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  1. K

    How many hours do you put into treatments and taking care of yourself?

    If I really rush it, 30-40 minutes maximum (Daily). I do two nebulizers a day, before I go out if possible (First the Albuterol/Cromolyn, then the DNase (Back-to-back))), and that's it. I take Creon as necessary, but sometimes I've found that I can actually get by without it. I still take it on...
  2. K

    How many hours do you put into treatments and taking care of yourself?

    If I really rush it, 30-40 minutes maximum (Daily). I do two nebulizers a day, before I go out if possible (First the Albuterol/Cromolyn, then the DNase (Back-to-back))), and that's it. I take Creon as necessary, but sometimes I've found that I can actually get by without it. I still take it on...
  3. K

    How many hours do you put into treatments and taking care of yourself?

    If I really rush it, 30-40 minutes maximum (Daily). I do two nebulizers a day, before I go out if possible (First the Albuterol/Cromolyn, then the DNase (Back-to-back))), and that's it. I take Creon as necessary, but sometimes I've found that I can actually get by without it. I still take it on...
  4. K

    New Here

    Wow, it's awesome to see someone who was diagnosed quite a while ago, and to see you still doing well! Where were you born if I might ask?
  5. K

    New Here

    Wow, it's awesome to see someone who was diagnosed quite a while ago, and to see you still doing well! Where were you born if I might ask?
  6. K

    New Here

    Wow, it's awesome to see someone who was diagnosed quite a while ago, and to see you still doing well! Where were you born if I might ask?
  7. K

    Frustrated and sad

    The dosage which you mentioned isn't too bad, but my mother refused to allow my doctor to keep me on steroids for more than five or six days when I was a kid, and I still stay away from it. In the long-run, it can cause liver and vision damage. However, I do understand if your child needs it...
  8. K

    Frustrated and sad

    The dosage which you mentioned isn't too bad, but my mother refused to allow my doctor to keep me on steroids for more than five or six days when I was a kid, and I still stay away from it. In the long-run, it can cause liver and vision damage. However, I do understand if your child needs it...
  9. K

    Frustrated and sad

    The dosage which you mentioned isn't too bad, but my mother refused to allow my doctor to keep me on steroids for more than five or six days when I was a kid, and I still stay away from it. In the long-run, it can cause liver and vision damage. However, I do understand if your child needs it...
  10. K

    Flatulence with beer

    Beer is carbonated (Either wholly naturally through the yeast process, or additionally artificially in order to deliver it at the tap). Carbonated drinks will always give you a certain level of "Gas". As for soda, that has additional acidity, which can also cause stomach aches. FYI- Any liquid...
  11. K

    Flatulence with beer

    Beer is carbonated (Either wholly naturally through the yeast process, or additionally artificially in order to deliver it at the tap). Carbonated drinks will always give you a certain level of "Gas". As for soda, that has additional acidity, which can also cause stomach aches. FYI- Any liquid...
  12. K

    Flatulence with beer

    Beer is carbonated (Either wholly naturally through the yeast process, or additionally artificially in order to deliver it at the tap). Carbonated drinks will always give you a certain level of "Gas". As for soda, that has additional acidity, which can also cause stomach aches. FYI- Any liquid...
  13. K

    Stuck in a meal/calorie rut

    See if this helps: My mom told me that whenever she'd feel sick while pregnant, she'd cook about 8-10 dinner fries (Which were frozen), add a tiny bit of salt, and she'd have them with a glass of iced-tea (Her iced-tea is always unsweetened). She said it always made her feel better, and then she...
  14. K

    Stuck in a meal/calorie rut

    See if this helps: My mom told me that whenever she'd feel sick while pregnant, she'd cook about 8-10 dinner fries (Which were frozen), add a tiny bit of salt, and she'd have them with a glass of iced-tea (Her iced-tea is always unsweetened). She said it always made her feel better, and then she...
  15. K

    Stuck in a meal/calorie rut

    See if this helps: My mom told me that whenever she'd feel sick while pregnant, she'd cook about 8-10 dinner fries (Which were frozen), add a tiny bit of salt, and she'd have them with a glass of iced-tea (Her iced-tea is always unsweetened). She said it always made her feel better, and then she...
  16. K

    not sure what to do, if anything!

    I'll ask a few questions and get back to you with a more concise answer regarding everything you've described. However, just as a bit of information regarding diagnoses issues, one thing I've noticed as of recent is what I'd consider an ever expanding definition of what construes CF. CF, as it...
  17. K

    not sure what to do, if anything!

    I'll ask a few questions and get back to you with a more concise answer regarding everything you've described. However, just as a bit of information regarding diagnoses issues, one thing I've noticed as of recent is what I'd consider an ever expanding definition of what construes CF. CF, as it...
  18. K

    not sure what to do, if anything!

    I'll ask a few questions and get back to you with a more concise answer regarding everything you've described. <br /> <br />However, just as a bit of information regarding diagnoses issues, one thing I've noticed as of recent is what I'd consider an ever expanding definition of what construes...
  19. K

    kidney stones

    My mother and sister both have/had bad kidney stone issues, and neither of them have CF (My mom was even placed in a tub of water one time, many years back, where they blasted the stones with an ultrasonic pulse). The one medication that finally worked in preventing them in my mother was...
  20. K

    kidney stones

    My mother and sister both have/had bad kidney stone issues, and neither of them have CF (My mom was even placed in a tub of water one time, many years back, where they blasted the stones with an ultrasonic pulse). The one medication that finally worked in preventing them in my mother was...