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  1. S

    First day of Big Boy PreSchool

    Todays our son starts his "warm up" for September. Two Days a week for only 2 hours. I'm such a wimp. I was up until 3:00 am thinking this over and over again. This a good thing! It's only TWO hours! Ahhh tell me AGAIN I'm not alone. I feel like no one else understands my fears. It has nothing...
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    Meeting with school district office tomorrow....He is not even 3 yet! Looking for any pointers.

    Meeting with school district office tomorrow....He is not even 3 yet! Looking for any pointers. Hi Guys, I have read plenty already on this topic. In my couple years of being a CF Mommy. However I'm completely in a panic now that it's time to create my own IEP. The correct program is actually...
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    Looking for help...OFF TOPIC..Please forgive me

    I know this is not an appropriate place to put this. But, what can I say....You're my online Support. So, I come tonight looking for some help Because I have found some very resourceful people on this site. This has nothing to do with CF, but I'm hoping one of you could point me in the right...
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    To Flush or Not to Flush?

    Hi there, I'll make this quick.......My sister bought my son a fish and fish bowl for Easter. Very sweet! But, my husband and I decided early on we would pass on having any fish in the house. I broke the "rule" and have allowed the fish bowl to sit up on the bar. Far out of our sons reach. My...
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    Feel like the worst Mom in the world!

    Hi there, Yesterday I posted another question on enzymes (Zenpep). This is going to be our third enzyme we are trying. For the last six months we have tried everything to help my sons diarrhea. It's been three to four poopy diapers a day. I kept calling clinic saying " I don't think the...
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    Hi there, We recently switched from Creon to Pancrecarb, and had success for a while. (Our son was having 4-5 bm's a day, before the that switch.......with the worst smell ever!) Now a month we are back to four poopy diapers and that's with Pancrecarb. He also takes his max of Prevacid. My...
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    Okay, My Poop Question

    Hi there, My son for the last two months has had the worst bm's. In the morning after his Prevacid his morning poop is normal and formed. As the day progresses his evening poop turns greenish/liquidy. The clinic has had me try breaking his Prevacid pill and half, and spreading it out. That...
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    New Enzymes

    I thought I was going crazy the last few weeks, and now I know today something has to be wrong. It seems to me everything has changed with my sons BM's. We use to have maybe one or two poopy diapers a day and they were formed like "playdough". Now all hell has broke loose, and I know it has to...
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    Ohh the fun of the holidays!

    Do any of you with little ones have this problem? Each get together with family my husband and I are guard the entire time telling people not to spoon food our son our share drinks with him. We have tried over and over again, but still some of the Grandmas don't get it. They say "Ohh but I"m...
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    I had my baby girl!

    Hi there, Well, Here is an update on my little family. We had our little girl born on 10/21. We named her Bailey Elizabeth. Right after she came out she POOPED. I started crying and all of the nurses and doctors didn't understand why I was crying. (Our son was born with MI,and it took months...
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    Hi there, I just got a call from clinic and they want me to start giving our son a pill form of zinc each morning. They brought up that they have a child that started taking Zinc and his weight has greatly improved. I was wondering if any of you have had any luck with Zinc? I'm desperate for...
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    Where do you store the Vest?

    Good Morning, Today by great surpise our sons vest arrived. I'm super excited to start using it! Was wondering of ideas of where to store it. I'm thinking of shopping for an end table with a shelf that closes to keep it in. I want it to be part of the living room, but don't want it out to be...
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    Wondering if there is a solution to CF Clinic and Lab work

    Hi there, I have never had any terrible concerns about CF Clinic until last week. My sons clinic is awesome about not having families wait in the lobby before our appointments. They rush us right back to our rooms. My concern is after all they do as far as gowns/face masks/gloves sterilizing...
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    Question about Ambry Testing?

    Hi there, Well, I'm now 26 weeks pregnant with our second child...It's a girl! As I posted before we decided not to do any testing on the baby until after she is delivered. We are watching her tummy through high level monthly ultrasounds though, and she will be born at a hospital with a level...
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    Vest time for our family!

    We are debating on vests. This is all new to us, and am looking for suggestions. I believe I was told that the Smart Vest it self can be washed in the washing machine. That's a huge plus since our son throws up when he gets upset, and I have a feeling he isn't going to like this very much. But...
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    Yeah Tina Holm Family

    Tina Holm and her family raised 10,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. There is a news feed on this sites homepage...Just had to thank you! Sarah Mommy to Johnny 22 months w/cf..Pregnant with a little girl<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    Has anyone else had to fight with their insurance company to cover each person on the CF Team

    Has anyone else had to fight with their insurance company to cover each person on the CF Team Hi there, As you may remember I posted a couple weeks ago looking for help with fighting our insurance co. to cover the nutrionist. I have since appealed. Now,this weekend we recieved a letter from...
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    Just Thought of Something to help my case with the insurance company

    Hi there, Well,I'm just about to appeal the insurance company. Last night I was thinking our insurance has no idea that our son is Pancreatic Insufficient, and takes enzymes everytime he eats. They haven't seen a bill for enzymes ever. Since we are on he We Care Program for his first three...
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    CF Clinic Dietician

    Hi there, Well, our insurance company sent us a letter a few months ago saying they would not cover our sons dietitian anymore. I then had the CF Team write a letter to explain why he sees a dietian more often than he would if he didn't have CF. Well, I recieved a letter addressed to our CF...
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    Hearing loss....Further testing..Please help..

    Okay, when we first got our sons mutations I noticed on one of them had this note attatched it. Result: Known Mutation(s) 1898+1G>A, 258delT The Results of this test indicated the heterozgous of known deleterious mutaons would be expected to cause cystic fibrosis if these mutations are on...