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    I love swimming and this is a question not really cf related but anyway.. is it bad to hold your breath really long underwater?
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    What do you do in the hospital?

    Hi i know this was done in the adults section but just thought id ask here anyway just to see what younger ppl do to pass the time. I like to watch a film or read magazines or something like that<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
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    steroids to give u an appetite?

    I know that a lot of you here dont have a problem when it comes to food and have big appetites. Im the opposite. I eat not because Im hungry but i know I have to. Anyway i was wondering have any of you ever been put on anything like steroids specifically to give you an appetite. I have read of...
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    question4 dr taylor

    ~Hi Dr. TaylorI asked this questsion a few weeks back on the adult board but thought I'd ask you anyway because you're a doctor!My lung functions are 41% at very best. I was wondering, if I do lots of running and stuff will that make them go up? Thanks for reading this!, Shamrock (female, 17)
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    This is a great forum

    I thought I'd just thought and write to say how I love this forum. I only came here for the first time before christmas ( I can't remember when exactly) I've never known anyone with it. Of course Id meet people at clinic and that but I've never really talked to other people about it. Since...
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    Feeding tubes (poll)

    Feeding tubes Just thought I'd try the create a poll thing. Its about feeding tubes
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    Okay im gona sound REAL stupid here but anyway, I'm wondering what lol actually means. Is it lots of love or lots of laughs? Lil stawberry told me what lmao means so im slowly learning all these terms! Lol, <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
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    Our usernames

    Ok, so Im rather bored at the moment (I think thats obvious) and decided to start a new thread. I've seen loadsa weird usernames on here and wondering why they were picked. I picked mine cas it represents where Im from and wanted somthing original!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
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    chat room

    Any one ever go into the chat room? At the moment theres 6 of us logged in!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
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    Lazy or unfit?

    Im just wandering, in gym I can't physically run a round of the running track along with a few of the slightly unfit people in my class due to me getting really breathless. My teacher said that its because we're unfit and we need to get in shape. . My question is, is this true?. Can I, by...
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    Cf and mints!

    Okay these two topics may have no connection but anyway. I am not able to tolerate and sort of Mint like chewing gum without my eyes watering and my face going red. I just find them so hot. Also when it comes to using listerene mouthwash it says you should hold it in your mouth for like...
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    Cf shop-reliability?

    Hi I'm from Ireland and am about to order 5 of the cf awareness bracelets from the cf shop/milan shop. I'm just wondering do they arrive pretty quick or does it take months? How reliable are they? Any information is greatly appreciated! Thanks<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
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    what to do for a living

    Just interested 2c what all you fellow cf'ers do each day (besides meds!) I'm a soon to be psychology student! Any teachers, lawyers, barbers, cleaners, you name it, out there??? Rosie 17 w/cf<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">