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  1. K

    The 4 Day Work Week

    I'm not sure about everyone else, but where I live and work, there has been a lot of talk about going to a 4-day work week - meaning four 4-hour days - to save money on gas, utilities for buildings, etc. I know most "normal" people love the idea, and I understand why - the idea of 3-day weeks...
  2. K

    Green Tea to Help w/ CM?

    I've heard from some people on other (non-CF) message boards that drinking green tea may help with producing more EWCM. (A quick google search also told me that there is no proof this is the case). But I figured it's worth a shot. However, I also wonder, if it does increase the quantity of CM...
  3. K

    Pari LC Plus Nebs

    This is crazy: Last night I accidentally fell asleep while I was boiling my nebulizers. Three hours later I woke up to a very strong burning plastic smell and discovered that, not only had I boiled away all of the water - I had melted and boiled away my nebulizers! The only thing left in the pot...
  4. K

    Colistin while PG?

    I am currently on inhaled colistin one month on, one month off. My CF doctor said it is safe to take during pregnancy because "the molecules are too large to pass from the lungs to the blood stream." However, I have since read a journal article that took blood samples from patients after they...
  5. K

    An Introduction

    Hi All, I am new here and just figured I'd introduce myself. I am so excited to find this board! My name is Kristen, I am 31 w/ CF, and my husband and I are currently on cycle 1 of TTC (and in our first 2WW). I've already talked to my CF doc and OB/GYN about getting getting PG, and they've...