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  1. S


    <div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lynda</b></i> Now I have a Days question.....does anyone know why they always seem to get jilted at the Daytime Emmy Awards?? It seems that no one ever gets an award, much less a nomination from Days. Has anyone else noticed this...
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    Woman specific issue

    I used to have that happen to me sometimes. It only happend once a month and I only happen probably 5 or 6 times. But it hasn't happened in about 2 1/2 years, so I really don't know what it was.
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    Well, I see that I've already been ratted out, so I'll admit I'm a Days of our Lives junkie. I LOVE it!!! If I'm not on this board, then I'm on my Days of our Lives board debating my favorite couples. It watch it at nite on SoapNet. It's my dirty little secret!!!
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    birthday problems

    Hi Maggie, That's kinda weird. I turned 19 today too. Anyways, there was a really a really dark period in my life where I felt just like you. In fact this is the first birthday in like 3 years that I didn't think to myself "this is gonna be my last" I haven't even been sick and I don't know...
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    Happy Birthday Sarabeth!

    <b>Awwww Thanx!!!! This thread is soooooo sweet. I feel special now<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Only 2 more years now till I'm 21!!!</b>
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    Pictures of Yourself!

    here's me doing one of my treatments... <img src=""> and here's me again... <img src="">
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    I got it!

    YAY!!! I can't wait to see pictures!!!!!!
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    Does the Neb really matter?

    I have a sidestream for my Pulmozyme, but I use Pari for everything else and I think they work the best. I was just wondering what everyone else used for their Pulmozyme
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    I sure wish I knew. My belly gets bloated even when I take my enzymes.
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    I don't know if this happens to other CFers, but sometimes (alot of times actually) my belly gets really bloated. Well today is one of those days. I went to Applebee's to pick up lunch for us in the office and I did the carside to go. Well when the waitress bought our food out she was waiting...
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    Update on John

    I'm so sorry. That really is heartbreaking news. I'll be keeping John and his family in my thoughts and prayers.
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    10 Funny URL names

    LOL!!! Those were pretty funny!!!
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    Thanks everyone!

    Welcome Back!!! I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. I hope things continue to improve for you and BREATH EASY!!!
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    The situation in Lebanon

    I'll be keeping you in my prayers. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going thru right now. I'm so sorry. I wish I had some kind of medicine I could send, so if when I get home I will check and see.
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    OK, I'm confused...

    I haven't read the article yet, but I am taking 4 ADEKs a day and my Vit D levels were low, so they put me on some extra Vit D pills and After I took them for a few months, my levels were STILL low, so we just kinda gave up on getting them up. This same thing also happened to my brother.
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    Update on Shamrock

    <i>That's wonderful news!!!</i><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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    This is a fun test

    i missed every single one of them<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">
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    have i missed something?

    i don't really like it because I have personal questions to ask and I'd rather not sign in. Like my sex question the other day. I wanted to post as anon. I wish registered users had the option to post anon.
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    i just have my ears piecered (only 1 hole) and my tounge. I'd get my belly button, but my gut is too fat.
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    shamrock got her tx

    Yippiee!!! That GREAT news. I'll be sending my thoughts and prayers her way