatment. It works...
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    What else can I take to help with inflammation.

    I have curcumin . The only antibiotics I am on is azithromycin.
  8. R

    What else can I take to help with inflammation.

    I am currently on azithromycin, symbicort inhaler, albuterol , hypersal, pulmozyme. I mix my hypersal with regular saline if I have inflammation, it seems to help to keep it from getting worse with the hypersal. I ordered some Pharmnac , but hasnt came yet. Its going to get expensive if i take...
  9. R

    whats your fev1 ?

    I am 48 . My fev 1 is at 40 . Havent been able to get it back up to the 43 . Still have too much inflammation.
  10. R

    Why don't you buy this? (I'm not a sales rep)

    My treatment takes 1 1/2 hrs with the vest . I have a omron updraft machine.
  11. R

    Could someone smarter than me look up ceftaz and see if it has any sulfa drug in it

    I just have a feeling it has a sulfa drug somewhere in it. There are a lot of smart people on here about CF and meds , I am learning but don't understand the big words in the makeup of abx.
  12. R

    Reactions to Ceftazidime

    Yeah it does me too the worst is not be able to breathe . I am pretty unusual when it comes to abx . They affect me different , When I was younger nothing bothered me . I took the ceftaz in 2009 , i remember being able to breathe better when I got done with meropenem and ceftaz , but didnt...
  13. R

    Kepp coughing up blood perodically

    I have been coughing up some blood in my mucus for about 2 weeks now. It was the worst when I got off the ceftaz, because I had a lot of inflammation while on it and after. I'm still mixing my hyper-sal with regular saline to dilute it some. Without it i wouldn't get anything up. Could it be the...
  14. R

    Allergic reaction to Bactrim Please Help !!!

    My dr finally decided I was allergic to bactrim. Ceftazadime does me the same way.
  15. R

    Women & Zithro 3x a week

    I have been on it for about 2 weeks so far no yeast infection. But it does bother my stomach.
  16. R

    Have you become more introverted and anti-social as your health declines?

    I am the same way the only people I hang out with is my family . It helps that my girls are grown . We like to shop together and do crafts. I love to sew and make my granddaughter clothes . That is a big past time. But as far as doing a lot of the things my boyfriend likes to do I cant...
  17. R

    Medicare will not cover kalydeco where I live !

    No I am dd508 . the Representative at Cf services pharmacy said that medicare in Arkansas isn't covering the kalydeco for anyone . I have medicare and medicaid and he said they were state agencies . I thought medicare was federal
  18. R

    Medicare will not cover kalydeco where I live !

    I just talked to the cf services pharmacy and was told that medicare will not cover kalydeco as of now because it is so new
  19. R

    Anti-biotic side effects after you're finished with them?

    I didn't get the worsening acid reflux till I got on the ceftazadime and the Levaquin . I was on vanc and meropenem around the last 2 weeks of January. Then on the others around the 2nd week of February. The meropenem caused me to have nausea and extremely tired. I didn't notice a lot on the...
  20. R

    getting fev 1 back up

    I would love to swim but I am terrified of the water . A really bad phobia Ive always had. As far as smoking weed its not going to happen . I cant stand any kind of smoke or fumes from a car even.