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  1. K

    Anyone Have a Blog?

    I decided to finally create a blog roll, and I'd esp. love to add people who have CF and have had a child or are TTC. Does anyone have one they would be willing to share? Alisha, I already have yours on my blog roll (I hope that is ok).
  2. K

    Well, IUI #2 Was Bust. RE wants to put me on Clomid

    Any CFers have any experience with Clomid? Did you have any negative side effects? I am a little nervous because this would mean entering risk of multiples territory. But, my RE said there is a 10% risk of twins (which I think we could handle) and a less than 1% risk of triplets. He wants to...
  3. K

    HUGE Follie!

    So last IUI my follicle was only 16-17mm when we triggered, and I was nervous that it was too small & was hoping for a bigger one this time around. Well I had my CD 14 ultrasound today and it was 27mm! This makes me so happy because the egg should be good and ripe <img...
  4. K

    I just coughed up blood

    I just coughed up blood for the second time in my life. The first time was about 10 years ago when I was about a week into a struggle with bronchitis. This time, I feel FINE. I just felt a little tickle, like I needed to get some phlegm up, only, it was blood - not blood streaked phlegm, 100%...
  5. K

    First IUI Done!

    My husband and I had our first IUI this morning. (In case people don't remember, we are doing unmedicated IUI with an HCG trigger). We went in for an ultrasound on Saturday, and I had one developed follicle, although it wasn't quite big enough to trigger at that time, so we triggered in the...
  6. K

    Vitamin D

    The nutritionist at my CF clinic called yesterday and said my vitamin D levels are down. She said they are still in the normal range, but we need to start keeping our eye on it. I asked her if this could be a sign that I am becoming PI (I am currently PS), and she said probably not because all...
  7. K

    Had the visit with the RE today

    My husband and I had our consult with the RE today. The visit went great, although part of me is slightly freaking out because because we are probably going to do our first IUI in a few weeks! I figured we do all the testing this cycle and start IUI the next one, but we are going to do the...
  8. K

    Had a Fertility Consult Today

    For those who may not know, my husband and I are on our 7th cycle TTC. I have been charting, checking cervical mucus, using OPKs, and taking mucinex. I do have EWCM, although I <i>think</i> it's thicker than it should be. I have ovulated every cycle since going off the pill, and my cycles are...
  9. K

    I would like to do a poll

    When I first saw my OB/GYN about getting PG, she said "I think you will have difficulties due to thick cervical mucus. Come see me after six months of trying if you aren't pregnant." I then saw another OB/GYN and she said the same thing. I have a friend with CF who has also been trying for six...
  10. K

    Staph, then PA, and now Staph Again

    I only cultured staph until I was about 23 years old. Then I cultured PA for the first time, and it was only PA. I continued to culture only PA for about 7 years. Then I started HS, and my cultures changed again - to both PA and Staph. And now I am culturing only Staph again. I haven't cultured...
  11. K


    I was just diagnosed with pleurisy for the first time. It hurts the lower left part of my back when I breath in - an x-ray showed pleurisy. I also have a low grade fever of 100.0. I saw my PCP, not my CF doctor (my CF doctor told me to do this). My PCP told me to just take 2 Aleve a day and wait...
  12. K


  13. K

    Can We Discuss CM?

    Hi Everyone. My husband and I are only on cycle 5 of TTC. However, my OB/GYN told me she was concerned with my fertility - she thinks my CF causes me to have CM issues, and she told me to come see her if we aren't PG in six months. I decided to find a new OB/GYN (for an unrelated reason), and...
  14. K

    Nebulizer Poll

    For the nebulized medications you (or your family member) have to take twice a day, do you always take them exactly 12 hours apart? Or is there a number of hours you think is "good enough" as far as spacing out treatments?
  15. K

    F/U Poll for CFers Who Work Full Time

    I am amazed at how much some people squeeze in! So now I am curious: 1) What is your treatment regimen (how long does it take)? (eg Nebulized Meds, Chest PT, and exercise) 2) How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
  16. K

    Anyone Heard of

    I just heard of this on the radio. Apparently you can go to their website and choose your charity, then link to an online store and some of your purchase will be donated to your charity. And the CF foundation is on there. There are tons of stores that participate. I just ordered some coffee I...
  17. K

    Do you sometimes second-guess doctors & nurses?

    I wrote a post on another (non-cf) message board about second guessing a nurse, and someone said to me: "What is it you do for a living? It must be pretty impressive to know that all those doctors and nurses you've met have no idea what they were talking about." So, my question is, am I...
  18. K

    Fungal Sinusits

    I have been battling oral thrush for over three months now. I've tried Clotrimazole troches, Nystatin swish & swallow, 3 days of Diflucan, Orithrush mouthwash, gentian violet, and Biotene. With every remedy except the last two, the thrush went away for a week or so and would just come back. Now...
  19. K

    Boiling Nebs

    I had clinic today and got into an argument with my respiratory therapist about sterilizing my nebulizers. I put in them in a pot of boiling water, with the lid on, for 15 minutes. She says this is not enough, and that I need to soak them in either bleach, rubbing alcohol, or peroxide, and then...
  20. K

    Do You Get Excited?

    I'm just curious, because I am finishing with my current month of colistin tomorrow, and I always get a little giddy the day the day before I'm done. I'm like, "WHOOOHOOO! A whole month w/ an extra 30 min of free time each day!!!" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">