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    To the orignal poster: I kinda have mixed feelings about abortion. I think that if a person chooses to terminate a pregnancy for a legitimate reason such as health, being a young age, or even financial stability, then maybe an abortion really is the best option for them. However, if someone...
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    Pulmo-Aide by DeVILBISS

    Does it take ALOT less time then other compressors. I have one that is probably 10 years old. Anyways, I have it at work with me and I have some other kind at home (i'm not what though) But anyways, sometimes I do my treatments here at work and I've noticed before that it doesn't take long at...
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    Pulmo-Aide by DeVILBISS

    Does it take ALOT less time then other compressors. I have one that is probably 10 years old. Anyways, I have it at work with me and I have some other kind at home (i'm not what though) But anyways, sometimes I do my treatments here at work and I've noticed before that it doesn't take long at...
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    Pulmo-Aide by DeVILBISS

    Does it take ALOT less time then other compressors. I have one that is probably 10 years old. Anyways, I have it at work with me and I have some other kind at home (i'm not what though) But anyways, sometimes I do my treatments here at work and I've noticed before that it doesn't take long at...
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    hApPy bIRtHdAy!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">
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    hApPy bIRtHdAy!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">
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    hApPy bIRtHdAy!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">
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    I've been taking it 3 times a week since August 30th. I don't go for another PFT until November 21st, so it'll be a while before I know if I have any improvement. But it doesn't really seem like it has done anything for me so far. I've never had much of a problem with weight gain, so it's not...
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    I've been taking it 3 times a week since August 30th. I don't go for another PFT until November 21st, so it'll be a while before I know if I have any improvement. But it doesn't really seem like it has done anything for me so far. I've never had much of a problem with weight gain, so it's not...
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    I've been taking it 3 times a week since August 30th. I don't go for another PFT until November 21st, so it'll be a while before I know if I have any improvement. But it doesn't really seem like it has done anything for me so far. I've never had much of a problem with weight gain, so it's not...
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    crstal update

    Angela, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. Breath Easy Crystal
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    racing heart

    Whenever I do albuterol in a neb, my heart races and I get really jitterey and feel week. I know use the inhaler and that doesn't really happen anymore.
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    lost wife to cystic fibrosis friday

    Skydl, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that no words that I say, or anyone else, can even begin to ease your pain. My younger brother also has CF and I can't even imagine what it would be like if he lost his fight before me. There is alot of support on this board, so whenever you feel...
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    My Little Bro

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Mike was a very lucky man to have a sister like you. I can only hope to be that kind a sister to my little brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.
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    Congrats to Julie and Mark on their 3 healthy babies. <img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"> And to lightNlife... Your post was very rude and out of place in this thread.
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    Advice PLEASE on FEV1 and FVC

    You should probably find out what your previous FEVs have been to really know if that's low or not. For me personally, that would be low because mine are usually in the high 80s and 90s. I know that your FEVs are not great, but that may be your baseline. So probably just ask your doctors what...
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    CF Sis

    I'm one of those CFers that have a problem with being a little overweight. I'm 5'4" and I weigh 141 lbs. I'm pancreatic insufficient, but I've never had a problem gaining weight. I would like to loose a few lbs because my clothes don't fit me anymore and people have been asking me if I'm...
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    Crystal Update

    I'll be keeping Crystal in my thoughts and prayers.
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    I just read the news this morning. So Sad<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> RIP Steve
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    Is it just me or....

    Everytime I start my Tobi I start feeling like crap. My brother also said the same thing about when he starts Tobi. I was feeling just fine, then I started my Tobi yesterday morning, now I'm coughing like crazy and I've been sneezing and my nose has been running. Maybe it's just me. Also, I...