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  1. Simba15


    Hi All, I have a rare mutation combo which is quite "mild" compared to others. However, I am very tired. I used to be able to work 14 hour days and am finding I can't do it anymore. When I have to do it for financial reasons, I then crash and sleep an extra 6 hours or so on my day off. Even on...
  2. Simba15

    Lost Job due to CF

    Hi, I worked for an agency that really doesn't like people to be "sick" or have a diagnosis. I filled out FMLA papers for intermittent leave and disclosed that I have CF (i the section the dr signs). Little did I know there is a law that you do not have to disclose genetic information to...
  3. Simba15

    Difficulty LOSING weight

    <br>I know most CFers can't gain weight but does anyone here have difficulty - more so than the average person- losing weight?I have to go on a STRICT 800-1,000 diet with NO carbs in order to lose weight. I have read my one mutation may be to blame.Any other people here have difficulty?
  4. Simba15

    financial assistance for cf'ers?

    <br>Hi, I know there is some help with medicines for CF'er if they don't have medical insurance. Does anyone know of any financial help for working CF'ers? IMO we won't be working as long as other people so are there any breaks on our student loans, credit cards, mortgages....anything? I know if...
  5. Simba15


    <br>I decided to start NAC and bought some at the health food store. Do people take it when they are sick? before they are sick? everyday? Has it helped? How? Thanks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
  6. Simba15

    Itchy Head>sinus>broncho problem

    <br>Every year I got the same symptoms: everything in side my sinus cavity and ears is VERY itchy (feels like a bad cold coming - but I never have cold they do right into this), then I start producing mucus - usually clear and thick - then that clogs up sinuses (already had sinus surgery last...
  7. Simba15

    Itchy Head>sinus>broncho problem

    <br>Every year I got the same symptoms: everything in side my sinus cavity and ears is VERY itchy (feels like a bad cold coming - but I never have cold they do right into this), then I start producing mucus - usually clear and thick - then that clogs up sinuses (already had sinus surgery last...
  8. Simba15

    Itchy Head>sinus>broncho problem

    <br>Every year I got the same symptoms: everything in side my sinus cavity and ears is VERY itchy (feels like a bad cold coming - but I never have cold they do right into this), then I start producing mucus - usually clear and thick - then that clogs up sinuses (already had sinus surgery last...
  9. Simba15

    Shaking Hands

    <br>I would like to avoid shaking people's hands. It is more germs for me to get infected with. Does anyone have a nice was to avoid this?
  10. Simba15


    <br>I was shocked when I got diagnosed to see you should eat alot of carbs (the good kind) with CF. Carbs have made me gain 30 lbs and make my stomach swell up. I now wonder if it is b/c of the CF. I can't eat carbs the way a normal person does. I pack on weight instanteously. I do not have...
  11. Simba15

    Job problems b/c of CF?

    <br>I was wondering if anyone here has been discriminated against at work for having CF. When I was diagnosed I checked with my lawyer. He told me to fill out the intermittent FMLA papers b/c if I didn't I would have no recourse if I was discriminated against. However, the unbalanced HR director...
  12. Simba15

    Diagnosed at age 50

    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">unctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>...