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  1. K

    kidney stones

    My mother and sister both have/had bad kidney stone issues, and neither of them have CF (My mom was even placed in a tub of water one time, many years back, where they blasted the stones with an ultrasonic pulse). The one medication that finally worked in preventing them in my mother was...
  2. K

    Stuck in a meal/calorie rut

    Have you busted out the grill yet?
  3. K

    Stuck in a meal/calorie rut

    Have you busted out the grill yet?
  4. K

    Stuck in a meal/calorie rut

    Have you busted out the grill yet?
  5. K

    Tumor operation on face

    I would definitely recommend getting it removed, so long as your physicians can all reach agreement upon the issue. A tumor is simply nothing to play around with, and even though it is benign, it's probably a good idea to rid your body of it if at all possible. As for the general anesthesia...
  6. K

    Tumor operation on face

    I would definitely recommend getting it removed, so long as your physicians can all reach agreement upon the issue. A tumor is simply nothing to play around with, and even though it is benign, it's probably a good idea to rid your body of it if at all possible. As for the general anesthesia...
  7. K

    Tumor operation on face

    I would definitely recommend getting it removed, so long as your physicians can all reach agreement upon the issue. A tumor is simply nothing to play around with, and even though it is benign, it's probably a good idea to rid your body of it if at all possible. <br /> <br />As for the general...
  8. K

    Side effect

    I know for a fact that joint/muscle pain is a well documented negative side-effect of Levaquin. It only occurs in certain people, though, and it can cause tendon issues too (It was finally attributed to the medication about a year ago). I agree with Mikeinfla, you need to address this issue...
  9. K

    Side effect

    I know for a fact that joint/muscle pain is a well documented negative side-effect of Levaquin. It only occurs in certain people, though, and it can cause tendon issues too (It was finally attributed to the medication about a year ago). I agree with Mikeinfla, you need to address this issue...
  10. K

    Side effect

    I know for a fact that joint/muscle pain is a well documented negative side-effect of Levaquin. It only occurs in certain people, though, and it can cause tendon issues too (It was finally attributed to the medication about a year ago). <br /> <br />I agree with Mikeinfla, you need to address...
  11. K

    weird knee problem

    Have the joint problems only been around since you've been working out? I've had my share of joint issues over the years, from sports as well as workout related abuse. I've always had rather weak ankles for some reason too lol.
  12. K

    weird knee problem

    Have the joint problems only been around since you've been working out? I've had my share of joint issues over the years, from sports as well as workout related abuse. I've always had rather weak ankles for some reason too lol.
  13. K

    weird knee problem

    Have the joint problems only been around since you've been working out? I've had my share of joint issues over the years, from sports as well as workout related abuse. I've always had rather weak ankles for some reason too lol.
  14. K

    Sensitivity to Sound with TOBI?

    I only use TOBI when I feel I really need it, and that's only been once in the past five years. I caught some weird bug that was going around the Fall of 2009, and it left me with pneumonia (Self-diagnosed). It gave a lot of folks pneumonia, and something similar is doing the same thing with a...
  15. K

    Sensitivity to Sound with TOBI?

    I only use TOBI when I feel I really need it, and that's only been once in the past five years. I caught some weird bug that was going around the Fall of 2009, and it left me with pneumonia (Self-diagnosed). It gave a lot of folks pneumonia, and something similar is doing the same thing with a...
  16. K

    Sensitivity to Sound with TOBI?

    I only use TOBI when I feel I really need it, and that's only been once in the past five years. I caught some weird bug that was going around the Fall of 2009, and it left me with pneumonia (Self-diagnosed). It gave a lot of folks pneumonia, and something similar is doing the same thing with a...
  17. K

    Is there snow where you are?

    We have some snow in the D.C. area, but it's been off-and-on again this winter, and we've never gotten more than a few inches of accumulation at a time. Last winter we had some great blizzards bulls-eyed right over where I live, and we totaled up to 90 inches! I'd love to have another winter...
  18. K

    Is there snow where you are?

    We have some snow in the D.C. area, but it's been off-and-on again this winter, and we've never gotten more than a few inches of accumulation at a time. Last winter we had some great blizzards bulls-eyed right over where I live, and we totaled up to 90 inches! I'd love to have another winter...
  19. K

    Is there snow where you are?

    We have some snow in the D.C. area, but it's been off-and-on again this winter, and we've never gotten more than a few inches of accumulation at a time. Last winter we had some great blizzards bulls-eyed right over where I live, and we totaled up to 90 inches! I'd love to have another winter...
  20. K

    Steroids for muscle building

    Sorry, but pumping yourself full of steroids is foolhardy. I refuse to even take steroid medication for CF, so I sure as heck won't do it for a workout. You're asking for trouble with your heart down the road, and plenty of abuse on your kidneys as well. Not to mention the fact that you'll build...