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  1. R

    Anti-biotic side effects after you're finished with them?

    I didnt have the skin peeling, but I am still getting really tired and i have been off for almost 3 weeks . Although some of mine is from being down so long since right after christmas and the paxil they have me on. I do have some major acid reflux . Im already on protonix twice a day .
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    Acid reflux worse after IV meds !

    I just got done with 2 weeks worth of meropenum and vanc, then 1 week of ceftazadime and vanc and levaquin. And also just finished a 5 day course of prednisone 20mg. And I started the azithromycin MWF . I am already on protonix 2x a day . Now my reflux is a lot worse. I cant even drink water. My...
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    Kalydeco concern!!!

    My dr seems to be skeptical about medicare paying even if it is FDA approved for double delta f508
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    Kalydeco concern!!!

    Does anyone know if medicare will pay for it . I have the double df508
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    Medicare Questions, Please Help!!

    I am on medicare(SSD) and medicaid (thru SSI). I live in Arkansas , in my situation if medicare doesnt cover it then medicaid wont either. They wont pay for nexium or Hypersal . I had to switch to protonix
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    Meropenem & Ceftazidime

    I was on meropenem and vanc back in january for 2 weeks. Then one week later the dr put me back on meropenem and oral levaquin but one dose when I got home was all it took for me to have a reaction to the meropenem . I had a fever of 102, chills , my arms were stinging and my skin got red...
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    has anyone had these side effects from ceftaz!

    I had swollen feet and hands my body felt like my blood was boiling after I got infused . Then after about 2 days of being on after I got home on them I noticed after I got infused the inflammation was horrible my lungs felt like they were on fire. Coughing up mucus , but also clear stuff . Also...
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    Thirsty after treatments

    the hypersal makes my thirsty too drinking lots of water helps a lot . But right now water makes my reflux worse. The ceftazadime and vanc and levaquin have my stomach in a mess . Having a lot of air in my stomach that causes nausea if I cant burb. Not sure which one caused that it wasnt the...
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    azithromycin for inflammation

    I take 20billion probiotics they are 40 dollars a bottle . Hopefully it will be enough. I don't normally have this much inflammation or mucus . Some sort of reaction that my crazy body has to ceftazadime made my lungs inflamed .I could tell the inflammation was there every time I got infused. I...
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    azithromycin for inflammation

    I just started azithromycin 500 mg for inflammation on Monday . I am having a lot of mucus some of which is clear saliva looking. it gets really bad at night. How long does this normally take to start working . Is it immediate or takes time. I have been using ibuprofen in between the MWF dose...
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    Reactions to Ceftazidime

    I just got off a week of ceftazadine and 2nd time on vancomycin and I had heavy leg sensation and hands and feet stayed swollen after the first three days of infusing had some chills and lung inflammation just like when I take bactrim . Still having shakes and heavy feeling in arms and legs...
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    anxiety meds that dont affect the lungs

    doesnt work for me Thank you but the special brownies don't work for me either . Ive tried them a couple years ago made my anxiety worse . And back then I didn't really have anxiety . Was trying them to give me an appetite which it did but caused me severe anxiety. I'm not in a pot friendly...
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    anxiety meds that dont affect the lungs

    The only time I have anxiety that I cant control is when I am on IV meds and in the hospital. I have only taken Xanax this time. I have tried Cymbalta . Lexapro before and they both make my heart race. Anyone have any suggestions about what I can use that gets rid of anxiety but doesn't slow...
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    anxiety still after 5 days off of iv's (meropenem & vancamycin) Help !! Losing it!!

    I think a lot of my anxiety is the zofran and the meropenem and vanc. I have been off for of all for a week now . I took a .4 of zofran Saturday morning . And that night didnt take take any xanax . And woke up terrified heart racing horrible dreams just freaking out . The zofran makes me have...
  15. R

    anxiety still after 5 days off of iv's (meropenem & vancamycin) Help !! Losing it!!

    anxiety still after 5 days off of iv's (meropenem & vancamycin) Help !! Losing it!! I had some anxiety in the hospital. I thought it was from being couped up in that room for 7 days and from the iv's .But I still had the anxiety at home just as bad. I was on Meropenem and Vancomycin for 2...
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    getting fev 1 back up

    I just got out of the hospital Tuesday night . When I went in my fev1 was 29 . My baseline on my last clinic visit was 42 . I got it back up to 39 before I got out of the hospital . I want to get it up more. I have a treadmill , but what else can I do to get my lungs back in shape .
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    vancomycin & imipenim side effects

    Well I thought it was going to be ceftazadine but its not . So what kind of side effects from vancomycin and imipenim did you guys have . I thought imipenum was real close to meropenum which I can't take . Makes my liver enzymes go really high . So I figure I will have major stomach issues...
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    side effects from ceftazadime, please help very scared!

    I am going to have go on ceftazadime this week . I am wondering what side effects others have had from this . I am not allergic to penicillin . But I am allergic to bactrim . It's because of the bactrim that I am so sick it almost shut my lungs down . The last time I had iv's I was on...
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    cayston for cepacia

    I was in a trial for the inhaled Cayston for Cepacia back a year ago . Was wondering if it has been approved for Cepacia . I know the trial is done but don't know if the FDA approved it or not and my CF Dr. doesn't seem to know either.
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    Allergic reaction to Bactrim Please Help !!!

    Also to add to my post I ran fever while on the bactrim . No fever since stopping it