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  1. S

    In a "Fog" need a pep talk to get out of it!!

    Hi there, Things have been going great for our little man. I'm very thankful for him being so healthy. However my family had some sad news last week. My husbands partner at work lost his sister to CF last week. Very sad! I don't think my husband wanted to tell me about it. But, I'm glad he did...
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    Shopping for Inusrance Question

    Hi there, Just wanted to hear any pointers on this topic!! Or names of insurance company you prefer. My husband is looking for new insurance for his employees and himself. He has his office manager calling around today. Very nervous about change. We have had outstanding insurance the last...
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    How long does it take to get throat culture results?

    Hi there, My house has came down with a nasty stomach bug this weekend. My son had clinic on Monday, and I'm wondering how long it takes for the CF Clinic to contact you if your kids caught a bug. Thanks in advance..I'm just trying to play detective!! Thanks, Sarah
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    Just have to brag~~

    Hi there, I just had to brag about how well my little boy did yesterday at clinic. He was AWESOME!!! Because The last year has been pure hell at clinic. However yesterday we brought Daddy along. Ohhh my gooodness!! My son was calm and listened to everything they asked of him. Plus he gained 4...
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    Party City has picked Cystic Fibrosis for this month

    As I mentioned a couple weeks ago Party City has picked CF as thier charity for March. I can not even believe the amazing stories I heard from my sister. The out pouring of love from their customer, and stories she has heard. Heart breaking!! Had to share the pic of what the employees are...
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    Cough Question

    Johnny had a runny nose all last week, but there was no other symptom. Now for the last couple days Johnny and his little sister have a yucky cough. We have bumped his vest up to 5 times a day. But, tonight the cough won't stop poor little guy can't sleep. Do I call the clinic in the middle of...
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    Party City has picked Cystic Fibrosis for next month

    Hi there, My sister is a GM with Party City and called me today super excited. She told me that her company has picked the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for next month. So after every purchase they will have the option...Would you like to donate a $ to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Every little bit...
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    Throat Cultures

    Hey There, I feel like there is some light at the end of the tunnel. I just read on a blog that throat cultures can be done by the child spitting up into a cup. Then the swab that. Is this true? Ohhh my goodness........That would be soooo great! Please tell me if this is true. Thanks, Sarah...
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    Hi there, No big concerns here........However I'm soooo tired of getting new bottles of Zenpeps down. My son get's like nine bottles of Zenpep a month. But, why are they only filling the bottles a quarter or less than that full? Seems like a big waste to me. Big bottle, and just a few pills...
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    Just wondering if it's i might be able to get out our son out of clinic next month?

    Hi there, Happy New Year to all our CF family and friends. Okay, here is my question. Johnny's next 3 month CF clinic lands on Valentines day at 8:30....He still goes on baby cf clinic day. They only have once a month and during morning hours. That's 2/14..and this month is booked already. I...
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    Need Help...

    Hi there, So, We had clinic Monday. GI doctor want's to take him off Prevacid...and back onto Zantac twice a day. GI doc told me he would fax in a prescription to our local Walgreens. Husband tried picking it up early this week, but Walgreens never got the prescription. I didn't believe it so I...
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    School Bus

    Johnny is now officially a "BUS RIDER"....1st day was Monday...He freaked out that first morning, and Daddy gave him sympathy and drove him to school. (Day after Halloween in our house is like usually a sleep in late day....but not anymore) After preschool my husband and I switched cars...and...
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    1st time meeting an adult Cf'er in Real Life

    As a parent of a child with CF I naturally grab a hold of any literature I can get my hands on relating to CF. When I see a program that mentions CF I record in on our DVR, and insist that it not be deleted. This summer our local news had a "Health Minute" and it was about laser teeth whitening...
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    Do I have the only child that screams the entire time at Clinic?

    Hi there, I haven't brought this up before, but I'm afraid it's getting worse. My son screams his head off from the moment he sees the parking lot of the hospital. He doesn't stop until we drive away. I still put him in his stroller that way I don't have to chase him as he tries to escape as...
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    Colds...Colds...I'm not liking this!

    Hi there, Well, Johnny started preschool at our local elementary school last month (3hrs a day). He loves it so much! No tears...He wakes up so excited. Only downside is we are on our 2nd cold this month! I know this doesn't sound like a big deal. But for our little man it is. Johnny only had...
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    Anyone out there with an Incourage Vest

    In the last few months the front panel where we push the buttons on the machine has started to peel. It started bugging me when I looked at it. I thought this thing is not even a year old and it looks like junk. I called Resperitech this morning and they are sending us a new Vest Machine to...
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    Started PreSchool at the Elementary School Today

    Today was my sons first day of preschool at the elementary school. We had started a preschool at a local church as a "warm up" this summer. But today we were in the big league! Everything went very well, except the school nurse informed me that they had not yet received his medication release...
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    Just have to sceam "MY BABY IS 3"

    Just had to sceam it "My Lil Man is 3". Three Years! How far we have came in just a few years. Three years ago I was a scared woman with a baby with a Bowel obstruction down the hall. Having no idea why! I didn't even know what cf even stood for. Now I'm a tough Mommy of a tough toddler. We...
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    Johnny got his early b-day present. Trampoline!! Yeah, time to shake those lungs! Thanks for every mom and dad who has ever posted on getting one. Great gift! WIN/WIN...Shake those lungs! Love, Sarah I'm crazy picture happy mom
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    Pool Shopping

    Hi There, As you can see our little man has out grown the little pool we have used for the last couple years. I loved it because it was small and hard plastic. I can wipe it down every night, and run his toys through the diswasher. Do any of use bigger plastic pools for your kids. I'm so scared...